Chapter 8. The fight

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It's lunchtime now, Gemma and Sophie avoided Sally through out the whole lessons.

"She's so caught up with her new boyfriend that she hasn't got any time for her best friends!" Boasted Gemma, she deliberately said it loud so Sally can hear their conversation.

"Agreed! We've always been there for her and this is how she treats us back. She's used us, Gem! What a player, let's leave the two love birds alone. Don't want to interrupt their snogging session, do we?"

They both leave Sally and Tommy alone, 'Geez, what's gotten into them? I didn't even do anything.' She thought, she wasn't sure whether Tommy was her boyfriend or just a mate. It was strange how he would act differently with her but she just let him do what he wanted with her. They sat down together in a bench, the weather changed from cold to sunny.

"You did great at P.E!" He says.

"No, I didn't! I was rubbish, my ankle twisted and you had to stop every minute just for me. I am such a girl."

"It's fine, really. You think I'm competitive when it comes to P.E but I'm not, I like P.E because it helps me take my mind off some things. You'd do the same for me if I had an accident, right?"

"Give you a piggy back? No-o-o way! I'm not that strong, hahahaha. You're silly, Tommy!"

"That's me!"

"Where's your lunch?"

"Oh.. I must've forgotten it."

"You're so much skinnier than me!"

"Am I? Probably 'cause I'm a boy, they don't gain a lot of weight."

"I've got some crisps."

She gets out a packet of crisps from her bag and opens it.

"Here, have some," she hands it over to him.

"Nah, you have it."

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Not really, no."

"If you're not eating then I'm not either."

He looks at her and gives one of his funny looks. "Don't you ever give up? You know that you don't have to wait for me forever, you know.."

"Are you going to eat or not?"

"Okay, okay.."

He picks out a crisp from the packet and eats it. "Okay, your turn!"

She also picks out a crisp and eats it.

"Where do you live?" She asks him.

"In a house, what 'bout you?"

"I was being serious."

"I know, just love annoying you! I live a few houses away from you, so it's not that far away."

"Do you want to walk with me after school?"

"Sure, I guess. Sally, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For breaking your friendship with Gemma and Sophie, I didn't mean to become an obstacle, I really lo-"

"That? Don't worry, they'll get over it soon."


"Definitely, best friends can't stay mad with each other for long!"

"Yeah, that's right."

'This is all going good! Just me and Tommy, on a bench, sharing a packet of crisps. What could possibly go wrong? Stay calm, Sally.'

"Nice plaits," he finally noticed, "They look cute on you."



He takes the plaits out and does it again for her.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Doing the plaits again, you did it kind of wrong." Was this just an excuse so Tommy can touch her hair again?

"There you go!"

"Wow, oh thanks.. I can't do it the way you do it."

"Don't worry, your hair is so damn flawless!"

"Thank you."

'Oh great, I'm turning tomatoe red again. Save me, God..'

Mrs Dorn saw them both together on the bench, she came over to them. "You have a really good metabolism rate. I mean you're so good and accurate at running. And good effort to you, Sally! You both make a great coup- .. Um, sorry! You both make a great team!"

"Thanks, Miss!" Says Tommy, "I guess it takes practise."

"Indeed, it does," and she leaves them.

* * *

It was the end of the day, Sally wished the school day could be much longer. Every lesson she was with Tommy, stuck like glue.

Gemma and Sophie turn their back away from them, pretending that they're invisible.

"Sooooo.." started Tommy. Sally never knew how cheeky Tommy was in the inside, on the first day she thought he was shy and strange.

"So what?"

"I've got something for you."

'He's going to kiss me, isn't he? My first kiss . . .'

He reaches out something from his bag and puts it on her. It's a necklace with a skull on it!

"Hey, you were wearing this on the first day, right?"

"Yeah, it's unisexual incase you're wondering."

"Why give it to me?"

"Friends, right? It's a souvenir representing our friendship, keep it forever, Sally. Please."

"Oh, alright. It looks nice."


They carry on walking until Sally stops, someone chucked a rock at the back of her head.

"Sally! You okay?"

They both turn around at the same time, it's Amanda Gortner and she's bought two muscley guys with her. Dave Jones and Reece Court, both from Year 11(one year older than Sally, Tommy and Amanda).

Dave drops his cigarette which he was smoking and laughs hysterically.

"Awwww, love is in the air. Lets join them, boys!"

Sally was scared, she looked at Tommy but he was looking at the gang. "Tommy.." she whispers.

"Shh.. I'm here," he whispers back to her, trying his best to reassure her.

They were approaching, closer and closer to them...

Reece touches Sally's plaits and whistles, she does not know what to do.

"YOU GET OFF HER!" Shouted Tommy.

"Oh yeah? What are you goin' to do about it?" He pushes Tommy out of the way, "Sally, right? Aren't you a little too old for plaits? Babe, let your hair down, you're hotter than the sun, what has this lad got that I haven't?" He misbehaved a lot with Sally, the words were destroying her bit by bit.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" shouts Tommy, he grabs him, tackling and pushing him to the ground. Dave got hold of Tommy whilst Amanda pushed Sally to the ground and began kicking her continously. Harder and harder, Sally was helpless and could not fight.

"SALLY!" Cries Tommy, his face is red with anger and pain and his tears drop to the ground. He reaches out a pen knife from his pocket, Dave quickly lets him go.

"P-put it down, mate.." stuttered Dave Jones, "You'll regret it."

"He's gone mad!" says Reece Court, Amanda looks at the boys and stops kicking Sally.

"I'm not going to spare any of you," says Tommy, he runs and cuts Reece Court's wrist, it is bleeding.

They all run away.

"Quick, leg it!" Shouts Amanda Gortner.


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