Random Roxy head canons

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(These are just ideas I have about Roxy, if you love Roxy like I do, then go ahead and read, they'll be touching and heartfelt, others angsty. Some will be longer and more like drabbles or imagines, either way, enjoy!)

If Roxy's working out with her brothers, she wears sweats or like those swishy pants, and a muscle shirt. But if she's with Ahsoka she feels more comfortable and works out in shorts and either a crop top, or sports bra, she just feels more comfortable showing skin around another woman and not her brothers, but she's come a long way to showing more skin.

She'll drink anything with a lot of caffine, the girl needs it to live. She prefers either just black caf with some sugar, or else a chocolate caramel cappucino. 

Roxy's first period came late, she was fourteen and on a mission with Anakin and Rex on Naboo to act as bodyguards to Padme, it went like this:

Roxy had felt uncomfortable all day, a pain kept bothering her lower abdomen, she ignored it until the next morning, she awoke in Padme's spare bedroom, and the white sheets had a large red stain, Roxy checked herself for wounds, but she was bleeding from...well down there. She didn't want to bring it up to Anakin because he might send her home, it was too awkward to talk to Rex about it! Now, her upbringing being what it was, she was never educated on her own body and the fact that this was normal. So, quietly in the early hours she crept to the Senators room. 

She knocked and Padme answered, "Uh, I'm so sorry to bother you but I can't bring it up to the guys, but uh..." she gathered herself, Padme waited patiently, "I'm bleeding from uh, y'know...down there.." she stumbled over her words. Padme smiled like a mother and moved to let her into her bedroom, "Roxy, I'm glad you trust me to tell me this but I assure you it's normal, you're a late bloomer much like myself." Roxy stared at her confused.

"Okay, women go through this for a week every month, it's just your body telling you that it's ready for kids in a way. I can give you a book to read about all the medical stuff, otherwise ask your medic, but you just need to wear a pad down there and it'll be fine, you'll get cramps and they hurt, but it's completely normal." She explained. Roxy nodded, "so a week every month? That's bullshit." She covered her mouth after swearing in front of the Senator, Padme smiled and laughed. "Thanks for helping me with this, I feel so embarrassed.." Roxy trailed off.

"It's no problem, here's a couple pads, you can get them at any store. Sometime's when you have cramps chocolate is good to." She winked, Roxy thanked her again, and headed off to her room again. 

That's how that went.

Roxy always tried her best to not swear around Padme, she respects her a lot, but once Padme slipped up and said the big word, Roxy lost her shit, and now when they hang out they swear all they want, it's a good release for Padme, the lady's stressed guys. 

Time to get dark y'all! Roxy's first and worst Panic/anxiety attack. (For the record, I have never had a panic or anxiety attack, nor do I personally know anyone who had, but I've read up on it, and if you have a problem with either of these, I suggest skipping this for your own good!)

Roxy was 16 when she had her first panic attack, it came out of nowhere really, she was stressed, so the guys suggested they take her to a bar and relax a little, there were so many people and it was quite loud. They were sat in a booth away from everyone but Roxy felt so uncomfortable, she felt her heart rate pick up, and she was having trouble breathing. Kix noticed it first, "Are you okay?" She shook her head, "I-i can't breathe, and my chest, h-hurts." She stuttered. 

"Shit, she's having a panic attack." he said, she couldn't breathe properly, her heart was racing and she felt sweaty and clammy, everything seemed fuzzy. "Ok, Roxy I need you to listen to me, just focus on me." 

By this time Rex came back with the drinks and was horrified when he saw his sister in trouble. "What's going on?" "She's having a panic attack. She won't focus on me, you try and calm her, she needs to steady her breathing and focus on one thing ok?" Kix explained and stepped away. He got all the others to move and it was just Rex and Roxy.

"Alright kid, c'mon focus on me, look at me." She looked at Rex and tried to only focus on him, "There ya go, ok now here, put your hand on my chest, feel that? you gotta breathe like that, in, and out, in, and out." He calmly explained. 

Slowly but surely her breathing slowed, and her heart went back to normal, Kix checked her vital quick and they made sure to leave. "If you ever feel like you're going to have an attack again, let someone know if you can, otherwise you need to focus on one thing, and count your breaths, think of your happy place. Okay?" Kix explained, Roxy nodded. 

Now Roxy's worst attack was on Umbara after realizing they had been fighting other clones. Rex was on his knees, head in his hands, everyone was still, no sound. 

"K-kix.." Roxy breathed out when she felt her heart rate spike again, she couldn't breathe. "Ah no, Roxy, here sit down, it's okay." He shushed her, he held her hands in his. He tried for almost ten minutes and she wouldn't calm down, she couldn't breathe, she was crying, and she couldn't hear or see anything. It was like her brain was lagging but over-loading at the same time. 

"Rex!" Kix screamed, he sprinted over to his sister, so far Rex had been the only that could calm Roxy from her attacks. "Roxy, look at me, look at me" He held her shoulders. "W-we k-killed....o-our br-brothers..." she managed to get out, she let out a whimper. 

Rex held her close, "I know, it's gonna be okay, just focus on me, please." 

She opened her eyes and looked at him, tears streaming down her face, "Breathe in and out, in and out Roxy. You can do it." encouraged Rex. It took a while, but he managed to calm her, tears were still streaming down her face, but she was okay now. "I'm gonna k-kill that fucker if it's the last god damned thing I d-do." said Roxy, referring to Krell. 

When she had attacks after Mandalore, she had to deal with it herself, sometimes she passed because she couldn't focus on one thing, once she put herself in her 'happy place' like Kix once said to do, she managed through them alone. 

She can't be alone for extended periods of time, after being alone when she was a child and then for 15 years after Mandalore she hates it. 

She's buff like Samus from super smash, but a little heavier set. 

She likes rock music, occasionally an up-beat pop song.

Roxy can drink her brothers under the table, they don't do that often anymore though. 

She had a rather dark, sarcastic sense of humor and Obi-wan once asked if she was ok, naturally she responded "No, but that's not stopping me." 

She had tons of inside jokes with the guys, they would call Obi-wan, Obi-juan and they were just weird about a lot of things, She'd walk up to a clone from another battallion and be like "You look just like my brother" the boys did the same, they thought they were hilarious, and Wolfe laughed at that joke so they knew it was funny.

She can handle gore, but hates the smell of old food when she had to take out the trash.

Could beat anyone in the whole GAR, except maybe Ahsoka or Hardcase, at the dancing game they had. 

You think she was insecure of all her scars back in the day, well now she has a giant one on her face, and an eyeball that's not hers, this girl has been through so much and it's my fault heh. But yeah, her cybernetic eye took some time to get used to. 

She was scared for Benjamin to see her in a tank-top, not like he cares what she looks like anyways. 

Though she needs caffine to live basically, she hates when she crashes and gets jittery. 

(That's all I got for now, enjoy! ~Emily)

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