Loosen Up And Have Some Pun

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Inspired by the people who won't stop making puns in the comments of my fics. Some days I love you, some days I just want to delete all your comments and block you. It depends on the pun.

Nico stared boredly at the back of Will's head, watching as he organized the medicine cabinet. He had agreed to assist Will in the infirmary, but it had been an unusually slow day. So far, the only person who had come in was Harley, who had cut his hand while working in the forge. 

"Will, I'm bored," Nico whined, flopping onto one of the cots. 

Will turned to his boyfriend, "We'll be done soon, you big baby. Only fifteen more minutes and my shift is over."

"Fifteen minutes is too long," Nico answered. 

Will sighed and approached the cot. He seated himself on the edge, the mattress dipping under his weight. He wrapped his arms around Nico and pulled the smaller boy to his chest. "That's not that bad if you look on the bright side," Will replied, smirking. 

Nico groaned. "Not puns. Anything but puns."

"Personally, I think my puns are pretty sunny," Will continued. 

Nico squirmed in his arms, "Stop! Stop! Stop it!"

Will stifled a giggle, "I heard Apple is designing a car, but they're having trouble installing the windows."

"Why must you do this to me?" Nico sighed, rolling on his back to face the blond. 

Will grinned, "Come on, you know you want to join in."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

Nico narrowed his eyes, "You're dead to me."

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