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"Secretary Ross has a congressional medal, that's one more than you have!" Rhodey pointed at Sams chest as they argued. Caterina sighed as she sat on the armrest of Steve's chair while he flipped through the book.

Tony had a hand over his face, he looked like he was done with life; "Headache?" Caterina asked looking at him. He nodded and she looked around the room.

"Let's say we agree to this, and they load jack us like a bunch of criminals." Sam explained, "117 countries want to sign this, 117 Sam and you're just like no it's cool." Rhodey retaliated.

"How long are you going to play both sides?"

"I have a equation!" Vision spoke from beside Caterina's sister who played with her hands. Steve looked up at Caterina who shrugged, her face full of surprise.

"Oh this is going to clear it up." Sam snorted.

"In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, a number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially and in during the same period a number of potentially world ending events has risen at a comense rate-"

"Are you saying it's our fault?" Caterina looked back at Steve as he spoke up making her tense.

"I'm saying that maybe a cousalaty, our very strength invites challenge, challenge insights conflict, and conflict breeds catastrophe..."

Caterina shivered at his words, she was scared and confused.

"Boom." She heard Rhodeys response.

"Tony, your being uncharacteristically non hyper verbal." Natasha looked at Tony before he moved his hand down his face.

"It's because he already has made up his mind..." Caterina whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Steve stared at Tony with disbelief.

"Boy you know me so well kid." Tony got up and moved towards the kitchen, "Actually I'm nursing a electro-magnetic headache...That's what's going on Cap, just pain discomfort...who's putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bread and breakfast for a biker gang?" Tony put his mug down before moving his screen at an angle and projecting a image.

The African American man was very young to Caterina's brain as she registered Tonys devastated facial expression.

"Oh that's Charles Spencer by the way, great kid, computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a four level gig plan for the fall, but first he wanted to put a few miles on his soul before he parked it behind a desk...see the world, be of service, Charlie didn't go to Vegas, which is what I would do, or Fort Lauderdale, he didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, that sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor, guess where? Sokovia."

Caterina looked down when he spoke of her home. She felt Steves hand touch her knee lightly as she met his blue eyes. He smiled tightly at her before she looked up again.

The team was silent, Wanda looked upset and Rhodey looked down.

"He wanted to make a difference I suppose, of course we won't know cause we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass." Tony stated putting both of his hands on the counter.

Caterina looked down again and begun to play with her hands. She heard Tony make his way back over to the team, "There's no decision making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes I'm game. If we can't accept limitations we're boundrieless, we are no better than the bad guys..."

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