Prompt One-shots #1

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Since I have basically zero ideas for any proper chapters, I decided to do some one-shots based off prompts I've had saved in my phone for a couple years lol Enjoy!

Prompt 1: "I'm trying to tell you goodbye"

"I'm sorry Master, but I'm not coming back..." Ahsoka said as she closer Anakin's hand which held her Padawan beads. She turned and walked away from her whole life, her master, the Council, her family. There was one last thing that she had to do though, one person she couldn't leave without letting them know.

Rex was at the shipyard, giving out orders, making sure everything got to where it was needed. He felt a tap on his shoulder, turning he saw Ahsoka.

"What's up 'Soka?" He asked, "Can we talk somewhere more private?" With a nod Rex led her to the empty Barracks. Ahsoka took a deep breath, and looked up at her lover. 

"Rex, you have been my best friend for a very long time, and then became the love of my life. You mean more to me than anyone else ever has. Even if it wasn't right in the eyes of others, it felt right when it was just you and I, sitting in an empty Cafe and talking about our dreams. It felt right when we kissed, held each other, everything. I love you, and I always will."

She poured her heart out to him in that dusty dark barrack. Rex smiled, albeit a bit sadly. "I love you too, so much. everything okay?" 

She shook her head, "I need you to promise me that you won't forget me, or that we'll be able to figure out this out someday." she began to cry. 

"Ahsoka, what are you saying?"

"I'm trying to tell you goodbye..."

Rex's heart dropped, "But they cleared you.."

"They didn't trust me, I can't stay. I'm sorry."

He felt a few tears escape, and lowered his head. Ahsoka put her hands on either side of his face and made him look at her. She captured his lips in a desperate kiss, he wrapped his arms around her as tight as he could, fearing she would disappear if he didn't. 

"I should go." She said as they broke apart, Rex nodded. 

"I love you." "I love you too..."

And that was it, she was gone.


Prompt 2: "I'm gonna be a single old lady, flashing people on the subway." (Shuttle)

It was a normal day off in the Barracks for the guys and Roxy. Ahsoka had come to visit, they were snacking and talking about the usual things; What would they be doing in he future if the war ever ended.

Rex had said he would probably have a little farm, maybe do mechanic work on the side. Fives said he would travel, Echo wanted to be a teacher. Ahsoka said she would continue keeping the peace but that she would try and write a book on the side. 

Roxy just watched in amusement, laughing at the answers she enjoyed. When it finally came to her turn she thought for a moment before deciding on the best possible answer.

"I'm gonna be a single old lady, flashing people on the shuttle." She shrugged, everyone began howling with laughter, Ahsoka smacked her arm. "You're so gross!"

A smirk adorned her features, "I mean it's probably the more accurate and probable answer, let's be real!" she laughed.


Prompt 3: "I can braid your hair for you...if you'd like."

Running her hand through her hair for the millionth time that day, Roxy threw her tools down and kicked the ship she had been working on. She let out a groan and put her hair up, getting back to work, even if she didn't want to. Going to work on the belly of the ship instead and began welding. After that she ended up smacking her hand with a hammer, and cutting herself on a piece of jagged metal, she decided it was time to be done.

Wiping her hands free of grease she started walking away to her and Ben's room. She shed her clothes on the way to the fresher, and turned the hot water on, letting the room fill with steam. She stepped into the shower, under the stream of scalding water and instantly relaxed. She had been working on ships and moving supply crates all day, as well as training new recruits that morning. It had been a long enough day and she was finally done, that end of the day shower was Roxy's favorite.

Once she was done, she shut off the water, and wrapped a towel around herself. She went to grab her hair brush, forgetting to have brushed before the shower, and sat at the small vanity. Her hair had been so tangled, and now that it was wet it was a thousand times worse, she tugged and pulled. Grunting and swearing the whole time. 

Benjamin walked in just in time to watch her throw the brush at the wall beside his head. 

"Tough day, hun?" 

Roxy huffed and crossed her arms over her towel-clad chest. Benjamin smiled softly and picked up the brush, he put a chair behind Roxy and began carefully untangling her hair, gliding the brush through gently. 

He felt Roxy relax under his touch, and she sighed. Whenever his fingers grazed her bare back, she shivered. 

Finally, deciding there were no more knots or snarls in her hair, Benjamin put the brush down.

"I can braid your hair for you...if you'd like." he suggested.

Roxy nodded slowly, eyes still closed. She relished in the feeling of his gentle fingers cascading through her hair as he began separating it, then braiding. When we was done he held it in place with a band. "There, all done." Benjamin said as he looked at Roxy, who was half asleep.

"Ready for bed?"

"Mhmm" was the only response he got.


A/N: It's been a lil while, huh? Well enjoy these angsty, funny, domestic fluffy one-shots! I'll probably do more soon lol until then! ~Emily.

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