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Apparently, I'm in another universe that Annabel so kindly placed me into again. I looked around at my surroundings as Jace slowly lifted the blade off my throat and turned around. "Emma?"

I glanced at him and smiled and used my moves and knocked him. This world isn't real, it's Annabel messing with me by taking apart my life and putting it into a hell of her sort.

Jace laid on the floor but it was obvious it wasn't him at all, he looked different as well as Julian looked different. This isn't real.

"You hear that Annabel?" I called out and Annabel piped into my head.

'I do.'


"What do you want?" I yelled out, not giving a care in the world. I heard a door open and saw Julian walking out, asking what I am doing.

I held Cortana in my hand and cringed at other-world Julian's footsteps and facial expression.

By the time he reached me, I was getting more frustrated with how much of my life went to crap in the last several months and how everything just wants me to murder everyone.

Julian reached me and slowly tried help me put Cortana down, "please Emma, don't kill yourself or hurt yourself, I don't want that."

An idea rang inside me.

This is Annabel's world and fake Julian is one of Annabel's character, so fake Julian saying that mean that Annabel is making him say that. Concluding those thoughts, Annabel doesn't want me to kill myself in this world.

She won't have control of me anymore.

Julian helped me lower Cortana but I quickly moved my sword up and sliced fake Julian's hand and stabbed my sword through my head as Annabel said No.


I sat up in the sand and felt a headache pain it's way through me. I think I'm back.

The ocean seemed salter and the air seemed sweeter. I slowly gathered myself up and rushed back to the institution and saw Julian talking Mark near the training room, "I'm telling you I saw Emma, clear as freaking day and she was beautiful as ever but she was breaking without anyone, she was breaking without me."

I rushed over to them and stopped in my tracks, Julian and Mark looked over at me and my eyes connected to Julian's and Mark rushed over to me, combining his body with mine, crying.

"Emma," Mark cried.

When he let me touch the floor again, Jules walked over to me and hugged me lightly in a more meaningful hug and then wrote on my arm. C-O-M-E T-O M-Y R-O-O-M T-O-N-I-G-H-T.

Julian smiled at me and I squeezed him harder then letting go.

Mark started attacking me with question, "How are you alive? Where were you? How come it looked like you died? Why did Julian's parabatai rune fade? Are you guys no longer parabatai?"

"I don't know Mark," I told. I said I was dizzy from whatever happened to me and I wanted to go to sleep. It was about a little after noon and I was exhausted. I haven't slept in ages and I just want to sleep for six months straight.

I hurried to my room as I over heard Kit and Ty talking about Watson and Sherlock Holmes. Livvy was banging on Ty's bedroom door to let her in and then Livia saw me and I heard a shattered gasp come from me then long sprints. She came crashing into my arms as I saw Cristina's door open.


I let go of Livvy and hugged Cristina. "I missed you chica. Where have you been?" I told her that I needed to sleep and will discuss everything tomorrow.

I opened my bedroom door and fell onto my bed.


It was about ten o'clock when I finally woke up to a light knock at my door, I rubbed my eyes, opening to door. Jules.

Julian smiled at me and touched my hair as I touched his cheek. I hugged him again and spoke into his shirt, "I thought I was going to go to your room?"

Julian eyes stared into mine and he shook his head, "I couldn't keep away." He pressed into me as I felt him shake violently. "God, Emma I missed you, I miss this."

I felt hot tears drift from his face onto my face as more tears dripped from my face. "I missed you to Jules."

I looked into his deep blue-green eyes and felt my heart bursting out of my chest each second. "Can I?"

I blinked. "Can you what?" I asked.

"Kiss you." He took a long breath and lowered his face towards mine and I broke away. His eyes had plead in them, "Emma, you're killing me. The law doesn't apply to us anymore. We aren't parabatai." He glanced at my arm. "Look," he continued, "your rune has faded too."

I glanced at my arm, gasping. "By the angel." My eyes were heavy from sleep but I felt as if I had so many tears. "We aren't Parabatai."

I don't know what happened next but shadows surrounded me as I fell and Julian quickly caught me.



sorry for not updating

I had school and shit

its the summer now

I promise to update more :)

Jemma BlackstairsWhere stories live. Discover now