Chapter 7: I'm sorry

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 From the last chapter, (Y/N) had a fight with Anti. Making there love points going down to -0.4


*Angie match maker activated* LETS DO THIS!


(Narrators P.O.V)

(Y/N) woke up a little earlier than usual, the dim morning light shined through the windows and it was awfully quiet. She got up and sneaked downstairs to get breakfest. Ever since (Y/N) had that argument with Anti, She didn't want to see him. (Y/N) got out a cookie and a bottle of water, she heard Anti's bare footsteps on the tile flooring echo the quiet house. She shoved the cookie in her mouth tried her best to sneak past Anti. "I know you're there, stupid" His voice echoed the hallways.

(Y/N) stood up and squinted her eyes, trying to see where Anti was. "Why are you up so early?" those words hit her as if Anti was right in front of her. In fact, he was in front of her. "I-i just wanted to...." (Y/N) tried to think of an excuse. Anti stood there with his arms crossed, waiting for (Y/N) to come up with an excuse. "I'm not dumb, (Y/N). I know you where up so you can sneak out."

(Y/N)'s heart was beating fast, she thought that Anti would yell at her or something. Instead he pats her shoulder and he got his jacket. "So, are you ready to go?" Anti stood at the door. (Y/N) simply nodded and scurried out of the house with Anti be hide her.

(Your P.O.V)

I walked down the dark neighborhood with Anti. I was still angry at him, thinking that Mark cant be trusted. That's a lie! Mark is a good guy, he understands her. I squint my eyes a little to try to see the sidewalk but all I could see was a very dim street light. I just don't understand why Anti wouldn't trust Mark... it just makes me...So confused..

~~~~ time skip because I ran out of ideas :T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

The sunlight was getting lighter and lighter as the sun rised and time was running out for me to head to school. Anti was still be hide me and there was no sign of Mark, I was hoping to run into him. I kept walking and walking and I squinted my eyes due to the sunlight in my eyes. I put my hand in front of my face, trying to blocks the sun. I saw Mark on the other side of the road.

"Mark!" I call out but he doesn't hear me. I call out louder but he still doesn't hear me, maybe its because he's pretty far away. I run across the road, hoping to sneak up on him.

"(Y/N) LOOK OUT!" Anti shouted and pushed me out of the way, resulting me to fall on the sidewalk. I rubbed my elbow that was hurt in the process and turned to Anti to see whats the matter.

He was lying on the road with a car right in front of him.

My eyes widen and I get up. "ANTI!" I cry out and run towards his him. I shake him, hoping that he would wake up, but he didn't. "(Y/N) what happened?!" Mark ran over. I turn to him with tears in my eyes. "I-it's jack! He got hit!" I cry. Mark got out his phone and called the ambulance. "Please Anti, Please stay with me! I don't want to be alone again!" my tears soak in to his jacket.

~~Hot guys get hit by cars every day, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat outside the hospital room, looking down at hands. ".....I caused this....." I whispered. The door opened and I quickly got up. "He's lucky to survive, some of his ribs where cracked but we fixed them." said the doctor. "May I see him?" I ask with a low voice. The doctor nodded and lead me into the room where Anti was in. I saw him on the bed, eyes closed and breathing. "I'll leave you too alone." The doctor left the room. I slowly walked towards Anti and sat down on a chair near the bed. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry for everything."



I didn't plan dis...

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