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A/N: Wow, I haven't updated in a few days. I'm so sorry. I've been taking a ton of exams, doing moving-related stuff, and picking classes for my new school next year so things have been pretty hectic. I get out of school at the end of this week and I'll be finished moving in about a month so I'll have more time to update soon. Also, sorry if there are a lot of mistakes. It's 3 AM and I'm writing on my phone. (What do you mean I need to get my life together?!?!)

(This one shot is based off of a soulmate AU where you have a special tattoo that reacts with your soulmate's tattoo. I probably didn't explain that very well but you'll get the idea once you start reading. Also they are around 19/20 years old in this.)

Will had had a long day. Someone had arrived in an ambulance in critical condition after a serious car crash and he ended up working several hours extra in the emergency room. In the end, they weren't able to save the patient, so they simply let her go. Will had sat by her bed and watched as the woman took her final breaths. 

Will hated losing patients. He hated watching the heart monitor suddenly go flat. He hated watching friends and family gather around a patient's bedside to weep. He hated covering them up with a white sheet, as if he were tucking them into bed rather than making their death official. He often would spend hours crying, and would be beyond consolation for the rest of the day.

The memory of the patient's death was still fresh in his mind as he trudged down the street in the pouring rain towards the coffee shop on the corner. He entered the coffee shop, the heat enveloping him like a hug. The place was deserted, which Will was grateful for. He wasn't in the mood to deal with large crowds and lots of noise.

"Hey, Will!" a voice called from across the room. 

Will looked up and spotted a short man with a lean frame and unkempt raven hair standing behind the counter. 

Will grinned at the sight of him. "Hey, Nico!" he replied. 

Okay, maybe Will wasn't completely inconsolable. If there was one person who could make Will feel better, it was Nico. Most people were intimidated by Nico. Intricate tattoos covered his arms and he rarely wore anything but black. He almost never smiled, and mostly spent his time giving people death glares. But there was something about Nico that just made Will happy. 

Will walked over and leaned against the counter, "Whatcha up to?" 

Nico shrugged, "Nothing much. Mostly trying not to reach over the counter and strangle annoying customers." 

Will chuckled, "You've gone this far without killing anyone, I think you'll last another day." 

"Hopefully. Anyway, what do you want? I can buy it for you and use my employee discount," Nico offered. 

"I don't really want anything," Will responded. 

Nico raised an eyebrow, "So then why did you come here?" 

"I've had a rough day. I just need someone to talk to," Will explained. 

"And you want to talk to me?" Nico said. 

"Yeah. I like you, Nico," Will replied. 

Nico shrugged, suit yourself."

"Hey, you're great. Stop putting yourself down so much," Will chided.

Nico laughed, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the most charming person in the world." 

"Doesn't mean that I don't like you and want to be around you," Will answered. 

Nico sighed and began tracing one of the tattoos on his arm with his fingers. Will recognized that one, it always stood out from the rest. To many, it seemed so simple. It was just the sun drawn onto his forearm, nothing much. Will wasn't quite sure why, but that tattoo was his favorite. 

"What are you thinking about?" Will asked. 

Nico didn't look up, "Stuff." 

"Stuff? What kind of stuff?" 

"Soulmate stuff." 

Will raised his eyebrows curiously. Nico never liked to talk about love or emotions. 

"Like what?" Will inquired. 

"What if I don't have a soulmate?" Nico asked. 

"I'm sure you have one. You have a tattoo, don't you?" Will said. 

"Yeah, but what if something happened to my soulmate? Everyone else I know has already met theirs," Nico replied. 

"Maybe you've already met them. You know that sometimes it takes a while for the tattoos to react. Percy and Annabeth met when they were twelve but their tattoos didn't do anything until they were sixteen." Will reminded the other boy. 

"What if things don't work out, though? What if my soulmate meets me and decides they don't like me?" Nico continued.  

Will rolled his eyes, "Please, whoever your soulmate is is pretty damn lucky if you ask-" 

But before Will could finish, Nico's tattoo began to glow. Both boys gasped. Suddenly, Will felt his palm grow warm. He opened it to reveal his own tattoo (a day of the dead style skull surrounded by intricately drawn flowers) glowing as well. 

"Will..." Nico breathed, staring down at their hands in shock. The glow faded, and the two boys stared at each other, their eyes wide. Without a moments hesitation, Nico reached across the counter, wrapped his arms around Will's neck, and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. 

When they broke, Will grinned at Nico. "So much for your soulmate not liking you, huh?"

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