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WARNING: Slightly smutty. (By that I mean it contains nudity and it's implied. There isn't anything graphic.)

Nico shivered as Will ran his hands down his bare torso. Tan, calloused fingers brushed his skin, leaving trails of warmth wherever they touched. His muscular body was illuminated by the silvery light of the full moon, making him look like an angel sent from heaven. He watched as Will's blue eyes hungrily took him in. He planted soft kisses down Nico's neck and across his collar bone. He paused at Nico's shoulder and grinned. Gently, he reached out a single finger and traced the three large scars that began at his shoulder and extended half way down his bicep. 

"I remember these," Will whispered. 

Nico smiled at the memory of his fourteen year-old self stumbling into Camp Half Blood with Reyna close behind him after traveling three thousand miles with a giant statue strapped to his back. He had been injured after being attacked by a pack of werewolves while trying to return to the camp. Will had fussed over the wounds for months. Even after Nico was released from the infirmary he continued to do everything he could to heal them. Eventually, they finally closed and Will was able to sleep at night knowing Nico was in good health. 

Will leaned down and kissed the scars. His silky blond curls tickled Nico as they brushed his arm. Will lifted his head and continued down Nico's body until he reached his chest. A long, thin scar ran diaganolly across Nico's chest.

Will ran a hand across the scar, "Beautiful." Will leaned his head against Nico's peck and listened to the soft rythm of his heart. 

Nico's cheeks grew warm at Will's compliment. This scar was an old one. He had gained it in the labryinth during a run in with a particularly viscious chimera. During the fight, the monster lashed out with one of it's enormous claws. Nico was fast enough to get out of the way of a blow that would've surely killed him, but not quite quick enough to esacpe the chimera entirely. The beast's claw sliced through the flesh on his chest, leaving a wound that would take weeks to fully recover from. 

Will shifted lower so that his face was inches from Nico's left hand. He noticed a scar about the size of a band aid on the side of his hand. The skin on the scar had contracted and become a pale shade of pink. 

Nico remembered that scar well. He had gotten it during his time in Tartarus. He had been running from a giant when he suddenly tripped. Before he fell onto a bed of scorching hot rocks, he managed to catch himself with his hand. He recalled the horrible sensation that he felt when his hand made contact with the rocks. Fire shot through his veins, making him want to cry out in agony. He shook away the memory. He didn't want to think about that now. 

Will entwined his fingers with Nico's and kissed the scar. He released the other boy's hand and stood.

"Will, I know my scars aren't that pretty-" Nico began. 

Will interrupted him by pulling him close and kissing him. Nico savored the feeling of Will's soft lips moving in sync with his own. Finally, they pulled apart. "You're scars are the prettiest things I've ever seen," Will said. Nico couldn't help but blush. Will tangled his hands in Nico's hair and kissed him once more. "Never forget how beautiful you are, Nico, scars and all," he murmured. 

Nico buried his face in Will's shoulder, taking in the aroma of fresh laundry and shampoo. "I won't, Will."

AN: Nobody requested this, I've just had this idea banging around in my head for several days and I finally sat down and wrote it. It's kind of short, but I don't think it's that bad. If you want to leave a request, please do so by either messaging me or leaving a comment below. Thank you all for your comments and votes, they mean so much to me! ~Yazi

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