College Dorm Mates. Part 1/?

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Ashoka Tano is the new girl on campus. Smart, Intelligent, Pretty. Rex is the background rebel who was pulled bake a year. Tough, Intimidating, Rebellious. When Ashoka gets a dorm she had no idea she would have a roommate. Will this become an unlikely friendship, Or an awkward acquaintance? Could it be love or hate? Read and find out! (This will have a few parts...not sure how many yet!)

Bios: Ashoka Tano: Smart, Top of the class, Nerdy. Wears: Glasses, nice dress shirts, Skirts and women's blazer jackets. Likes: Reading, Sleeping, And her favorite food is smore's. Dislikes: Spicy foods, Bully's, Some people. Going to school for: Technical weaponry technition.

Bio: Rex: Rebellious, Doesn't like people very much, Nerdy. Wears: Jeans, Graphic tees, Converse, Hoodies. Likes: Bolo-ball, Any sport that's not soccer, Favorite food is chicken. Dislikes: Basically all people, Bully's, Teachers, Sushi. Going to school for: Technical weaponry mechanic.


Ashoka's POV

Ashoka stood at the steps of the school. The woman came out to show her around. "Ashoka Tano i presume?" The woman asked, "Yes." Ashoka nodded and shook her hand, "Miss Satine kryze" She said, "nice to meet you" Ashoka said smiling. "Okay, Follow me and i will show you the class rooms and to your dorm." Said miss Kryze. SO with that they were walking about the school, "Over there is the computer lab, The green house is there, Bathrooms there are two on each floor. cafe is off to your right and three doors down." She informed Ashoka, "Okay, And my dorm is?" Ashoka asked, "Follow me!" Replied miss Kryze. They reached the dorm houses, Which are across the street from the school. "Room 21, Oh and you have a roommate. And i expect you to be fully moved in by this evening. Class is tomorrow at 6. Sharp" Said miss Kryze and with that she was off. Ashoka walked up the stairs and found room 21, She knocked on the door. She heard footsteps and then someone opened the door, "Can i help you?" Said a gruff man's voice, "Um...Yes, I'm Ashoka....Ashoka Tano. I'm your new roommate?" Ashoka said slightly confused, "Oh......erm....I wasn't expecting a girl to be my roommate.....Come on in" he said shrugging, "Same..." Ashoka said quietly, "By the way...I'm Rex.." said Rex. "Nice to meet you!" Ashoka said smiling and when they shook hands a chill went down her spine, " gotta get your stuff right?" Rex asked "Yeah...I have to get it now actually. I'll be back...roomie.." Ashoka said giggling slightly, "Don't call me that.....ever.." Rex said flopping back on the couch and resuming his video game. So Ashoka went to get her belongings.

Rex's POV.

