Let It Snow

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A/N: Hello, readers! Honestly this one shot is pretty crappy since I wrote this late at night and I was a bit delirious. On the bright side, I do have some news concerning "Odd One Out". I'm about halfway through the next chapter and I'm hoping to finish it up within the next two weeks. Stay tuned!

It was the coldest winter Will had ever experienced. Sure, Georgia used to have the occasional cold day, but it was nothing like New York, with snow blanketing the streets in enormous drifts and an icy wind howling through the city. Will wrapped his arms around himself as he walked down the street towards his apartment. Much to the annoyance of the people behind him, Will proceeded slowly and carefully, attempting not to slip on the sheet of ice covering the sidewalk.

"Hey," a voice called. Will turned around and spotted a boy who looked around his age leaning against a building. "You look cold."

Will approached the boy. "Yeah. Is it like this all the time in New York?" he asked through chattering teeth.

"Afraid so," the boy replied in an accent Will couldn't quite place.

"How do you New Yorkers do it?" Will said.

The boy laughed, "Come on, let me get you some hot chocolate before you freeze to death."

Will threw up his hands, "No, you don't have to do that!"

"Let me buy you some hot chocolate. I promise it's not a big deal," the boy insisted.

Will sighed, "Fine."

He followed the boy into the swarm of people moving down the street. "So, what's your name?" the boy asked as they walked.

"Will," Will answered.

"Nice to meet you, Will. I'm Nico," the boy replied. "Where are you from?"

"Atlanta, Georgia," Will told him.

Nico smiled, "Well no wonder you're cold, you're a Southerner."

The two boys made a left and arrived at a quaint little coffee shop tucked between a bookstore and a beauty parlor.

"Here we are," Nico announced. Will followed him through the door. They seated themselves in a comfortable booth in the back corner of the room.

"It's good to be out of that miserable cold," Will said, removing his coat and gloves.

"It gets pretty cold here in the winter. Much colder than back home," Nico agreed.

"Back home? Where are you from?" Will inquired.

"Venice," Nico answered.

Well, that explains the accent, Will thought. "That's interesting, how did you find yourself in America?" he asked.

"My mother brought my sister and I here when I was eight. She said that there was more opportunity in America," Nico explained.

"Was she right?" Will continued.

Nico grinned, "So far, yes."

A waitress suddenly interrupted their conversation, "Hello, welcome to Bean There Cafe. What can I get you two today?"

"Two hot chocolates please," Nico responded.

"Will that be all?"


The waitress jotted their order down on the notepad in her hand and hurried away. She returned a few minutes later with two steaming mugs of hot cocoa. She placed them in front of Will and Nico before rushing to serve another table.

The two sipped their hot chocolate and chatted quietly. As they talked, Will couldn't help but notice how attractive Nico was. He was a few inches shorter than Will with a lean build and olive skin. He had tousled raven hair that fell in front of his deep brown eyes. Will imagined running his fingers through Nico's hair. How soft it would feel... He shook the thought out of his head.

Finally, they finished their drinks and paid. Will walked side by side with Nico as they exited the shop.

"That was actually pretty nice," Will said.

Nico raised an eyebrow, "What, were you expecting it to be terrible?"

Will blushed, "No..."

Nico chuckled, "We must do this again sometime."

Will's heart fluttered at the idea of seeing Nico again. "Uh, yeah, that sounds awesome! How about tomorrow? I get off of work at four, does that work?"

"Sounds perfect," Nico replied. He suddenly winked, "Consider it a date, Sunshine."

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