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Sky and Noel exited the portal and looked around to see where they were.
"I think this is Bodham." Sky notified Noel.
They were close to the shore and the sun was setting. There were crowds of people coming to the shore. It looked like some kind of event would be happening.
"I wonder what's going on." Noel said as he looked in the middle of the ocean.
Sky looked at him and exchanged her gaze to were Noel was looking at. It appeared there were people building something.
"Want to check it out or split up?" He asked.
"Let's split up. That way we can get a lot more information. I'll head to the construction site while you look around." Sky said before heading towards the construction site.

Noel went to were the citizens of Bodham where gathering. Sky stopped walking and looked back at Noel. She didn't understand why he wouldn't say anything to her about her behavior towards everyone. ' He probably doesn't care.' Sky thought to herself. She walked through a long bridge made out of cement that lead to the construction site. Once she got there she noticed all the workers gathering fireworks. She saw a man giving orders and walked towards him.
"Hey, is some event happening?" Sky asked the man.
The man turned around to look at her. "Huh? You haven't heard?" He asked.
"Heard what?" She asked confused.

"Today is when the firework show starts!" He exclaimed.
"Fireworks? What for?"
"Well, here in Bodham the people work very hard so every month we make a firework show for the citizens of Bodham. Not only that, they all enjoy the show so much that we want them to see it very beginning and ending of each month."
Sky smirked. "I see. So you do this to entertain the whole entire city. That's very generous of you. But won't the fireworks be very dangerous since there's so many and big?"
"That's the thing. We made a force field around this whole entire area that any person or object can get through but anything made out of gunpowder can't. Also people spend most of their time building beautiful fireworks and we don't want them to go to waste." The construction leader informed Sky.

"I see. So it doesnt matter how big or how many fireworks there are, the people will be safe. Also the ones who spend their entire time making fireworks get to have other peole see them."
"Yes. We want everyone to think that all the struggles they went through were worth it. Anyway, I have to get back to work. I hope you enjoy the show." The man said before he walked off to where his co-workers were. ' to think that all the struggled they want through were worth it, huh? So when I see these fireworks I'll think all the struggles that I went through were worth it?' Sky thought to herself.

Sky then left the construction site and made her way back to the shore. When she got there she saw Noel waiting for her.
"Anything?" She asked as she got close to him.
"Yeah. It turns out this is a famous event in Bodham." He said as he got close to her. "I've been told that this is a firework show to release stress that people are having in their daliy lives. That they can come here and enjoy the show."

Sky kept looking at their surroundings, there was clearly nothing wrong. She didn't understand why they were there. 'Is the Chaos messing with my portal?' She thought to herself.
"Its strange." Sky said softly but loud enough for Noel to hear her. Noel looked at her confused.
"There's nothing wrong here so why would my portal take me here?"
"Maybe someone needs help?" Noel suggested.

Sky kept thinking of reasons why her portal would take her to Bodham when there's no chaos flowing around threatening the lives of the citizens. A voice then found it's way to Sky's mind. 'This is my doimg. I want you to enjoy yourself. You're losing who you truly are. Please, remember who you are. Don't give him what he wants. Fight for what you want.' The voice said. Sky knew who's voice that belonged to. It belonged to Yeul, her Yeul. Sky held her hand over her chest, trying to decrease the amount of pain she was feeling.

She looked down at her feet, trying not to have tears run down her face. Although Yeul is gone she was still with her. Yeul was looking after Sky throughout her entire journey. Sky looked up at Noel and saw that he was worried about her.
"So you want to stay here?" She asked. "I know we haven't done much but we don't always get to see a firework show."
Noel nodded. "Yeah. Sure, why not? A better find a place where we will get a good view." Both Noel and Sky walked towards the crowd and tried to find a place to watch the fireworks. Little did they know someone was smiling down at them, wanting the future that they saw for someone to become true.

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