chapter 2

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3 hours later

Jacinta: where am I
Roman: you in the shield bus
Jacinta: please let me go
Roman: I already said we cannot do that, plus it's your 18th birthday tomorrow so we are going to celebrate it
Jacinta: no I don't want to celebrate my 18th birthday with the shield
Roman: too bad you will have to
Seth: we decided to untie you cause we trust you not to leave
Jacinta: I will not leave I promise
Dean: we are going to question you OK and if you don't answer well there are going to be consequences do you understand
Jacinta: yes
Seth: treat, first question who are your friends in WWE
Jacinta: Well pretty much everybody except the Wyatt's and the shield
Roman: so why do you hate the shield
Jacinta: well the way you attack all of my friends in WWE plus my mother and father hate you so that why I hate you so much
Roman: you shouldn't hate the shield we are good it's just we beat the bad one up
Jacinta: no you don't you beat innocent ones up
Dean: plus we beat anyone that gets in our way
Roman: who is the one that you hate the most
Jacinta: roman reigns
Dean: that's very harsh
Jacinta: no it's not its the truth
Dean: OK stop it now
Scene: dean and Seth had to check into a new hotel
Dean: OK Roman you take Jacinta into the hotel room and we will be up soon
Roman: come on jacinta we trust you to walk with me to the shields new hotel room
Scene: Jacinta managed to run to the front door of the hotel building and managed to get into a cab
Cab driver: hello where do you want to go
Jacinta: well we headquarters
Cab driver: OK

Back at the hotel

Seth: roman you idiot you lost her again!
Roman: I'm sorry I thought we could trust her cause she has been very quiet and not trying to escape after we found her
Dean: I think she is going to WWE headquarters
Seth: well we can cut the cab off cause I know the shortcut they take
Dean: cool let's go

Back in the cab

Driver: is it OK if I take a shortcut
Jacinta: yeah sure no problem as long as I get there as soon as possible
Driver: looks like someone needs help with their car
Jacinta: oh crap that's Seth Rollins, the driver can we get the hell out of here
Roman: to the late baby, we have you now, the dean can you pass me the chloroform
Jacinta: please don't, please don't
Dean: we have to, sleep tight precious
Scene: the shield arrived back at the hotel room
Dean: Can you carry her this time
Roman: yes I will I can't trust her now
Scene: Roman puts jacinta down on the couch
Dean: wake up precious
Jacinta: what do you want from me
Roman: why don't you all go out of the room and I will talk to the baby girl
Jacinta: why don't you all just go away
Roman: Jacinta I am sorry for putting you in the middle of this, we didn't want to put you in it but we had to cause your parents weren't very nice to us and we won't hurt you we just say it so they do cause we are not going to punish you for what they did, plus it's just wrong if we do that
Jacinta: if you were sorry you would let me go
Roman: I love you
Jacinta: what
Roman: from the moment I saw you I always had feelings for you
Jacinta: I have something to admit 2, when I was 16 I had a crush on you and I still do
Roman: awesome do you want to eat something
Jacinta: yeah sure
Roman: I made you a chicken salad just for you
Jacinta: but how can I see you after I go back to my mum
Roman: she can't keep controlling you you are 18 years old you are your boss
Jacinta: Yeah that's true, you can bring your boys in now and tell them the news
Roman: it's OK boys you can come in now
Dean: what was taking so long
Roman: well me and Jacinta are dating now
Dean: WTF
Seth: oh so that's why you love birds took so long
Jacinta: I am very sorry to all of you's for running away
Dean: Oh that's fine I'm glad you are happy here now
Jacinta: I was thinking could I join the shield
Seth: umm yeah sure just don't backstab us
Jacinta: I would never do that
Roman: awesome glad you joined us we are going to train you tomorrow
Jacinta: awesome can't wait
Dean: But we can't go to the WWE gym cause Stephanie might be there or triple h and all his friends

The next day

Roman: baby girl wake up time for your training
Jacinta: OK I'm up what am I going to where
Dean: well you 2 were sleeping me and Seth made a design for your outfit in the shield
Jacinta: oh my god it looks awesome
Seth: I decided to put a big roman reigns logo since you are dating him and yeah I am glad you like it
Jacinta: I am going to go try it on
Dean: well this is the actual outfit it is still being made but they are coming soon to deliver it
Scene: knock at the door
Courier: hi I got a package for Mr dean Ambrose
Dean: That's me, thanks, Jacinta here you go
Jacinta: awesome I am going to go try it on
Roman: OK
Jacinta: so how do I look
Roman: hot and sexy
Dean: yup you look hot
Seth: yup it works you look beautiful
Jacinta: I can't wait to see the look on my parents face when they find out I'm joining the shield
Roman: Stephanie is going to be angry
Jacinta: so what it's my choice I am 18 years old

2 months later

Jacinta: congratulations on winning the belt I know dean and Seth tried hard but the authority had dirty refs involved
Dean: that's OK as long as one of the shield members got the belt
Seth: OK we are all going to the ring give the big announcement that you have joined the shield
Jacinta: I am so excited plus I want to announce me and Roman are a couple
Roman: yeah I want to see the look on the authority's face when they find out we are a couple
Dean: OK we better go now
Roman: are we scheduled in
Seth: yes that, jacinta when you come down the stairs, you Will be with roman and I will be walking with the dean on the other set of stairs
Jacinta: OK cool I think we should get going
Roman: yeah let's go now don't want to keep the audience waiting

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