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Caterina had sat in between Vis and Wanda at the table, she routinly played with her hands when the Secretary of State started speaking.

"Five years ago, I had a heart attack, I dropped right in the middle of my back swing."

Caterina didn't know what he was talking about by the back swing comment, She didn't understand American sports...they didn't amuse her.

"Turns out it was the best moment of my life, after thirteen hours of surgery, and a triple by-pass, I found something forty years in the army never taught me...Perspective."

Caterina looked up to see Rhodey looking intently at Secretary Ross, interested in what he had to say.

"The world owes the Avengers an unplayable debt, you have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives, but while a great many people see you as heroes there are some who prefer the word vigilante."

"And what word would you use Mr. Secretary?" Caterina turned her head to Natasha as she spoke, eyes meeting Steve and he gave her a reassuring smile.

"How about dangerous...what would you call a group of U.S based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignores sovereign borders, and inflict their will wherever they chose and who...frankly seem unconcerned about what they leave behind." Secretary Ross moved towards the side of the screen before Wanda decided to grab her little sisters hand. They needed to support each other, they were all each other had.

Vision looked at Caterina and Wandas movements before looking back at the screen, touched by how they acted.

Steve also looking towards Caterina, she was the youngest which meant she could be taken away from all of them.

"New York."

The damage of the Chitauri essentially too much for Rhodey as he looked back to meet Natasha's gaze. Caterina looked on not knowing why those aliens were here in the first place. She wasn't even apart of the Avengers yet, cause she was living a normal life in Sokovia.

"Washington D.C."

The day S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra both fell or so they thought. Caterina squeezed her sisters hand as the images of the ships shooting at each other lit up the screen. She looked back at Sam as he looked down, he was disappointed in himself, he was on that mission.

Wanda and Caterina both looked at each other clearly knowing what scene was next.


Caterina's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at her broken home, she sucked in a deep breath, she let that happen. If she had done more she could've prevented it from happening. The images of people screaming and crying were forever imprinted in her mind, the image of Sokovia floating in the air.

A tear rolled down her face and Steve had noticed, his mouth falling open a bit as he let out a shaky breath, he had not seen her cry since her brother died. The memories that surfaced with looking at the video making it too much for her to bear.

Wanda held a neutral face the entire time the scene had played out. She tried her best to forgive herself about what happened to their country, but she still resented herself for allowing her family to be sucked into it.


Wanda's face immediately hardened and Caterina's hand squeezed her hand again.

Couldn't he see that these images were hurting them?

Wanda and Caterina both looked at the images of people running out of the burning building, people laying dead or wounded on the ground. Wanda couldn't handle it anymore so she looked away, she couldn't handle to continue looking at the scenes.

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