Don't Let Me Be Gone

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Nico thought his days of constant sadness and misery were over. Yet here he was, wandering through the woods alone on a sunless January day, his chest tight with grief. An icy wind whipped across his face, causing his eyes to water. He wanted nothing more than to find Will and curl up beside him while the son of Apollo kissed his face and promised him that everything would be okay. But unfortunately, Will was gone.

It was supposed to be a simple quest. Will had volunteered to go with Lou Ellen and Austin to retrieve a magical artifact that had somehow ended up in the hands of a wealthy mortal and was causing all kinds of chaos. They were expected to be gone for three days, tops. It had been a week and there was still no sign of them.

Nico continued down the path through the forest. The bare branches seem to reach for him, ready to snatch him from the path and drag him into the woods, never to be seen again. Everything was silent save for the crunch of snow under Nico's feet.

He finally reached the edge of the forest. The trees ended and the path widened, giving way to a drop off that overlooked the western border of the camp. He approached the edge of the drop off and sat down in the snow, dangling his feet over the edge.

From this spot, Nico could see everything. The land spread below him, blanketed in a thick layer of fresh snow. The gloomy sky above was reflected in the choppy waters of Long Island Sound. Thalia's tree stood sentry along the camp's border, the Golden Fleece in its branches standing out against the white landscape. If he weren't in such a dreadful mood, he might've enjoyed the view. He probably would've hurried back to camp and grabbed Will from the infirmary just to bring him here. Will.

He missed their playful banter. He missed sitting behind all the other campers during campfire, stealing kisses and giggling like a pair of fools. He missed helping Will out in the infirmary, feeling useful for once. He missed the feeling of Will's arms wrapped around him, reminding him that he was safe and loved. 

Before Nico knew it, tears were streaming down his cheeks. All he wanted in that moment was Will, and for all Nico knew, Will could be dead. 

Soon he was sobbing uncontrollably, his heart aching for his sunshine. 

I need you.

He could only think of Will's infectious grin and gorgeous blue eyes. How badly he wanted to see them again.

I love you.

He got to his feet and cursed the fates. Will didn't deserve it. Why couldn't it have been him?

Please don't go. 

Nico fell to his knees and remained there in silence. The world around him was quiet except for the sounds of his pained, ragged breaths. 

Don't let me be gone.

AN: Wow, look, an update! Okay, so this one wasn't really requested, I just felt like writing something kind of angsty so this just kind of happened. I'm finally in my new house and everything is a total mess and most of my stuff is still packed up in boxes. I'm also supposed to start school in about a week (*cough* Kill me *cough*) so my schedule will be a lot busier and I don't know how much time I'll have to write. If you gave me a prompt and I still haven't written it I'm so sorry. Stuff is just really crazy right now and I have a lot of other people who want their prompts done and I am still working on "Odd One Out". Hopefully, things will improve. But for now, please bear with me. I am considering closing request soon until I finish up the prompts I already have. But, as of now, they are still open. If you have an idea for a oneshot, please either leave it in the comments or message me. I will not accept it any other way. If I decide to close requests, I will be sure to let you know. ~Yazi

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