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Noel and Sky ended in Sunleth Waterscape. It was calm and quiet like it's suppose to be at night.
"Why are we here? I don't see anything wrong? Tch, I'm getting really annoyed by this." Sky said frustrated.
"We might find something that'll help us with our journey. Let's look around." Noel said.
"Noel, I would but it's night and I can barely see anything."
"Yeah, you're right. We might fall into our deaths." Noel's body then became tense. He felt something grab him by his arm.
"Best to stick together." Sky said.

Noel relaxed. It was just Sky who grabbed him. He took a deep breath to calm down his heart since it was trying to bust out of his chest. He felt warm with Sky close to him. Very close to him. He could feel her body against his. 'She's probably scared of the dark,' Noel thought to himself. He then noticed that she started hyperventilating.
"Sky? You okay?" Noel asked in panic. Sky didn't answer. She started to shake. Noel didn't know what to do. He just hugged her. He heard Sky let out a small gasp. Her body tensed.
"It's alright, I'm here." He said softly.

Sky seemed to calm down a bit so Noel hugged her even tighter. After a few moments Sky hugged him back. It really surprised Noel since she didnt look like the type to hug people, especially since she doesn't like it when people touch her. She was hyperventilating less now. He could feel that his shirt was wet. It gave him a hint that she was crying.

"Sky...why are you crying?" He asked softly.
"I'm scared of the dark. It brings bad memories." She said after taking some deep breaths.
Noel looked around to see if there was anything he could use as a flashlight. He couldn't see anything but could notice some wood on the ground. He threw some fire to the wood, making a campfire.

Sky turned to the fire and stared at it. Noel looked down at her and couldn't help it but see how helpless she looked. Noel walked her over the fire and carefully sat down, not letting go of her. Sky sat along with him. Once they both sat down she held tightly onto him. They were surrounded by darkness and silence. The only thing that could be heard was the fire's cracking sounds. Throughout the entire time Sky kept staring at the fire meanwhile Noel stared at her, hoping she'll tell him what happened.

Sky eventually looked up at Noel. Noel looked into her eyes and saw a hint of fear. He didn't know Sky for that long but he could tell she wasn't the type of person to be scared. Sky looked into his eyes as well and saw a hint of worry. They both stayed like that for a while until they both realized they could hear their heartbeats and feel each others heartbeat.

"Sky...why are you scared of the dark? I know you said it brings back bad memories but what happened?" Noel asked.

Sky took a deep breath. "I...I would tell you if I could...I'm sorry. I trust you it's just that...I don't want to drag you into this mess."

"Will you tell me what's going on soon?"

"Maybe...all I know that I will tell you when the time comes.." Sky buried her face into his brawny chest. "I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me."

"Hurt? How?" Noel asked confused.

"...A long time ago, I met a girl named Yeul. Both her and I were on a mission to save humanity. We reached the place were the answers were...She saw a vision of the future and died in my arms...the building fell on top of us..I thought I died because I couldn't see, hear or feel anything but I was just unconscious. He then made me a l'Cie...my focus...I have to complete it or ill be a Cie'th. After all these years he's still giving me time to complete it..if I don't then I have failed my focus.." Sky explained a bit.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your focus?" He asked.

"My focus...is to destroy the New World." She replied.

Noel was shocked. He couldn't believe the she was going to destroy the New World. 'Wait, she's trying to save it. So does that mean she's going against her focus?' Noel thought to himself. Noel opened his mouth to say something but Sky said, "I don't want to destroy the New World. I want to save it. I don't want to hurt millions of innocent people."

Noel smiled at her words and hugged her even tighter. He buried his face in her hair. "The more reason to help you save the New World." He whispered into her ear softly.

Sky's heart skipped a beat when he whispered into her ear. She felt her face heat up. She closed her eyes and ignored the fact that she was blushing and that her heart skipped a beat. She then felt Noel lay her down on the ground as he hugged her from behind. Her body tensed at the feeling of his arms around her body.

"It gets cold at night so it's best to stick together to take warm." Noel said.

Sky nodded. She closed her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. Even though she was asleep, she could still hear his voice. He kept reminding her how she was the reason why Yeul died, how she's the reason people are getting hurt and that the chaos is loose.

That voice kept haunting her but behind that voice there was another. That voice wasnt haunting her, it was saving her, encouraging her. She recognized that voice. It was Noel's. 'I trust you. It's alright, I'm right here.'

Those words made her feel safe. It made her happy. For the first time in centuries, someone actually trusted her.

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