College Dorm Mates. Part 3/3

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Rex and Ashoka, Dorm mates. Ashoka, Smart and laid back. Rex, Rebellious and nerdy. Opposites, Yet best friends. Ashoka is dating Lux but Rex is crushing hard on Ashoka. Rex takes Ashoka to her first College party! They make a mistake and Lux finds out. Rex welcomes Ashoka with open arms. Will Rex finally tell Ashoka how he feels? Or will he just keep it locked up? Will Ashoka keep dating Lux? Will Lux get kicked in the private parts? Read and find out! (P.s I HATE LUX!!!)

*A month later* (They have been living together a month and a half)

Rex woke up at 3 AM after having a nightmare, He has those often, So he got up to get a drink of water. He walked into the kitchen, Grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He sat down on the couch in the living room. Then he heard Ashoka talking. He went over to her door, He didn't open it, He just...Listened. He heard her say things like, 'Wrong man' Or 'Not right together'. Rex didn't want to snoop anymore so he went back to his room and layed in his bed. 6 O'clock rolled around so he got dressed for school. Then after he was dressed he went to awaken Ashoka. He walked into her room and approached her sleeping form, "Soka'....Wake up.." Rex said quietly and poking her slightly. "Five more min mins..." She said sleepily, "We're gonna be late for school. Wake up" Rex told her. "Fine...." She finally said giving in, Ashoka got up, Shooed Rex out of her room and got dressed. After she was ready they walked to school. "So, Ashoka...I heard you talking in your sleep.." Rex said starting a conversation. "Oh....Really? I didn't know i did that" Ashoka said puzzled, Rex shrugged. They reached the school and went to class, History class. they sat through five boring classes together and by that time it was already 8:30. "Hey! hardcase is havin' a party at his place. Wanna go!?" Rex asked excitedly. "Sure! I'll ask lux if he's going." Ashoka said smiling, She called Lux. No answer. "Oh well...Let's go!" she said beaming. They arrived at the other Dorm building, Where Hardcase and Fives lived, They entered and began partying with all the others. Rex went to grab Ashoka and him a few drinks. "You enjoying yourself Littl'un?!" Rex shouted to Ashoka over the music as he handed her a beer. "More then you'll know!" She said smiling and dancing. Ashoka and Rex stuck together the entire night. Ashoka stopped worrying about lux, Rex fell in love even more. They had been at the party about 2 hours now, They also had drank a lot! Rex was on his 12th and starting to slur his words, As for Ashoka, She was on her 9th and she was tipsy and giggling. So basically both drunk! Ashoka and Rex were sitting on the couch in the back room, They were very clone, Too close. "Hey Rexter, I think your a cutie!" Ashoka said giggling not knowing what she was saying. "Well i think you have a nice butt" Rex said drunk, "Awwwee, Your just saying that!" She replied bashfully. And then, Well let's say, Drunk Rex+Drunk Ashoka= A makeout session. Ashoka was on Rex lap, Faces together, Making out. Little did they both know, Lux was at the party, And he saw it all. Rex and Ashoka didn't have any idea what they were doing. But they would probably have some things to regret in the morning. Ashoka and Rex walked home half an hour later, Giggling and laughing like hyenas. *The next morning* Rex awoke to the sound of Ashoka throwing up in the bathroom. Rex had a major headache as well, But he could handle it. Rex walked to the bathroom and rubbed Ashoka's back, "It'll pass kid, Don't worry" Rex said groggily. After Ashoka felt better Rex took her back to her room and covered her up and put a trash can next to her bed. Ashoka remembered what happened, And Rex remembered what happened. They just didn't say anything and pretended not to know. Luckily it was Saturday so there was no class. Ashoka stayed in bed for a while then she came out and sat on the couch and watched Rex play video games for a while. Rex made them some toast, to help the hangover, "You drank a lot last night, You know that?" Rex asked smirking as he handed Ashoka the plate of toast. "How much did i drink?" Ashoka asked, "I think nine. I had twelve though...So i win!" He said triumphently. Ashoka rolled her eyes. Then Ashoka's phone rang, "Hello?" She answered. "Hey, It's Lux. Date night?" He asked through the phone, "Sure, See ya then!" Ashoka said slightly happily, Mostly horrified. "Rex, Last night...Did anything....Happen?" She inquired worriedly. "Not that i know of.....but what do you mean?" HE asked pretending to be confused, "like, Did we...Um, Make-out?" She asked cringing hoping it was a dream, "Ashoka...We got really drunk, And yes...We made-out.." Rex said looking her in the eyes, "Oh god! Was Lux at the party!?" Ashoka aksed getting up from the couch palm on her forehead, pacing. "Not that i know of....Listen i'm sorry, well sorta.." Rex confessed, "Sorta?! Rex! We made a big mistake! What if Lux was there and he saw us!?" Ashoka asked, Probably louder then she should have, "Well, To be fair, I've never made-out with anyone. But i don't