Bring It On, Solace

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"Nico, that stuff is really heavy. Let me help you," Will offered as he watched his boyfriend struggle to lift a large box filled with new medical supplies. They were standing on the porch of the Big House, trying to figure out how to move the fresh shipment of supplies to the infirmary. Nico had volunteered to help, but only because he knew Will would be there.

"Yeah I can," Nico insisted. He groaned as he moved it several inches off the ground before stumbling and dropping the crate. It hit the ground with a loud thud, sending rolls of bandages, syringes, and medicine across the porch.

Will sighed and began gathering the spilled contents. "Nico, I can help you carry this stuff. I'm the one who's supposed to be doing most of the work, anyway."

"Will, I've got it. Just let me try it one more time," Nico said. Will finished returning the items to the box and Nico picked it up once more. This time, he managed to hold on to it long enough to take about three steps before he fell backwards.

Will helped the other boy to his feet. "Seriously, let me do it. You're going to hurt yourself."

"I'm not going to hurt myself! I've fought my way through Tartarus, I can handle this!" Nico exclaimed, fixing Will with one of his death glares.

The blond simply frowned. "Nico, it's fine if you can't get the box. Just tell me so I can help you. I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself because you were too stubborn to let me help you lift a crate."

"I got it, Solace!"

"Nico, just let me get the other end!"


"Nico, come on!"

"Will, you probably can't lift it either!" Nico retorted. Both boys went silent.

A smirk crept across Will's face, "Oh, I think I can lift more than that."

Nico rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I admit I can't lift the stupid box. Quit goofing off and help me."

"No, no, I'm pretty sure you just challenged me." Will said, his smirk growing wider with every word. "You said I can't lift that box. I bet I can lift up a person."

Realization dawned on Nico. "Will, don't you dare-" But before he could finish his sentence, Will scooped Nico up in his arms bridal-style. "WILL SOLACE PUT ME DOWN!" Nico cried as Will began running across the green.

"Why would I? You're the one that said I couldn't do it!" Will exclaimed, his face glowing with amusement.

Will finally stopped in front of the Demeter Cabin. He released Nico, who's face had turned tomato red.

"I hate you," he said.

Will grinned, "You love me."

Nico glared at him. "Shut up and kiss me, you dork."

Wow, I haven't been on Wattpad in two weeks. (Whoops!) I'm so sorry! School has started and things are very chaotic right now! Thank you all for being so patient, I will try to check in more frequently. 

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