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Noel pov

"Are you sure, Yeul?"

"Yes, I sense them." Yeul kept telling me that we're being watch by someone. I tried to asked her who it is but she never gives me an answer. She just says that I'll find out soon. I asked her if this person was against us and she said no, that it's just watching us, that's harmless. I don't know who this person is but if they hurt Yeul, I won't be harmless towards them.

"Lets go." Yeul then grabbed my hand and we both started walking away. We were both at a park, Yeul felt like being in a peaceful place so I brought her here to this park, it's always quiet here. Ever since we came to this world Yeul has been 'sensing ' someone. Saying that it's been following us. Not just us, but the others as well. Yeul says that its friendly, but that it won't show it self.

"They like watching us, Noel."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because it does, if it didn't then it wouldn't be following us."

"Yeul, are you sure it's friendly? "


Well, if she says that its positive then I believe her. It just doesn't make sense, why would it be following us? Do we have something it wants or something?

"Lets find the others, i just hope that we'll be able to find them soon."

"Noel, Hope lives in this town, I've heard people talking about him, maybe they know where he lives."

"Alright, let's go find him."

Serah pov

Lightning, how are you? Where are you right now? Have you found any of our friends- no, have you found any of of our family yet? I hope where ever you are that you're okay.

"Serah, are you okay? You're crying again." A voice behind me said.

I turned my whole body around and nuzzled my face on his chest. "Yeah, I'm alright, I just miss my sister. I'm very worried." He tighted his grip around me and chuckled. "Why would you worry about her? She's fine, leave her be." He said it in a tone that said that he didn't care. "Snow!" I playfully slapped his chest. He laughed. "I'm joking, but still she's fine. She's lightning after all, right?" I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you're right. There's no way Lightning is going to let someone hurt her." I nodded my head, agreeing with Snow.

"Don't worry, We'll see Light very soon."


"Now, let's get some more sleep." Snow said as he muzzled his ace on my face, causing me to giggle. Snow's grip around me tightened, but at the same time it wasn't so tight. Snow found me five days after we started living in the new world. I was happy that I was with him again, in his arms, feeling safe again. I just hope I see Lightning again, miss her so much.

"Snow, stop being lazy and take out the trash."

Snow groaned. "Ugh, fine "

Fang pov

"Come on, Fang!" Vanille shouted at me as she ran towards a waterfall where a deer was drinking water.

"Hang on, Vanille! You don't know what's out there!" I shouted as loud as I could.

Since we arrived living in the new world both Vanille and I have been moving place to place to explore and to find the others. It took me five days for me to find Vanille. I was surprised that I found her in this big world. Moving place to place was worth it. Vanille laughed as she petted the deer. The deer didn't looked frightened, it looked rather relieved for some unknown reason.

"Daddy! Look! Its Vanille!" I heard a child shout.

From where I was, I saw Vanille turn around and waved. "Sazh! Dajh! Its been a while! How you've been?" Vanille said as she ran towards them, I'm surpried that she didn't tripped and fell down onto the ground.

"Fang! Hurry it up!"

"I'm coming, little missy." I said as I walked towards her. I knew she didn't hear what I said, but I did knew that she was tired of me walking.

"Hurry up, old lady!!"

I stopped walking and glared at Vanille. "Old lady? I have you know I'm 21! Little missy!" I shouted. Vanille hid behind Sazh, she looked like as if she was enjoying herself.

"Yeah, you're 21! 1621! Your old, Fang!!"

"So are you Vanille! You're 1619! And if I were you I would wish Lady Luck for some luck for you not get killed by me!!" I pointed my spear at her.

"Whoa, Fang, calm down. Don't kill Vanille, we need to find the others first." Sazh said as he raised his hands in front of him as if he was defending himself.

"Sazh! I'm hurt. Are you really going to let her hurt me?" Vanille looked at him with a pouty face.

"Well, as a father, no, but lightning knows if someone deserves a beating or not."

"By the way, have you found anyone else?" I asked Sazh.

"No, but I heard about this smart guy in a small town who help them save more money, be pollution free and other stuff, that he's hope."

I scoffed. "Let me guess, Hope?"

"Of course it's Hope, Hope does anything to help others, he's even good with politics." Vanille said excitedly, not hiding behind Sazh.I

"Yeah, do you know where this town is by any chance?"

"10 miles that way, that's were Dajh and I were heading until he saw Vanille. " Sazh pointed east. Vanille and I were coming from North and Sazh and Dajh West.

The deer then ran away. We all looked at him run away. "What do you think sacred him?" Vanille asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it was it scared him." The bushes then rustled. I got my spear ready, Sazh his guns and Vanille her staff.

"We know your there! Come out!" I shouted. "Don't let your guard down." I whispered to the others, getting a nod as a response.

"Dajh, stay behind me." Sazh told his son, who looked like he was about to cry. Dajh hid behind his father's leg.

A girl came out of the bushes. She didn't wore clothes from this world, she was wearing clothes that you would see people in Gran Pulse wearing.

"Who are you?! And why are you spying on us?!" I shouted at her. She just turned around and saw the brand on her shoulder. The l'Cie brand.

"A l'Cie?" We all said in an unison.

This person's a l'Cie, she's from Cocoon or Gran Pulse. There's no way she could be alive. No one is a l'Cie in this world. No one has eternal life anymore.

Who is she? And why is she here? How did she get here?

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