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Caterina and Sam walked slowly, as they were a little ways behind Sharon and Steve. "So is Caitlin here?" Caterina asked trying to make conversation with Sam. "Yeah she's back in the hotel room." Caitlin was his girlfriend and Caterina hadn't seen much of her since the events after Ultron.

"How much you wanna bet that Sharon and Steve will kiss by the end of the month." Sam whispered as they watched the two ahead of them.

"I'll bet 50 bucks they do." Sam whispered, "Alright Sam." She giggled, "Be prepared to owe me some money."

"So anything from Wanda?" Sam asked as they continued. "No she hasn't texted or called yet. I bet she's just busy with Vision."

"He's got the hots for her." Sam smirked before Caterina giggled before she noticed a News report.

"Sam. Come look at this." She walked towards the tv before her heart wrenched with fear.

"Someone bombed Vienna." She heard Sams mumble before she took off running towards Steve who was in the lobby with Sharon.

"Steve you need to see this."

"-A bomb hidden in a news van rips through the UN in Vienna more than 70 people are injured, 12 dead including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of the suspect, who they have identified as James Buccanan Barnes, The Winter Solider. The infamous hydra agent linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations-"

"I need to go to work." Sharon stood in the middle of Sam and Steve who stood frozen in front of the Tv.

Caterina and Caitlin both sat on the couch watching the remains of the building get doused by water from the firemen.

"What are we going to do?" Caterina looked back at Steve and Sam.

"It's time for you all to go and rescue Bucky." Caitlin looked at her boyfriend and his best friend.

Caterina grabbed her little backpack filled with extra clothes and supplies, before walking to the bathroom to change.

"I'm going to go change out of this dress. I'll be back." She looked at Steve who nodded before turning back to Sam.

When Caterina walked into the bathroom the first thing she noticed was how tired she looked. The purple bags under her eyes made themselves very apparent and it startled her.

She saw a text light up on her phone, it was from Wanda.

Vision won't let me leave. I love you Cat.

Cat grabbed the edge of the counter and squeezed. Her own sister was being held hostage by Vision because of what she had done in Lagos.

Caterina was angry, angry at Vision, angry at the government and angry at herself for thinking nothing would happen to this team.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry, she had no more tears left. She gripped the edge of the sink counter and sucked in a breath.

No one else dies. Even Bucky.

Caterina and Sam sat side by side in a Vienna restaurant, they were currently waiting for Steve who was evaluating the situation. Cat just figured he was on the phone with Natasha.

Caterina ate her tomato soup smiling to herself, her mama had always made tomato soup and toasted bread on Saturday nights. Wanda loved to cook and so did Caterina, but Pietro was more of a eating out type of guy.

Her face was clad with aviators and a blue baseball cap on her head. Steve walked up beside the two who were eating and looked straight ahead.

"Did she tell you to stay out of it? Might have a point."

"He'd do it for me."

"1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we considered all our options. The people that shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at me."

"And me." Caterina grumbled.

"Tips have been pouring in since the footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter soldier goes to their gym. Most of it is noise, except for this. My boss expects a briefing and he pretty much knows, so... that's all the answer you're going to get." Sharon pushed the file towards the trio.

"Thank you."

"And you're going to have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight."


"Heads up, Cap. German special forces approaching from the south." Caterina stood at the top of the apartment building watching and waiting. Sam beside her.


"Do you know me?"

"You're Steve."

"I read about you at the museum."

"They've set the perimeter." Caterina hunched down watching the special forces with wide eyes.

"I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying."

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore."

"They're entering the building." Sam warned Steve who was still trying to coax Bucky out.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive."

"That's smart. Good strategy."

"They're on the roof. We're compromised." Caterina and Sam then jumped off the building. Sam using his wings and Caterina using her ability to land on a lower level. She carefully hid behind a electrical box and waited.

"This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck."

"It always ends in a fight."

"5 seconds." Caterina counted down.

"You pulled me from the river. Why?"

"I don't know."

"3 seconds!" Sam warned.

"Yes, you do."

"Breach! Breach! Breach!" Sam yelled before Caterina pushed herself up and watched the building.

A black backpack quickly fell to the ground. Caterina ran to it and looked at Bucky, who was currently mid air. He landed by Cats feet, who looked at him with a raised brow.

"Cmon we have to go now."

She heaved him up and tried to get off the roof.

"W-who are you?" Bucky asked, "I'm Cat."

"Well who's that?" Bucky questioned as she saw someone block their way. "I have no idea."

"I do not wish to hurt you." The masked man spoke with an accent, which made Caterina's mind race with the possibilities.

"Well I'm not letting you touch him." The green hues emitting from her hands making Bucky take a step back in fear.

She was enhanced.

"Well then." The man lunged forward and Caterina pushed the green hues towards him. The man got thrown back, hitting a electrical box.

"Sam, south-west rooftop."

"Who the hell is the other guy?"

"You're about to find out."

Sorry this took so long. I was busy doing college work and setting up everything for next year. This originally was over 1650 words but Wattpad deleted it all:( next chapter should be up this weekend!

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