Chapter 9: It was the Alcohol

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Like I was saying in the last chapter, TIME TO GO DOWN SIN AVENUE!

Enjoy :3


(Your P.O.V)

I woke up we a headache, it was definitely from the loads of alcohol I had the club with Mark. I checked the time and was only 4:00 AM, how long was I sleeping? I got up and went downstairs to get myself some water.As always expected, Anti was laying on the couch dozing off. "'You dead yet?" I sneaked up beside him and he catches contact with me. "You wish, Miss Hangover." Anti got up  from his position from the couch and crossed his arms with a chuckle. I sat down and rubbed my head. "I shouldn't have drank so many shots.." I groan. "It was your fault for going with Mark." Anti replied.

"Wait, isn't today Friday?" I ask Anti

"Um, yeah...."

"We Should Have Movie Night!!!" I got up with a cheer.

"Movie Night? Isn't it too late for a movie?" Anti gets up too. "Well, its never too late for a movie~" I purr. Anti rolls his eyes then chuckles again. "Fine, you get the snacks and I'll get the movies." Anti grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door. "HEY!HEY! Who voted that you can get the movies?" I caught him by the back of his collar. "Me, Myself and I, now lets head down to the shopping district already." Anti pulls away from my grip and walked out. Some times that guy gets on my nerves..

~~~~Time Skip Brought You By Torito's, Their Better Than Doritos!~~~~~~~~~

(Anti's P.O.V)

After (Y/N) and I have gotten the movies and snacks, we headed home. "So what kind of movies did you take?" (Y/N) asks me. "You'll See~" I hum. "And what kind of snacks did you get?" I ask her. "You'll see~~" (Y/N) playfully boops my nose. Once we got home, I got out the movie and she got out the snacks and the......

"I got booze~~~" (Y/N) cheerfully sang. "(Y/N), you had booze earlier." I growl at her.

"Oh, it's not for just me. It's for our Drinking Game~~~" She sang even louder. "A Drinking Game? You're becoming an alcoholic." I snatch the booze out of her hand. "Hey! We can have some fun!" She pouted. "Fine but don't blame me when you have another headache." I sighed. (Y/N) spun around like she was a bundle of joy. She looked through the movies with a frown. "How come all of them are horror?" She asked with a whine. "Well, who doesn't like horror?"  I ask playfully.

(Y/N) rolls her eyes and takes the snacks to the living room along with two small shot glasses. I took out one out of horror movies from the DVD case and slid it into the player. I turn back and sat down next to (Y/N) who was looking at the back of the DVD case. Then she looks at me with a what-da-fuck-is-wrong-with-you look but I let it slide. "Since I know this movie and barely watched any of it, I guess every time when there's a jump scare or cursing involved in the movie, we take a drink of the good stuff" (Y/N) explained to me while she tried to open the bottle but then finally pops off the cap. I hit the play button and began the horror movie.

~~~~~~~~~~More time skips brought you I don't really know...~~~~~~~~

The movie was still playing and we where already on our second bottle of booze. (Y/N) was starting to get drunk but she kept drinking. I most of a kept watching, I didn't care about the loads of gore. I just kept watching. I checked on (Y/N) and she was drunk as ever, she hiccuped a few times though.

"AnoThEr DrInK~! (Y/N) cheered sheepishly and grabs the bottle but I snatched it out of her hand. "HeY! GiVe It BaCk! she falls on my chest and tries to gab the bottle. "No, you had enough. YOU ARE EVEN HICUPPING!" I yell at her."WeLL ThEn! I'll hAVe To tAKe It ThE WeIRD waY!" (Y/N) got close to my face and I could feel the sent of alcohol coming from her mouth. And out of no where..

She kissed me..

My eyes grew wide and I wanted to pull her away but... I closed my eyes and warped my arms around her waist. The sweet taste of alcohol and saliva filled our wet caverns as we explored  farther and farther. We finally pulled away to get a breath of air. I stared at (Y/N) as I panted for air, her eyes closed half way and she smirks.

"Oh Anti...." she started. "You are such an idiot.."

(Y/N) snatched the bottle out of my hand and ran off. "HEY! THAT'S CHEATING!" I shout at her as I chased her around the kitchen. "THERE WHERE NEVER ANY RULES TO START OFF!" She shouted.


LoL the old kiss and snatch trick, good thinking reader-san

but really, those details though... *Nose bleeds*😍

so yeah, I wanted them to kiss like really bad so sorry if this chapter was crapy. (IT WAS MY DESPRET HEARTS PROBLEM NOT MINE)

Until Next Time!

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