remember much...But still, Can you blame me!?" Rex asked standing up. "Oh no this is not good. What is he saw me!? What if he breaks up with me!?" Ashoka questioned. "Well then that little twerp will be out of our lived for good" Rex said smirking, Ashoka just rolled her eyes. Ashoka went to her room to think things over. Rex just sat on the couch and listened to music. He was listening to 'we belong' and singing along, Out loud! Ashoka listened, And she started to realize something, But she shook it off. Rex layed around listening to that song on loop. "We belong to the sound of the words we're both fallen under" He sang. Rex's phone rang, "Hello?" He answered, "Rex! I saw you making out with Ahsoka! Nice job man!" Hardcase yelled. Rex hung up. A while later, Ashoka came out of her room wearing her favorite blue dress, "I'm going to see lux....Bye Rex!" She said walking out the door. Ashoka walked to Lux's house, He was waiting by the gate. "Ah, Ashoka Your here. Good." He said smiling, "Hi" Ashoka said waving her hand looking nervous. "Ashoka, listen...You know i...really like you...Right?" He asked her, "Yes.." Ashoka said cautiously, "And there's no secrets right?" He asked looking a little angry. "Right." Ashoka said slowly, "I saw you making out with that...that...Scum bag clone!!" Lux shouted at her, "I'm sorry, i made a mistake!" Ashoka pleaded, "Liar! You slut!" He shouted. The next thing Ashoka felt was a hand to the side of her face, It stung and burnt. Her eyes wattered and she ran away crying. All she managed to say was "It's over ass hole!" Whilst running. Ashoka ran home to Rex, She bursted through the door. Rex stood up quickly looking shocked, Ashoka wrapped her arms around Rex. He noticed her eyes were red and her face was stained with tears. Rex wrapped his arms around her and help her as she cried endlessly into his chest. "what happened?" Rex asked concerned. "he-Hit-me" Ashoka managed to say through sobs. Rex's blood boiled, "That creepy little perv is going to pay for hitting her!" Rex thought to himself. After a while Ashoka stopped crying, And Rex went out for a 'walk'. Rex went to Lux's house, he pounded on the door. Lux answered. Rex grabbed Lux by the throat, "You dare hit a woman!? You dare hit Ahsoka!?" Rex yelled pushing Lux to the wall. Lux struggling to breath, Rex tightened his grip. "You stay away from her! Understood?! I see you near her, or look at her, Or even think about her!! I will kill you! Right/!" Rex yelled, Lux nodded. Rex let him down and stormed home. "You were gone an awful long time" Ashoka said furrowing her brows. "Just thinking.." Rex said. Rex sat cuddled up with Ashoka on the couch until she fell asleep. Rex carried her to her bed and covered her up. He placed a soft kiss on her lips, And went to his room. Rex awoke the next day and he went to the living room where Ashoka was eating cereal, Watching Pokemon. Rex sat down with her and made himself something to eat as well. Ashoka's phone rang for the millionth time, She answered. "What?" She said annoyed, "Ashoka, Forgive me please? Meet me at the park...Please....I want to appologize in person. Please?" He begged, "Fine!" Ashoka said annoyed, giving in. "Your not really going are you?!" Rex asked, eyes wide. "I have too Rex, you wouldn't understand." She replied, "He hit you for pete's sake!" Rex shouted. "Rex. Stop, I'm going...alright?" She said a painted brow raised. Night fell and Ashoka was dressed and ready to go and meet Lux in the park. "Ashoka...Stay, Please?" Rex begged "Rex, i have to go.." Ashoka said sad eyed. Rex thought for a moment, "Do you ever feel like when your with one person. your the only two? No matter how large the crowd, It's just you." He said trying to quote her words. Ashoka looked at Rex shocked, "That's how i feel with you, Ashoka" Rex said loking her in the eyes. Ashoka dropped her purse. Walked over to Rex, Threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Rex put his arms around her waist. The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. When Rex pulled away, He looked at Ashoka, "I knew my dreams were true!" She said looking a little embaressed, Rex just looked confused, "I've been having dreams about you, Rex, Dreams of us being together. I knew they were right." She said, Rex smiled down at her and kissed her again. A while later Lux came knocking at their door. Rex answered. "Remember what i said? I guess not.." Rex said smirking and he punched Lux in the jaw. Rex dislocated Lux's jaw and knocked out four of his teeth! Lux went home crying. Rex shut and locked the door, Turned back to Ashoka who jumped into his arms and hugged him. "I love you Rex" She said looking him in the eyes, "I love you too, Littl'un" He said smiling and he winked at her. Rex leaned down and kissed her again. The kss was over and they just stood there, Foreheads together. "I never want this moment to end.." Said Rex, "Me neither.." Ashoka said smirking. "We found love in a hopeless place" Ashoka said softly. "We belong to sound of the words, We've both fallen under" Rex said softly. "I love you.." They both said. The End.

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