Chapter 11. Office

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"I love you. I love you more than you can ever imagine," he says. He picks her up around the waist, spinning her around. Her feet is off the ground.

"Woah! Slow down."

"Nah," he sneers. "Say you love me."

"I love-"


She moans, just a dream.

'Tommy? Oh my god, wet dream? What the hell? How could I? Why? What? Why is it, Tommy? I thought we were just good friends. Him? I don't understand.'

The dream felt too good, it felt too real but most importantly it felt too warm. Sally remembered last night's trauma, the house was silent. She gets herself ready and puts one plait on each side of her hair like she did yesterday. She got the hang of tying plaits. She walks slowly and delicately downstairs, trying not to make one of the stairs squeak. Her dad was in the kitchen!

"Well, good morning Princess!"

"Morning, dad." She murmurs in a sleepy voice.

She goes in the living room, her mother was watching television! She notices Sally.

"G'morning, dear!"


'What the..? Everything's back to normal but dad's in the kitchen. It's like they swapped roles all of a sudden. Oh well, at least we're back to being a happy family now.'

"Sally.." calls her mother, "Please have some breakfast before you go, for my sake." Her parents were being extra nice!

She nods her head and does as she's told. Minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get that!" Says her dad.

"Sally!" calls her dad, "Umm.. I think this is Tommy, he's waiting for you!"

A smile immediately appeared on her face, Tommy was here! He came by himself.

"Coming!" She notices that she's wearing the necklace, once again, hurrying up the stairs, she puts the necklace in a safe place. In a draw.

"Hi," says Tommy.

"Hey. Shall we go?"


* * *

"Tommy, I'm scared," said Sally, as they were walking.

"Why?" He had his hands in his superdry coat pockets.

"D'you remember that fight? You cut his wrist.."

"So what? Sally, there's no need to be shy and scared of people all the time. Treat people the way they treat you. Sometimes in life you have to speak out and defend yourself, I know you can do it. Have confidence in yourself and all will be fine. Nothing wrong with a bit of shouting."

Sally believed him, he was right, she was fed up of being nice to everyone. She had never said a swear word in her life either. It was about time that she got her own justice and she also knew that Tommy would always back her up.

As they both entered the classroom, Mr Hopper was there on time. He saw Sally and Tommy both together and pulled on a serious face.

"You're both wanted in the headteacher's office. You should go now," he says.

"It's fine. Just follow my lead," whispers Tommy in Sally's ear. They walk and open the door. Amanda, Reece, Dave and the headteacher were there. Sally wasn't suprised.

"Tommy. I know you're quite new here but you shouldn't bring knives at all in this school! It's an illegal and dangerous action, don't do it again, lad. Is it true that you cut Reece's wrist?" Asked the headteacher, Mr Morgan, firmly.

"No sir," replied Tommy, calmly.

"Sally? You were there, don't be scared. I need the truth."

'What, truth? The truth was that they both attacked Tommy and me. It was self defence, why couldn't they understand that? It seems like Tommy doesn't want to make a big issue out of this.' She thought.

"No, sir." She replied.

"I'm asking you both again."

He repeated the same question but louder and more furious this time and they both gave the same answer.

"But, sir!" Protested Reece.

"Reece, it's just a small cut besides you're still alive," said Tommy.


"Silence!" Shouted Mr Morgan. "All three of you have a bad school report so it's most likely that I should believe these two."

"Thank you, sir." Said Tommy.

"Dismissed! You both may leave now."

Tommy took Sally by the hand.

"See? Nothing to worry about. Just be brave." He said.

They both could hear arguing coming from the office.

"But..... sir.... they both.... no.."

The voices drifted away as they walked off.


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