Chapter 3: Shadow Shifting

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Okay guys, I'll make this chapter a little more paranormal mk?



Your P.O.V

I woke up by the alarm clock ringing in my ear's. "Ugh, Five more minutes!" I groan as I rubbed my eyes. I got out of bed and turned off the alarm. I wouldn't be alarmed if I don't have to go to school. I remembered about yesterday, about that demon named Anti...

Is that crazy trash bag still here? I get out of my bed and sneak downstairs. The morning light shined through the glass doors that lead to my backyard, I cautiously looked around the hallway corners, and finally to the living room.

He wasn't on the couch. Did this idiot just took my money and ran away?! I sigh and headed into the kitchen to make some break fest. I forgot to buy ingredients for pancakes so I guess I'll just make an omelette. I got out two egg's, milk and butter and started to cook.

"Morning (Y/N)" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to see Anti stand in front of me, smirking and shirtless. So this trash bag is still here. "Why the hell are you shirtless..?" I blush a little. "What's wrong with being shirtless? It makes me feel free." Anti stretches. I roll my eyes and went back to cooking.

"What are you making?" Anti comes closer to me, peering over my shoulder to see what I was doing. "Making break fest, Sorry that I didn't give you anything. I forgot that you where still here" I said to him. "It's fine, I don't need to eat." Anti walks over to the glass door's and looked out at the sunrise. "Why?" Anti doesn't look at me while he answers my question."Have you forgotten already? It's because I'm a demon, I cant sleep or eat." I couldn't even believe that demons couldn't eat, how do they survive? I lay the freshly cooked omelette from the pan and into the plate, I sit down on the couch and watched the morning news.Anti join's me.

" We have another murder that happened in Tarpon Road at 4:31 AM." The lady spoke. "Tarpon Road? Isn't that close to our neighborhood?" I ask as I took another bite of the omelette. "Another one,huh?" Anti's eyes where focused on the picture of the women that was killed. "The young lady that was murdered went by the name of Alexandra Malark, she was in her early 20's." I finish my omelette and set it in the sink so I could wash it later. "You have fun with your news show, I'll be changing if you need me." Anti doesn't say anything and I walk up the stairs.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip brought you by omelette :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I changed into my clothing and grabbed my things for school. "(Y/N), you ready to go?" I hear Anti call me from downstairs. "In a minute!" I shout back.  I brushed my (H/L) and made a pony tail. "(Y/N), what is taking you so long?" I hear Anti opening my bedroom door. I open the door to see him, He finally put on his shirt, it barley even covered anything up, and his causal black trench jacket. "It's about time." Anti groans. I gave him a glare and passed by him.

As I was walking to school I kept thinking about Anti... His existence.... Was he human from the start? Or born a demon...

"You sure are slow,(Y/N)" Anti's voice spoke out. I turn around but hes not there."Down here."  look down and saw my shadow. "What am I looking at... Have I gone crazy or something from him." I ask myself. From my shadow, It started to form a male figure, Anti's figure. "Nope! Your seeing fine." I was shocked. "Anti? Why are you my shadow? I thought you where at home.." I look around the neighborhood."I can transform, I think I forgot to tell you that." Anti chuckles. "Ugh, Now I have listen to your annoying voice." I groan. "HEY! My voice isn't annoying! It's special.." I scoff and started to walk. "What will people think if they see you instead of me?" I ask him. "Well it's simple, I can transform back into your form and bam, Nothing happened!" I roll my eyes as I approached my school. " Welcome to Hell." I groan. Anti laugh's. "Trust me, Hell is WORSE then this mere human school.


Okay guys, sorry about this chapter. I had to go to sleep and it's like 12:00 and I have school ;-;

I'm to lazy to save and preview

dont judge meh ;-;

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