Seeking Solace

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This prompt was submitted by playsgnote.

Nico's lungs felt as dry as a bone as he inhaled the thick, poisonous air of Tartarus. He limped across the rocky landscape, praying that he wouldn't encounter another monster anytime soon. He wasn't sure he could survive another attack. His body was covered in fresh wounds that burned with every step he took. He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten. 

A wave of exhaustion crashed over him and he collapsed. Desperatley, Nico clawed his way forward. The jagged rocks under him tore through his clothes and scraped his skin. He gritted his teeth and forced one hand in front of the other. He couldn't stop now. He had to keep moving. 

The voices around him laughed. "It would be much easier to lay here and wait for something to come put you out of your misery, you know," they hissed. 

"No," Nico groaned. He continued to pull himself  forward.

"What's waiting for you up there, boy? Your family is dead. Your father doesn't care about you. Camp Half Blood doesn't want you. Percy Jackson won't be happy to see you. All that awaits you is a lifetime of loneliness and misery," they said. 

"I have to make it out of here. I have to make it out of here," Nico repeated to himself. 

"Poor boy. So alone, so sad," the voices whispered. Nico imagined small, bony creatures with shriveled black skin and red eyes hiding in the darkness of Tartarus, wearing monstrous grins  and hissing these evil words as they watched him suffer. 

His energy was draining fast. Pretty soon he wouldn't be able to continue. He attempted to push himself off the ground, but his arms didn't have the strength. He fell onto the ground once more while the voices laughed and taunted him. 

"Give up! Give up! Give up! Give up! Give up!" the voices chanted. Their sinster cry grew louder and louder until it was all Nico could hear. It filled his ears and rang through his body, filling him with a cold dread that chilled him to the core. Tears gathered in his eyes, threatening to spill over. 

This was it. He was going to die alone at the bottom of Tartarus with no one around but the voices. He couldn't take it anymore. He let out a blood curdling cry and began thrashing on the sharp rocks.

"Nico! Nico, wake up!" a voice cried. But it wasn't one of the demons that tortured Nico night and day. This voice was warm, soothing and familiar. "Nico, wake up!"

Suddenly, Nico opened his eyes. He was no longer lost in the depths of Tartarus, wounded and dying while the voices screamed around him. Instead, he was laying in bed, drenched in sweat. 

"Nico, are you okay?" It was the voice again. Nico rolled onto his side and spotted Will laying beside him. 

"I-I'm fine," Nico replied.

Will frowned. "Don't lie to me, Nico. Something's wrong and I know it," he said. 

Nico sighed, "I had another nightmare."

"About Tartarus?" Will inquired. 

"About Tartarus." Nico confirmed. 

Will wrapped his muscular arms around Nico's small frame and pulled him close. Nico immieditely relaxed. He pressed himself against Will's warm body and buried his face into his chest. 

"Can you tell me about the nightmare?" Will asked. 

Nico pulled his head away from Will's torso. "I was dying. I felt so weak and there were these horrible voices all around me, mocking me. I couldn't even stand up. I fell and I had to pull myself along the ground with my hands." He shook his head, "I felt so weak, Will. My lungs burned, everything hurt, I wanted to get out but my body wasn't strong enough."

Will ran his fingers through Nico's hair. "It's okay, Nico," he assured him. 

"They said I was alone. They said there was nothing waiting for me on the other side," Nico continued. 

"Well then they lied," Will answered. "You have me."

"What if something happens to you? What if one day you stop loving me?" Nico squeaked. 

Will leaned forward and gave Nico a gentle kiss. "I won't stop loving you. Not ever," he whispered. 

"You're sure?" Nico asked.

Nico could make out Will's grin in the darkness. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. It doesn't matter what those voices in your head say. Tartarus is gone, you will never have to go back there. You are loved. By me and by so many others."

Nico smiled and kissed Will once more. He couldn't fathom how someone this wonderful was his.

"I love you Nico, never forget that," Will said.

Nico leaned his head against Will's chest. "I couldn't forget that even if I tried."

A/N: It's a bit short but honestly it's not so bad. I should probably remember to actually update my fics instead of being lazy and procrasting all the time... or not. If you have an idea for a oneshot that you want me to write either message me or leave it in the comments below! If I decide to write it, I will be sure to give you credit. Thank you all so much for your votes and reads! 

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