Chapter 16. Caught

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"Sir, we need to get Amanda and Dave!" Said Tommy to Mr Hopper in the car.

"That's where we're going, boy," said Mr Hopper, turning the car around.

The sky was beginning to get dark and Tommy was anxious as ever to get Amanda and Dave, how frustrated he was at the whole entire world and the cruelty which took place that afternoon. It wasn't fair at all, everyone wanted to get Sally's culprits. The police was searching place to place. They stop and arrive at an old forest but it looked more like a jungle. Police cars and sirens were crowding the entire area.

"They're here," explained Mr Hopper, "The police tracked them both down  and they think they're both hiding here, keep your eyes open. "

Tommy gets out of the car, trying to control his anger. Mr Hopper tried his hardest to keep him calm, he can only rely on Tommy to control his own feelings. He was tired and sick of searching,  he runs into the darkest and deepest areas of the forest.

"Tommy! It's not safe, stick with me!" Called Mr Hopper.

Obviously Tommy didn't care at all, he knew what he was doing. He wanted to fight for Sally's justice at any cost; he begins running and stopping every five minutes to look around the place.

Suddenly he could hear whispers, was it just his imagination or was it someone else? He wondered if he should venture a tantrum and make the world fall to his feet. It was too dark to see anything, shadows were lurking in every corner which made the search even more hard. He hears a twig snap and turns around, footsteps are hurrying backwards and silent whispers saying, "Move back, hurry!"

"I've had enough of playing hide and seek!" Screams Tommy, he gets out a new pen knife from his pocket and runs towards a bush. Cutting the leaves out. "COME OUT, NOW!" He continues cutting fiercly.

"No!" Shrieks a voice, he stops and drops the pen knife. A head pops out of the bush and stands up, no suprise that it was Amanda, scared to lose her hair or her head. Guilty Dave stands up as well. "Sorry," they both whisper nerveously.

"SIR! I found them!" Shouted Tommy.

"Tommy, where are you? Keep shouting!" Said Mr Hopper's voice.

"Over here!"

Torches come flashing and sirens were beeping loudly, the same police officer comes hurrying to Tommy.

"Don't move!" Threatened the police officer, pointing a gun at them both, "Put your hands up!"

They both looked like actual criminals, hiding from their punishments. Tommy was finally satisfied that the culprits were found, he couldn't wish to see Sally to share the good news, he wanted to make it up to her in any way possible. Amanda and Dave were both taken away, Tommy spits at the ground and smirks, "Criminals! Go rot in prison!" He yells, "That's where you belong. Go on."

The search was over.

Will Tommy and Sally ever find a way to be together? Will Amanda and Dave get their punishment? Will Tommy reveal his rough past to Sally? Will Sally's mum explain to Sally why she started drinking in the first place? Will Sally help Tommy and will Tommy help Sally find her true confidence? Read Black Butterfly 2 - The Sequel. To find out! 

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