The Proposal

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A/N: Hello, readers! This is a pretty short one shot I wrote just to pass the time. Again, it's kind of crappy, but I hope you appreciate it anyway. If you want to make a request, leave a comment down below and I'll consider it.

*Please note: This is set about 11 years after BoO. Nico is around 25 and Will is about 26.

Nico slipped his hand into the pocket of his jacket and felt his fingers brush a small velvet box. Tonight was the night, he was finally going to ask Will to marry him. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. Everything's going to be fine, he thought. Just stay calm. Though he didn't like to admit it, Nico had been dreaming of his wedding day since he was a child. He was always embarrassed by the fact that he was a bit of a hopeless romantic.

He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by the back of Will's hand gently brushing his fingers. "Everything okay?" Will asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

Nico nodded. "Fine, everything's fine," he lied. Will flashed him a winning smile before looping his arm through Nico's and entering the restaurant.

Nico had planned this night to be perfect. He had worked a few jobs and saved up enough money to take Will to dinner at a fancy french place in Manhattan. He made sure that neither of them had any other plans that night so it would just be them. He even bothered to call several days in advance to make a reservation and explain his plan to propose to Will so that the restaurant could help him make the night extra special. He ended up chatting with a the hostess for ten minutes, which, by Nico's standards, was quite an accomplishment.

The two demigods followed a waiter to a small table near the back of the restaurant. Nico noticed that they had given them a table in the quieter part of the restaurant. The only other occupants were another couple sitting several tables away, quietly chatting over dinner. The waiter handed each of them a menu as they sat down before scurrying off to serve another table.

Will opened the menu and began scanning it. Nico's eyes darted between the menu and Will. His heart was racing, his palms were sweating, a million different thoughts rushed through his brain.

Will looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes, I'm positive nothing's wrong," Nico insisted. Will's eyes lingered on him skeptically for a moment before he returned his attention to the menu.

The waiter returned shortly and took their orders. He arrived with their food about fifteen minutes later. Will immediately dug in. He talked excitedly the entire meal, telling Nico about how med school was going, filling him in on his last visit with his mom, and ranting about some professor at his university. Nico, on the other hand, didn't eat a bite. His stomach was a bundle of nerves. He felt like he was soaked in his own sweat. How did people do this without having a nervous breakdown?

The two quickly finished dinner. "You didn't have to do this you know," Will said as the waiter carried away their plates.

Nico felt his stomach clench. It was time. "Actually, Will, I did," he began. "We've been together for about six years now, and we've been best friends for more than ten years. You've been kind to me even when I really didn't deserve it, and you've loved me even when I'm being an asshole. There are a lot of things in the world that I'm not sure of, but I'm sure of me and you." He slid out of his chair and crouched on one knee in front of Will. He produced the small velvet box from his back pocket and opened it, revealing a beautiful ring with a black band and a single strip of gold cutting through the darkness like a ray of sunshine in a dark room. Nico took a deep breath, "Will Solace, will you marry me?"

Will eyes teared up. "Yes! Yes!" he exclaimed. Nico stood, wrapped his arms around Will's neck, and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips met, and Nico saw fireworks. He couldn't have imagined a more perfect night.

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