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"Rumlow has a biological weapon!" Caterina heard his voice through the comms.

"I'm on it!"

"Sam he's in a AFB heading North!" Caterina felt her sisters hand grab hers tightly before they both took off, moving people out of the way as they ran.

"I got four...they're splitting up!"

"I got the two on the left."

"He ditched the gear, it's a shell game now, one of them has the payload." Steve sounded like he was pushed hard as he was speaking in the comm.

Rumlow must've found him.

"Wanda where are we going?!" Caterina tried to get out while panting. "We have to meet Steve...Rumlow will be going to find him."

Wanda continued to drag her sister through the market, clearing people as they went through the maze, Caterina suddendly lost her sisters hand in the mass of people. She looked around for her sister, "Wanda where are you?"

"He doesn't have it. I'm empty!" Sam yelled out, they needed to find the weapon before it killed anyone.

"Cat stay where you are." She heard Nat say in her ear, they clearly didn't want her nowhere near Rumlow.

"Payload secure...thanks Sam." Natasha said as Cat let out a breath.

"Don't thank me." Sam replied, "I am not thanking that thing."

"His names RedWing!" Cat corrected. "Try and pet him he's nice." Sam loved that little bird like thing.

"Who's your buyer?" Steve had Rumlow, "What did you say?"

She then saw a object go up into the air, Rumlow, red hues surrounding the explosion disappear.

She then watched it explode into the side of the building. The orange flames attacking the side of the building.

"Oh my god." She mumbled as she heard people screaming.

"Wanda." She mumbled quickly running to where the front of building was.

"Guys!" She yelled, trying to get the attention of her teammates.

"Sam we need fire and rescue for the south side of the building. We gotta get up there." She heard Steve say sadly.

Caterina couldn't believe it, Wanda was just trying to do the right thing. So she ran as fast as she could, she saw Wanda still on the ground with a expression of disbelief.

"Wanda come on we have to get out of here." Caterina whispered kneeling in front of her sister who looked dazed.

"It's my fault." She mumbled reminding Caterina of the battle in Sokovia.

"Wanda come on!" Caterina pulled her sister up and ran to the Jet.

This mission had gone wrong and Wanda was blaming herself...

Caterina sat with Wanda on her bed in their shared room, she rubbed Wandas back gently as the news played out in front of them.

"What legal authority does an enhanced human beings like Wanda and Caterina Maximoff have to operate in Nigera?"

The tv shut off as Wanda closed her eyes, Caterina turned and saw Steve In their doorway.

"It's my fault." Wanda mumbled, "It's not your fault."

"Turn the tv back on they are being very specific about Caterina and I." Wanda had her knee up and her elbow rested on it. Her bare feet touching the side of Caterina's thigh making her flinch.

Caterina slowly stood up going over to the family photos...Pietro, their mama and papa. She missed her mother and father terribly, and her brother getting killed was the hardest feeling she ever had to heal from.

"I should've clocked that bomb. Rumlow said 'Bucky' and all of a sudden I was a 16 year old kid in Brooklyn."

Caterina sadly smiled at him before he came and sat down next to Wanda. She then decided to sit in the office chair by the desk watching the two interact.

Steve was always like their big brother, he accepted them for who they are, he didn't look at them like monsters. He saw them as two young girls trying to make it in hard world.

"People died. It's on me..."

"It's on all of us." Caterina mumbled as Steve looked over at her, watching her tired eyes move down towards her hands.

"This job...we try to save as many people as we can, sometimes that doesn't mean everybody, but if you can't find a way to live with that, next time maybe nobody can save it."

Wanda nodded her head and looked at Steve for a moment before Vision appeared out of nowhere startling Caterina.

"VIS! We talked about this!" Wanda said,  seeing Steve look at Vision with wide eyes.

"What did we say about doing that?!" Caterina wiped her tired eyes once more before standing up.

"Yes, but the door was opened so I assumed-" he pointed towards the door, Caterina raised a brow when he saw what he was wearing.

He looked snazzy, was he trying to get a date with her sister? She knew he had a thing for Wanda and she liked him too. It was only a matter of time.

"Captain Rogers, wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving." Vision spoke softly to the three in the room.

"Thank you I'll be right down." Steve nodded gratefully before Vision pointed at the door again. "I'll use the door..."

Caterina giggled seeing him smile at her before he stopped in the doorway.

"Oh and apparently he's brought a guest."

"Do you know who it is?" Steve questioned.

"The Secretary of State."

Caterina looked at her sister wide eyed before opening her mouth, "Well that makes me even more nervous."

Not as long as the first chapter but I'm trying to bust all these out for you all! This chapter is dedicated to the lovely lovingsprayberry because her Peter Parker fic is bomb AF.

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