"A girl is going to be my roommate?! and a cute one!? Not good......I feel tingly....Damn it!" Rex said out loud to himself. "She was cute...what am i gonna do!? I can't like her...she's out of my league.....way out of my league." Rex said again to himself. An hour later Ashoka came back with a suitcase and 4 boxes. Rex heard a loud thump at the door and rushed over and opened it and found Ashoka had dropped all the boxes and tripped, Rex smiled to himself and helped her up, "You okay?" He asked concernedly, "i-I'm fine.." Ashoka said brushing herself off, "Lemme help you" Rex insisted and grabbed two boxes and brought it all in. "So..where's my room?" Ashoka asked, "Follow me" Rex said as he lead her through the kitchen and through his room to Ashoka's room. The room had light blue walls and white carpet, There was a vanity, Dressers and a few book shelves. "The bed still needs to be built..I can do that for you if you like..." Rex suggested, "Oh..yeah thanks." Ashoka said smiling. So Ashoka unpacked her clothes and other belongings and put them in their proper places, While Rex built her bed frame. Rex would notice Ashoka glance his way every now and then, "So...What are you going for?" Rex asked her as he put the screws in for the headboard, "Oh! Uh..Technical weaponry technition." Ashoka stated, "Cool! I'm Going for technical weaponry mechanic, So we have like the same field." Rex said smirking, Rex was under the bed putting in the support screws and beams. As he was exiting under the bed he hit his head, "Krif!" Rex shouted rubbing his head, "Are you alright?" Ashoka asked sounding concerned, "I'm fine.....Been through worse." Rex replied, "So how many years of school do you have left?" She asked, "5" He replied, "I have 5 as well...But you've been here longer then me? Why do you have the same amount?" Ashoka asked puzzled, "Well i got pulled back a year because of grades and getting into fights..." He replied. Then there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it" Ashoka said and walked off. She opened the door and saw a young man, "Oh...Erm..your not Rex..." He said, "No..I'm his roommate!" Ashoka chirped, "Oh...Lux bonteri.." HE said extending his hand to shake it, Ashoka did, "Ashoka Tano...Why are you here?" She asked, "I am here to give you your sceduals" He said "Oh well hand 'em over....I need to know my classes." Ashoka told him, Then Rex came over. "There you are i thought you got eaten by the giant togruta eating chipmunk that roams the halls- Wait! What are you doing here Bonteri!? Scram before i knock your teeth out!" Rex yelled getting in his face, "Now now...I'm here to give you your sceduals, No need to get testy.." Lux said iggnorently. "Hand 'em over now or i'll break your face you creepy pervert!" Rex yelled, "Alright....Anger management.." Lux said smirking. Rex took the sceduals out of his hand, shoved him back and slammed the door. "Grrahh...I hate that frikkin creep!" Rex said kicking the door. "Why...Might i ask?" Ashoka asked slightly scared, "He just gets on my nerves...Thinks he's better then me because he's rich and has the best grades! Well he can't throw a football or swing a bat like me! I should beat his face in with a baseball bat!" Rex yelled, "Calm down roomie.." Ashoka said smirking, Rex lightened up a bit. "wanna watch some Tv?" Rex asked pointing to the couch, "No thanks. I still have some un-packing to do" She said and went to her room. Rex sat back down on the couch and watched pokemon. After he got bored of that he put on his stereo, And we found love came on, "Oh my gosh! MY FAVE SONG!!!" HE heard Ashoka shout, "what the-?" Rex said as she started dancing, She grabbed Rex's hand and made him dance with her, Rex was confused and VERY awkward. But he gave into it, 'we found love in a hopeless place!" Ashoka sang, Rex just laughed and followed her lead, "We have to bond right?" Rex thought to himself, Then the door came open and in came Cody, Fives and Hardcase, "What do we have here Rex?" hardcase asked and Rex stopped dancing and stood awkwardly, "Erm....Guys this is my new roommate, Ashoka Tano..." Said Rex rubbing the back of his neck....awkwardly. "Oookaaayy then!" Cody said, "Ashoka meet Hardcase, Cody and fives.....Sadly they are my brothers and best friends." Rex said, "Nice to meet you all!" Ashoka said smiling, "Well...It's late.....Night roomie!" Ashoka chirped, "Night.....Weirdo.." Rex said smirking as she went to her room. *The next morning* Rex awoke at 5 to go for a run, It was raining. He went for a 50 minute run and came back to the dorm. He was sweaty and wet. Ashoka was awake to but she was reading a book and sitting on the couch. "There you are! We have ti get to class!" Ashoka Said "Come on!" She said pulling him out the door, "Can't i get changed?" He asked, "Oh...right.." So Rex went to get changed and came back to Ashoka in the process or putting on his shirt, Ashoka caught a glimps of his chest, "DAMN!" she thought to herself. Ashoka was wearing a white button up shirt and black skirt, half inch high heels and her glasses. As for Rex,  blue jeans, Converse high tops, bark blue shirt and black hoodie. They walked to class in the rain, But they were stopped by Lux, "Hey, Ashoka....Would you go on a date with me?" He asked Ashoka, "Well..." She started but rex just looked like he was going to explode, "I...Um.." She stuttered, "It's a date then!" He said happily and walked off, "Wha-?!" She shouted, "That's why you never talk to him!" Rex said. They crossed the street and went inside the school. "What class you got kid?" Rex asked, "History..." She said "Same!" Rex said happily, "Now i can keep an eye on you so Bonteri boy don't get any ideas.....Pervert..." Rex said squinting his eyes. "Okay then weirdo.." Ashoka said walking to the class room. After class they went to the cafe and got some breakfast, "What are you getting?" Ashoka asked Rex, "Coffee, Chocolate muffin......You?" He asked, "Vanilla coffee and a peanut butter cookie." She replied. "So...Are you really gonna go out with Bonteri?" Rex asked concernedly, "I guess i have to...." Ashoka said, "Well.....You don't have to...I mean we coul-" Rex started but was cut off by lux, "So Ashoka...Tonight 7 o'clock cafe bagette! Don't be late!" He said and rushed off before she could say anything. "Um.." Was all Ashoka could say. *After school in the dorm 6 o'clock.* Rex was laying on the couch, headphones and his favorite music blaring, Jamming out...just a little. Ashoka walked out of her room wearing a scarlet red dress and high heels. Rex's jaw dropped. "wow...You look great.." Rex said "Thanks...You know we've only known each other for about a day and we're like BFF's!" Ashoka said happily, "Yeah...sure...weirdo" Rex said smirking. An hour later Lux showed at at the door, Rex was listening to music so he couldn't hear anything, The next knock was louder and Ashoka got the door after she saw Rex being lazy she rolled her eyes. "Hi Lux" Ashoka greeted and he handed her a single rose, "Thanks. I thought i was supposed to meet you...." Ashoka as she put the rose into a vase, "Well i changed my mind..." He said smirking like an ass. Rex opened his eyes and saw Lux, "Ugh...Why are you here creep?" Rex asked "I am here to take Ashoka to a fancy dinner...And i suppose your going to eat pizza and play video games?" He asked snakrily, "no..As a matter of fact i am going to work! At least i do something with my life.." Rex stated, "Enough boys...Bye Rex!" Ashoka winked and left with Lux. Rex went half an hour later to work in the shop. After he got home he found Ashoka sleeping on the couch, It was midnight. She seemed okay so Rex carried her to her bed and covered her up. Rex went to bed and just went over everything in his  head "Ashoka is dating lux apperently, I like her but now i'm S.O.L, I live with her so this makes things more complicated. My brain hurts.." Rex thought to himself. Soon enough he drifted off to sleep and Ashoka was in his head....For good. To be continued!

A/N HAI! Okay so i know, I Have been slacking with writing but i really have been busy! Mother's day and gardening and planting the field! There's a lot of work to do on a farm! So yeah! ENJOY! Part two coming....probably tomorrow or later today. If not i will write together today......then the next part of this tomorrow and like i said no idea how many parts! I wanna do at the most....3 i think. Yup! Well bai! More stuff coming soon!

In the last chapter i think i will most likely put in what their outfits were more or less like

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In the last chapter i think i will most likely put in what their outfits were more or less like. :D ~Mlpj Out! BAI LUV YAS!! :D

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