Pre and Post meeting Benjamin, Roxy Headcanons

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*Before meeting, and dating Benjamin Roxy would never wear tank-tops, or even many t-shirts. It was always armor or long-sleeved shirts to cover her scars. Rex and Ahsoka helped her to feel better about them of course, but she was still self-conscious about them when people would stare or ask about them.

*Still keeping her problems bottled up, but when Rex would ask, she would open like a floodgate, otherwise she kept it all inside. 

*Not telling anyone about her Anxiety, Ahsoka could sense it, and always tried to calm her down when in a stressful situation.

*Depression days, lots of them. (Of course she talks to Rex but some days she would stay in her room, or not talk to anyone while on a mission.)

*Busying herself with menial tasks to keep her mind off things. (She still does this)

*Self-conscious about her body, not just her scars. Ahsoka always told her she looked good, and Rex assured her she was pretty, but they're kinda biased seeing as Roxy is their best friend/sister.

*Drinking a lot, more than she should.

*Nightmares, and TONS! OF! THEM! (With Rex back and everything they weren't as often but when Rex or Ahsoka, Wolffe or Gregor were away on a mission they were more frequent. SHe had more when she was alone after Order 66)

*Getting mad at Kanan often, she was so used to the old Jedi, and the G.A.R she just hates being ordered around now. 

*Really short temper. (Back in the days, Yoda or Obi-wan would help with this, then Rex and Ahsoka, but she still gets mad.)

*Almost always being around Rex and Ahsoka only.


*After Roxy met Benjamin, saved him, and began dating him, she became less self-conscious about her scars and body. He would tell her that she was beautiful, that he loved every part of her, whether it be scarred or bruised, a little flabby or flat, he loved every inch of her, and he made sure she knew that.{ ex. He would kiss her scars, from her wrists to her elbows, he would kiss the scars on her legs as well, old random ones that littered the rest of her body from battles. He would tell her he loved her almost every day, and on her bad days, he wouldn't pressure her, just do these simple things to help her out a bit}

*She's more open, one look from Benjamin on a bad day can have her tearing up in his arms in a second. He just holds her and sometimes she doesn't even need to speak, just be held.

*He noticed her Anxiety early, back when he saved her from the slavers, he didn't ask, only tried to keep her calm in bad situations, but when she finally talked to him about it, he would hold her hand to keep her calm, and if she had a panic attack, he would be there. Steadying her breathing and getting her back to reality. He knew about her PTSD from day 1 due to reading about the symptoms in her files. He helped with that too, but Rex is still better with that.

*On her depression days, the days she didn't want to do anything or even see the light of day, he would bring her things to try and make her happy, favorite foods, that sort of thing, otherwise he would lie in bed with her, holding her as close to his chest as possible and kissing her temple. 

*If she would try to keep her mind off something that was bothering her, Benjamin would either pester her until she cracked, or just help her and give her small smiles, and butterfly kisses.

*On her really bad self-conscious days Benjamin would really make her feel beautiful and loved, laying her down in her bed, kissing every inch of her skin and whispering words of love and adoration.

*Her drinking really decreased after she and Ben started dating.

*If she had a nightmare, Benjamin was almost always the first one to know, she would toss and turn but he would wake her up and hold her as she cried and told him about the horrors she dreamt. He would assure her it was all fake, and that he was still there, that Rex and Ahsoka were fine.

*She still gets mad at Kanan, but usually if he see's her getting tense or annoyed, he just secretly hold her hand and leans into her a little. 

*Once again, still has a temper but if she gets really mad and starts swearing and yelling, Benjamin knows better than to tell her to calm down, he lets her rant to him, or else lets her storm off for a while. (Her anger is VERY RARELY directed at Benjamin, usually it's an idiotic rebel or Kanan)

*When Benjamin came into her life, and she brought him home, most of her time is spent with him, hanging out, sleeping together, playing pranks together and eating together, she still spends a lot of time with Rex and Ahsoka of course, and Rex is sometimes jealous of how much time his sister spends with Benjamin, but he's happy that she's happy. 


A/N: I'll probably do some pre and post meeting Roxy headcanons for Benjamin, but that may be a while now. Monday I'm gonna be busy, tomorrow maybe but I also got some new books I wanna read, and after Monday IDK what my dad's schedual is so I won't know what work I'll be doing, and CCD is starting in a few weeks here and I'll be teaching, again lol. But enjoy this, and I'll write again soon! ~Emilypeej

 But enjoy this, and I'll write again soon! ~Emilypeej

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