chapter 7

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The next day


Stephanie: good luck Randy on your match
Jacinta: you're so going to lose against big Cass
Randy: don't speck-like that
Jacinta: im allowed to say whatever I want to say, cause it's my mouth, not yours, bye I will see you in your locker room, bye my 2 faced mother b*tch of a mother
Triple h: watch your mouth missy
Jacinta: shut up
Scene: jacinta left and bumped into aj and Naomi
Jacinta: hello how are you 2
A: we're just heading to Romans locker cause he wants to speak to me and Naomi
Jacinta: seriously
Naomi: (whispers) we have another plan, don't say anything )
Scene: randy walked up to the ladies
Randy: Hello ladies what are you all talking about
Jacinta: oh nothing just asking how are they doing
AJ: Oh we're fine to see you another time
Naomi: we should catch up sometime maybe go see a movie or go have a girls night out
Jacinta: yeah definitely
Randy: well we have 20 minutes until the match
Jacinta: Well we better get ready

20 minutes

Randy: jacinta hurry up
Jacinta: im coming, im coming, calm down
Scene: jacinta and Randy came out together
Jacinta: you don't have to hold my arm tight
Randy: yes I do
Jacinta: no you don't idiot
Scene: Randy started squeezing her arm tight
Jacinta: ow ow randy cut it out
Lawler: once again jacinta and Randy came together and jacinta does not look happy about it and it looks like he is squeezing her arm again and you can see the pain in her eyes
Jacinta: well Randy im commentary with Jerry Lawler
Randy: fine
Scene: jacinta was sitting next to Jerry Lawler
Lawler: hello jacinta how are you
Jacinta: not so good
Lawler: I can see misery all over your face
Jacinta: yeah look at my arm where Randy squeezed it
Lawler: well we will bring the medical doctor that is ringside and he can put a bandage over it
Jacinta: thanks Jerry
Lawler: no problem
Scene: Seth come
Seth: what the hell are you doing Randy hurting jacinta like that
Scene: Dean was right behind me in the crowd
Dean: hello jacinta, I'm here to make sure you don't run
Jacinta: I can take you out easy
Scene: dean and jacinta were faces to face
Dean: you want a bet
Jacinta: I don't play childish games as you dean and I told have little boys tantrum like you
Dean: shut the hell up
Scene: jacinta was backing into the crowd when the usos attacked dean and Seth ran off and distracted Randy
Usos: come on jacinta let's get the hell out of here
Jacinta: where is Seth
Usos: he is fine


Randy: where the hell is jacinta
Cameraman: sorry don't know
Stephanie: Randy calm down, all we have to do is find AJ and Naomi and we can negotiate and we will get her back
Randy: good where are they
Stephanie: we are looking for them now
Randy: probably they are with the rest of them hiding, so what do we do now Steph
Stephanie: we wait for the right moment and then we use our opportunity

At the usos house

Roman: I must say Seth, great plan
Naomi: now we all have to watch each other's backs now
Jacinta: yeah especially us ladies
Aj: well I just got a message saying we are fighting tomorrow night on the main event
Roman: yeah they are probably going to try and do something tomorrow
Jacinta: who are we up against
AJ: Carmella, Samantha and Charlotte
Jacinta: plus I still got that sore arm so probably they will work on that in my match
Naomi: don't worry we will try and do most of the work for you so all you have to do is do your finisher move and pin the opponent
Jacinta: anyway I'm gonna go home and try and get some sleep
Roman: well me and the shield will stay at your place just in case we get some unwanted visitors
Scene: they all arrived at Jacinta's house

Roman: jacinta can we talk
Jacinta: yeah sure
Roman: I didn't want us to break up I was just too mad to speak that's why I stayed silent
I want us to be back together
Jacinta: yeah me too, I still love you, I'm sorry for not believing you, plus I told the Bella twins and Paige to stay home with their boyfriends and husband cause I don't want them in this mess
Jacinta: well good night
Roman: good night baby girl

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