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Listen to Roses by Shawn Mendes to get the feels for this chapter...

Caterina heard the cries before she woke up. Her eyes being blinded by the lightness of the room.

She felt the boys hand before she could realize and when she turned to look, she saw Spider-Man next to her. She squeezed his hand to let him know she was awake.

"Cat. Oh my god you're awake."

"W-water." She whispered feeling the burning in her throat. The glances he was giving her while pouring the water made her heart hurt.

"Here you go Cat..." he hurried back over to her side and handed her the cup. Her shaky hand grabbing it before slowly bringing it up to her lips. Peter watched her carefully, the IV needle making her wince. She gently set the cup down before taking a deep breath, and then she found out she had stitches.

"This thing stings." She groaned as she sat up a little bit farther, the wound was slowly healing, but it still was going to be awhile before it was fully healed.

"Thank you for not dying. That would've sucked if you would've died in my arms. By the way my names Peter Parker." He introduced himself while she laughed.

Peter looked at her before tangling his hand up with hers. She laughed again a bit before running a hand through her greasy hair. Peter watched her carefully. This girl had been through hell and back.

"Can you help me lay back?" Caterina spoke looking directly into Peters eyes. He nodded and held her back carefully before hearing her groan. Her stomach ached and Peter tried to not flinch. His face clenched as he heard her groans.

"Where's Tony?" She asked looking up at Peter who was still leaning over her. "He's on his way here actually, he visits the same time every day."

She cringed at the thought of seeing Tony, was he going to put her in the prison as well? Her sister crossed her mind just then and she met Peters eyes again. "How's my sister?"

Peter looked away for a second, "She's in prison Cat. They wouldn't let her see you...she might even think you're dead."

Peters heart broke as she started to cry. Her tears running down her cheeks as he wiped them away eagerly. "Shh. You're okay don't put so much stress on yourself."

The knock at the door made them go quiet, Peters head shot up and noticed the door open slightly. Caterina stiffened when she heard the footsteps, "Hey kid."

"H-Hi Mr. Stark." Peter stuttered. Caterina kept her eyes on Peter when he entered. Her grip on his hand tightened as he walked around the corner of the hospital room. "Don't leave me." She whispered knowing his spider senses would kick in. He nodded and sat down again, her hand never leaving his. They're fingers clenched tightly together.

"Hey Cat...how are you feeling?" Tony asked hesitantly. His black eye wasn't getting any better and his arm was now in a sling.

Caterina stayed silent as she refused to talk to the man who put her sister and her second family in prison.

"Ah playing the silent card huh Cat?" She looked away from him and turned her eyes to Peter, who was watching the two interact silently.

"She's a bit tired Mr. Stark...she probably just wants to rest a bit." Peter suggested and cautiously looked to a stone faced Tony.

"Oh okay, but just before I go, I wanted to tell you that you won't be put on the raft due to T'Challa fighting Ross about putting you in there...you'll be staying with Peter and Aunt May for a while." Her heart sped up a bit at the thought of staying with Peter and his Aunt.

Tony soon walked out the door and immediately felt guilty about Caterina laying in the hospital bed. This shouldn't have happened.

"Oh thank god." Caterina exhaled raising her right hand up to wipe her eyes. "Pretty nice news isn't it." Peter smiled.

She closed her eyes tightly when someone else entered the room. Peter got up to greet them as Caterina wondered who it was.

"Hey Peter? How's she doing?" The voice was female, it was most likely Peters aunt. Caterina sat up on her elbows as Peter walked back into view.

"She woke up just 10 minutes ago, she's doing better Aunt May. Uh did you know that she was going to be staying with us?"

"Yeah Tony said she needed a place to stay, because her sister is away for a bit...he didn't say much, but I couldn't let her be out on the streets or worse by herself." The way Aunt May smiled at Peter made Caterina's heart clench. Wanda would always look at her that way.

"Would you like to meet her?" Peter asked carefully, Aunt May nodded before Peter led her farther into the room. "Of course."

"Hey Cat, I brought you someone I think you should meet." She smiled and nodded at Peter. "It's okay Peter."  He helped her fully sit up and she looked at Aunt May with a smile.

Aunt May had noticed her accent, and realized she was Sokovian, but that didn't matter to her. She was now family.

"I'm May Parker but you can call me Aunt May." The woman smiled at her and Caterina giggled a bit. The older woman brought her into a warm embrace and Peter soon joined the group hug.

"I'm Caterina, it's nice to meet you."

And that's it for now at least. There's still plenty more Cat and Peter to come, when Homecoming rolls around. I just wanted to let you all now how much I appreciate all your comments and votes on this story! I started this in May and now it's officially over, there will be a sequel and it will be out after Homecoming comes out next July! So best prepare, I have so many thoughts and ideas for Cat and I cannot wait to show you all of them! So thank you guys again

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