chapter 4

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The next day

jacinta: roman honey
Roman: yes
jacinta: well Rosie is going to be at our place in 30 minutes, so can we get going
roman: ok honey I will be ready soon
jacinta: come on roman this means a lot to me if you guys start talking
roman: I am just going to put a clean shirt on and then we can get going
Jacinta, roman: bye
rock's mum bye see you another time
jacinta: I will text you later
scene: they arrived at their house
jacinta: oh hi Rosie how have you been
Rosie: I have been good what about you
jacinta: I have been good even better with roman, come inside and you and roman can talk
roman: Rosie I am sorry me avoiding you for a long time
Rosie: well the reason why I am angry is that you never told me the reason why you have been avoiding me
roman: when I went with jacinta, I was afraid you were going to tell jacinta stuff that will scare her away even though
Rosie: I would never do that to you
roman: I realized that when you helped jacinta and Naomi I realized you weren't that person I was thinking about and for that I am sorry
jacinta: ok Rosie do you accept his apology
Rosie: yes now I know the truth plus I am sorry giving you ideas that I would do that
scene: Samantha, dean and Randy
Samantha: hello jacinta oh where is your cousin
jacinta: shut up and I see you managed to kiss deans a**
Samantha: oh it is on
scene: Samantha and jacinta were in another brawl
dean: hello roman you're going down
roman: we will see about that
Rosie: looks like me against you randy
randy: shut up
scene: Rosie does a big Samoan drop on randy, roman spears dean and Samantha ran off when she broke Jacinta's leg
jacinta: ow my leg
roman: oh I'm the sorry baby girl
jacinta: it's not your fault
scene: roman texts the usos and Naomi

text message: hello Naomi and the usos I have some bad news well dean, randy and Samantha attacked me Rosie and jacinta she has a broken leg so if you can come over that would be good
usos, Naomi: sure we will be right there

jacinta: ow my leg hurts
roman: it's the alright baby we already called the ambulance and we called the usos and Naomi
jacinta: thanks
Naomi: oh my god jacinta I can't believe she did this to you, she is gonna pay for this I swear and even Emma
jacinta: and I will have your back
Naomi: no way you are not going to be cleared in a week
roman: yeah Naomi is right,  plus we are not going to let you fight, we care about you and we don't want you to get hurt
jacinta: fine I will find some replacement for the match
scene: the ambulance came
nurse: hi what do we have
jacinta: hi my name is jacinta I have a broken leg and it hurts when you just move it slightly
nurse: ok you will have to come to the hospital, you can bring 2 people
jacinta: ah Naomi and roman
usos: we will drive to the hospital, ok jacinta I will see you there
jacinta: ok then see ya

back to the authority

Samantha: job done, jacinta has a broken leg
Stephanie: good work soon she will regret leaving the authority
dean: sorry Steph it was hard trying to take out Rosie and roman
Stephanie: so Rosie was there
dean: yeah he was really hard to take that's why I and randy got beaten up
Stephanie: it's alright I understand but next time I will bring J and J with you guys
dean: ok that's alright
triple: now I Naomi has to find 3 partners now
Stephanie: good luck with that Naomi ha ha ha ha ha
Samantha: she is so going to get a hiding
Stephanie: yup and she will regret helping jacinta

back at the hospital

jacinta: I want to go home
roman: well he has to wait till the doctor gives you crutches and tells you what to do to make a full recovery
jacinta: so doctor when can I go home
doctor: well you can go home today but you cannot wrestle
roman: don't worry doctor we will do everything to stop her from wrestling for a while
jacinta: I am not a crazy person, I am just a normal human
Naomi: yup doctor we have everything under control
jacinta: plus I found 3 replacements for that diva's match
Naomi: well who are they
jacinta: it's a surprise you are not going to know until the match
roman: not even your boyfriend
jacinta: well no one is allowed
scene: jacinta calls the 3 divas

( just to let you know I will not be telling who they are until the night of the match)

divas: hello
jacinta: hello
divas: I'm sorry about your leg
jacinta: I was wondering if you can see if you and your 2 others can be in my match, plus I don't want to give away otherwise they will figure out who I am speaking to that's why I am calling you guys friends, plus make sure no one finds out even don't tell any of my family I want it to be a surprise
divas: ok sure
jacinta: on the night make sure you have a couple of guys in your locker room to protect you
divas: no problem

end of conversation

jacinta: can I go home now
doctor: yes you can
roman: can we borrow a wheelchair
jacinta: I am not going to be sitting in a wheelchair
roman: fine forget about the wheelchair
jacinta: I just want to get out of here, please
roman: yes we are don't panic, we just have to get your painkillers for leg
jacinta: I don't need painkillers
roman: of course you do baby girl and I will make sure you take them
jacinta: don't worry I will take them
Naomi: good, ok then see you tomorrow
jacinta: ok then bye Naomi and the usos
usos, Naomi: bye get well
scene: roman and jacinta arrived at their house
jacinta: Oh it's good to be home
roman: home sweet home babygirl
jacinta: I love you my empire
roman: I love you more
jacinta: and I love you the most

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