Chapter 4. Pain

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"So um.. what's your favourite subject?" she asks him. She felt awkward as she was sat next to him really close. His legs would sometimes accidentally touch hers; Gemma and Sophie decided to give them a break and a little bit of "space". They would often look behind to see how Sally and Tommy were getting on, especially what they were talking about.

"P.E," says Tommy in his deep voice.

"Oh, I like English," says Sally, trying to make this conversation long as possible.

"Good," he replies.


"Hey guys, wonderful to see you again! I'll just quickly zoom through the register," said Mr Luscombe trying to be funny but really he's not at all very amusing when it comes to boring complicated Science.


"Tommy, sir!" quickly interrupted Tommy.

"Alright then, Tommy? New here, are you?"

"Yes, sir."

"You'll be fine in the next few days, bet you've made loads of new friends already!"

"Yeah," he mumbles, his voice almost cracked with pain.

Sally was definitely 100% sure that there was something about Tommy which he didn't want to share with anyone. Sally wasn't one of those nosey girls instead she was understandable and would always mind her own business. The bell rang, the lessons went quick and it was finally break time. Sally noticed Tommy, he was sweating and looking very worried at the same time, he quickly walked off alone. Sally ran after him but it was too late, she couldn't find him anywhere and sighed.

"Looks like he's gone for a runner," joked Sophie. Sally thought it was best to give Tommy some space, she tried forgetting about him but it was no use, every minute she would think about Tommy, she sensed he was in some sort of danger. There were over a hundred questions running through her head about him.

She hears a scream and shrieks of laughter coming from nearby. "Hold on, I'll be right back. Take my bag!" she chucks it at Gemma. "What, Sal? Where are you going?" she calls back.

Sally runs and she finds Tommy on the ground, she also sees Amanda and her gang walking off and leaving him.

"Tommy, are you okay? You got a bit of blood on your lips, who did this to you?" she holds him firmly and helps him get up to his feet.

"I'm fine, it's nothing. Just leave it!"

Sally knew exactly who did this to Tommy.

"You should complain to the head teacher, he'll sort it out!" she says.

"No, I told you, I'm fine. I'm not a teller-tale," he rubs off the dirt and dust from his jeans and licks off the blood from his lips. Sally felt really guilty, she was impressed how he could handle this pain and torture.

"Thanks, English next isn't it? Your favourite subject?" he asks, changing the subject.

"Yeah!" she smiles.

"Do I look fine?" he asks, wondering if he still looks like he's been beaten up.

"You look amazing!"

He feels his cheeks go warm for some reason, he blushes and tries to hide his face away. He can't make proper eye contact with Sally, not at this time. Of course.


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