chapter 9

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Back at the shields house

Carla: come on let me go
Dean: fine we will let you go, cause when you realise what type of parents you have you can either help your sister get away and yourself or you will turn into your mother
Scene: Carla ran off and went to triple h's office
Carla: dad im back
Triple h: that's great how did you get here
Carla: oh I managed to getaway
Jacinta: you shouldn't have come
Scene: randy turned up
Randy: well jacinta you're coming to my locker
Jacinta: I don't want to
Randy: well you have no choice
Carla: I can look after her if you like
Randy: ok that's fine
Scene: Carla went and stayed in Randy's locker room while Randy went for his match
Carla: ok sis let's get the hell out of here now, I just texted Seth to wait in the parking lot, so let's hurry
Jacinta: thanks sis I appreciate it
Scene: they just got outside when dean spotted jacinta and Carla running towards the car luckily dean didn't get to them on time they managed to drive away
Carla: im sorry for not believing you guys
Seth: no problem sweet thing
Jacinta: you too would make a perfect couple
Seth: yeah I know
Carla: well when we get to the house, Dean I need to speak to you privately
Seth: sure
Scene: they all arrive at the house roman, jacinta went inside while Carla and Seth
Carla: ok Seth im gonna just gonna say I love you since the moment I laid eyes on I just have that feeling of love
Seth: I love you too, so do you want us to start dating
Carla: yeah sure let's go tell roman and jacinta
Scene: Carla and Seth walked in to see jacinta lying on the couch with roman
Carla: hey sis we have some news, tell them, Seth
Seth: I And Carla are dating
Jacinta: oh my gosh, im so happy for you guys
Roman: this calls for a celebration, Let hit the club
Seth: yeah
Jacinta: let's invite Naomi and the usos
Roman: yeah sure
Jacinta: cool, I just texted her
Scene: they arrived at a nightclub named phoenix pulse except for for for namemeemeeend the usos they had to do something
Jacinta: This is going to be an awesome night to remember
Roman: im gonna shout all of us the first 3 rounds on me
Scene: randy and triple h arrived at the club
Jacinta: Oh crap look who just showed up
Carla: who cares
Jacinta: I think we should leave
Seth: no as long as we stick together ge cant get either of you
Carla: yeah your right, come on lighten up sis
Jacinta: im not in the mood for a drink but you 3 can drink
Roman: ok, what do you want baby girl
Jacinta: I will have a cola
Roman: so the rest of us will have tequila
Carla, Seth: hell yeah

3 hours later
Roman, Seth and Carla were drunk
Jacinta: come on guys let's go home
Roman: I don't want to go home, I want to stay
Jacinta: come on honey
Roman: why do you have to be so b*itchy and bossy
Jacinta: im not
Carla, Seth: jacinta is right we need to go home
Jacinta: ok Carla and Seth I just called a cab for you to go home, I will stay with roman
Seth: no we are staying cause I know for a fact triple h and Randy are still here and they are probably waiting for the right time to get you
Jacinta: fine
Roman: just leave me alone
Jacinta: what is wrong with you
Roman: just leave me the f*CK alone you sl*t
Jacinta: how could you say that to me
Scene: jacinta left in the taxi and got home, texted Naomi

Text message

Jacinta: hello Naomi, would it be alright if you came over, I need to talk to you
Naomi: sure in you in 10 minutes

5 minutes later
Scene: someone knocked at the door
Jacinta: gosh Naomi it didn't take you long
Scene: jacinta opened the door only then she see randy with a cloth in his hand
Randy: you're coming with us

10 minutes later

Scene: Naomi arrived at the house
Naomi: why is her door open, oh crap she got kidnapped again, but where the hell is roman, Seth and Carla
Scene: roman, Seth and Carla arrived at the house
Seth: oh hello Naomi, what brings you here
Naomi: well jacinta texted me and asked if I could come over and when I arrived this door was open, I think she was kidnapped again, I thought she was with you guys
Seth: she was, that was until roman called her bossy,sl*t, and b*itchy so she ran off into a cab and probably came home
Naomi: what the hell roman, you know she has been through a lot and you go and say those hurtful words to her face and you know she loves you more than anything
Roman: I was trying to have fun but jacinta wanted to go home and Seth and Carla agreed, plus Seth reckoned triple h and Randy were still there cause they arrived after we went into the club
Naomi: well she probably won't forgive you now cause this is the second time

Back at triple h's house

Jacinta: hello dad, I don't care that you kidnapped me and I don't wanna see roman again
Triple h: what made you change your mind
Jacinta: I don't wanna talk about it
Randy: come on tell us
Jacinta: fine he called me bossy,sl*t, and b*itchy, and never heard him talk like that to me and he knows I loved him more than anything in the world
Triple h: where is Carla
Jacinta: Carla is dating Seth
Triple h: what
Jacinta: it's alright leave her alone I may hate roman but don't try and kidnap her ok, the only one is roman, dad can I put roman in a match on Monday night raw and I promise you will love this match
Triple h: sure sweetheart Randy and I will be with you and guess what
Jacinta: what
Triple h: well since you want to announce the Romans match well you can be in charge of Monday night raw this week
Jacinta: cool thanks
Triple h: ok good so go home get some rest and make sure you are energized for Monday night raw
Jacinta: of course I will, bye dad see you tomorrow
Triple h: bye sweety
Scene: jacinta talked to randy privately


Jacinta: Randy no offence but I want to only be friends between you and me, I hope you can accept that, cause I am not running from you guys again
Randy: yeah we can be friends
Jacinta: thanks Randy, thanks for understanding me
Randy: you're welcome
Jacinta: you can stay in my hotel room just in case roman comes
Randy: yeah sure, im glad you see that I and your dad are only protecting you
Jacinta: yeah me too
Randy: so is your sister coming back to us
Jacinta: no cause she is happy with Seth and I am glad for her, but if you kidnap her I will hurt you and dad, you have me on your side so please don't take her away from Seth ok
Randy: ok we won't
Scene: they arrived at the hotel room
Jacinta: ok goodnight Randy see you in the morning
Randy: goodnight princess

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