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A/N: hey it's the author again, still crimgy but bearable.


Julian looked at me strange for the next few days but I ignored his stares because if I noticed them he would talk to me.

I told myself that I didn't like Julian but I still do not know why I made lov- had sex with him. Maybe because you loved him.

"I'm going down to the beach," I said, I told everyone that I was going alone. I wanted to be alone, alone from my secret drama.

I shifted my feet into the sand, feeling the coldness in the earth. I let out a long breath, thinking about the past year's events. Cortana shifted on my hips as I dug deeper.

I thought about how it felt kissing Julian, how his mouth pressed against mine, moving with mine. How it was passionate, wanting, a desire. How his breath felt against my skin as he said my name. Then I thought about the beach.

I closed my thoughts as I heard someone coming down to the beach with me. Mark.

"Hey Emma," he said, quiet in his thick Wild Hunt accent. He placed his hand on my shoulder knowing it's really him, I shied the hand away.

"You know I wanted to be alone," I said softly, anger in my voice. I wanted Julian but I couldn't, I couldn't.

"I know but I wanted to see you, you've seemed down for the past week." I had to admit it, I was torn apart and down. I felt weak and Emma Carstairs is never weak.

I didn't replied I just stared of into the never ending ocean. It somehow reminded me of my brain, miles and miles of crap I wish that wasn't there. "I am okay and I don't need you to be checking on me, really I'm fine. I just have a few thoughts I need repairing."

He nodded, heading back to the institution, he stopped, turned to me, "Emma, I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

He left without another word.

I burrowed my feet deeper in the sand, feeling water, all the way out here? I let out a longer breath, breathing heavily, feeling at peace.

I did this a lot. Trying to be alone because when I'm alone, I can actually breathe and think. Thinking is what I can't do in my room because I can always voice throughout the institution and I hated that.

I fell back on the sand, not caring if sand was get everywhere. I wanted to sleep out here, feel like I was free instead of being held back by the Blackthorns but they're my family.

I heard a hissing noise behind me, I sat up, twisting to see a creature unlike anything I've ever seen. A demon? I didn't know what it was. I couldn't see what type of demon it was. Is it a demon I've never seen before?  Sharp jaw, hallowed eyes that had black pits, long pointed head. It has a long body, reaching 8 feet, all purple. It looked as if amethyst was alive. It has claws, long sharp black claws that looked almost invisible in the dark night. It was indeed frightening.

The demon made a hissing noise, as his sharp claws, whipping at me. I moved quickly to the side, grasping Cortana out of its sheath, bringing it into my holding position, ready to attack. It clawed at the spot again, squirting dark purple liquid into the air, some of the mysterious liquid flung on to me. I used my hand to wipe it off my face as I used my blade, trying the kill the demon.

I swung at the demon as it continued to claw at the spot I was standing in when it tried to kill me. It didn't move from its position, it stood there, swinging in the same spot. I wiped the forming sweat from my brows, very confused as what was happening. I swung at it again, this time stabbing it in the heart which made a disgusting noise. I wasn't squeamish at all so that didn't effect me.

It disappeared rather unusual. It made a white glow where the demon laid, a big bright light with purple light shot out of the openings make a unfamiliar noise. It broke into a million pieces, shattering like glass then disappearing into its home dimension.

Demons didn't die, they only die a certain way. When you stab a demon it returns into its dimension. But this, this was different, new. It was scary.

I fell back on the sand, sweating profusely, shocked about what demon that was. I panted as closed my eyes quickly, feeling a shake in the world.

I opened my eyes, startled, questioning what had happened. What the-

I stood up, balancing but dizzy. I found my way back to the institution. I was deathly scared. What happened? What the hell happened? What was that demon? What did it shoot out? I need to tell Julian now. No, I don't  I can wait until morning or tell Mark right now. I opened the institution as I felt a disturbing shake in my mind. My mind?

I walked to the restroom as I heard a scream. Julian. I rushed to his bedroom, seeing him yelling, yelling for me. Me.

"EMMA," he shouted, crying, trying to breathe. I rushed up to him, trying to calm him. Not touching him.

"Julian it's alright I'm here it's alright." He didn't even look my way. I almost touched him, not knowing what I would do if I did.

I heard Livvy and Ty burst into the room, running towards him. I was telling them what happened. They didn't even look at me, they ignored me.

Mark bursted into the room, I rushed over to him, repeating his name as he asked where I was. I am right here!

Julian finally calmed down. He was crying, touching his heart. No not his heart, his parabatai rune.

I walked over to him, saying his childhood name. I wanted to scream. I really wanted to scream. I lip quivered violently, but I held back.

Ty kept asking what was wrong. Julian was struggling as he spoke my name. I felt my heart jump, he said it the way he said it to me.

A faint glow came from his shirt, just above his heart. It glowed as Julian yelped in pain. Mark quickly ripped his shirt of, exposing his stomach. His parabatai rune shined blinding white light. That only happens when the other parabatai is in trouble, dying.

"Where is Emma?" Mark pleaded, almost crying. Crying. My head spun as I rushed over to Julian, touching him. Feeling him. He felt real to me.

Julian looked at where I was touching him. Am I invisible?

I shed a tear on his arm, whimpering. Julian was panicking as he looked at his arm. "Jules," I spoke.

"Emma," he whispered as the light fade. Mark flung the lights on as Ty asked what happened.

Livvy choked up a cough as she flooded her face in tears. I walked to see Julian's chest. He moaned in pain, placing his hand over the rune. I already knew what happened. Mark's face streamed with tears.

"Julian's parabatai rune faded," Mark muttered, "Emma is dead."

I took a step back, no no no. I am right here I am alive. I am living I can see and feel everything. I can hear. "I am right here," I yelled, my eyes started to water, "I am not dead."

'Indeed, you're not', a voice in my head said in a robot tone, emotionless. 'But for them, you're dead.' I started to scream. "Why am I dead for them?" I felt anger and sadness welling up inside me ready to burst.

'Because Emma,'the voice said, 'you will never be a Blackthorn. You never be apart of them and who they are.'

I was startled by its words. "Who are you?" I spoke suddenly.

'I am Annabel.'


A/N: I am sorry. Maybe. Anyway, what do y'all think? No? Cliff Hanger? Yeah. I'll post another chapter soon. I've had this started since May 3rd and I just finished editing it on how I want it so sorry if there is a massive plot hole I did my best.

I'm going to start posting chapters on Friday.

Jemma BlackstairsWhere stories live. Discover now