chapter 5

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one week later

Michael cole: just in case you haven't read the last announcement well
Stephanie has told her daughter that she and Naomi are in 8 diva tag team match and if jacinta and Naomi don't find 2 more partners they will be in a handicap match
jerry Lawler: I just got an update and jacinta, Roman reigns and Rosie have been attacked by Samantha, dean ambrose and Randy Orton, plus jacinta suffered a broken leg
Michael cole: well now she would have had to find 3 partners for Naomi but she said she has a big surprise for us just before the match
jerry Lawler: I can't wait to see who she has for the match
Michael cole: yeah and I wonder what is going through Stephanie's mind
scene: jacinta comes out
jacinta: hello WWE universe I just wanted to bring out the team that is going up against Samantha, Emma, summer rae and Charlotte- so here are is the team now Naomi, the Bella Twins and Paige
Michael Cole: OMG jacinta has the authority
Jerry Lawler: I think they will beat the authority tonight cause they have the best team
Naomi: hey jacinta good choices you picked our friends
jacinta: yeah because we really can't trust anyone else
scene: roman came out with jacinta
roman: I'm so happy who you picked
jacinta: yeah I had to pick friends too cause what are friends and family for
roman: yeah that's true
jacinta: so are you staying with me ringside
roman: well yeah just in case someone comes out and attacks you
scene: Stephanie comes out
Stephanie: by the way roman reigns is banned from ringside
roman: that sucks
jacinta: looks like you have to go now
scene: triple h and Stephanie come out to be ringside, jacinta slaps Stephanie
Stephanie: you're going to pay for this
scene: Layla comes out and attacks jacinta,
Let's light it up, light it up, light it up, light it up
jerry Lawler: oh my god its aj coming out now things are going to start happening

back to the match

scene Naomi rear viewed summer are, Nikki did the rack attack, brie did the Bella buster on Emma, Paige did the PTO on Samantha
Lillian Garcia: and here are your winners Naomi, the Bella Twins and Paige
jacinta: shame mum your team lost it looks like family and friends always have the best team
Stephanie: you will pay for this
scene: Stephanie attacked jacinta, Stephanie got the rearview
triple h: there is always a plan B
scene: the lights went out then they came back on
jacinta: help, let me go dean
dean: no you are coming to Stephanie's office
triple h: good work dean you take her in and I will help Stephanie
dean: see you in your office boss
jacinta: dean let me go, please
Dean: why would I let you go
scene: Stephanie arrived at her office
Stephanie: hello jacinta
jacinta: hello mother or should I say, Stephanie
Stephanie: you do not speck-like that to me
jacinta: no I am not dating the enemy they are the good guys, you are the bad guys
Stephanie: well you are going to be stuck with us now
jacinta: you can't keep me forever
Stephanie: I know, but you will have to marry Randy Orton or else
Jacinta: or else what Stephanie
Scene: Stephanie slapped jacinta
Jacinta: you slap like a baby step shame on you
Stephanie: you want to see about that
Triple h: that's enough Steph, listen jacinta you have to marry randy Orton otherwise we will put the whole roster against the shield if the roster won't do it I will fire them
Jacinta: as if you would fire almost every wrestler you would lose money from the WWE universe
Triple h: come on jacinta you do this the easy way or the hard way
Jacinta: I will do this the hard way
Stephanie: I was hoping you would say that
Jacinta: so Stephanie what is the hard way
Stephanie: well you will be facing the whole diva's locker room in a handicap match so you will be facing Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Charlotte, Dana Brooke, Cameron, Eva Marie,
Jacinta: bring it on, I don't care

Scene: jacinta went out for her match, then Naomi, the Bella Twins, Paige, aj came out
Naomi: there is no way we are letting you face the rest of the divas, we are all family, all for one, one for all
Scene: the match started, Naomi managed to do a small package on Cameron while the rest of them beat the rest of them up, Jacinta's team won
Nia: hold on just a sec I have some footage that you may all want to see especially you jacinta
Scene: the video showed roman reigns and Alexa bliss, jacinta walked straight back to the shield's locker room, the cameras came off
Jacinta: what the hell roman you cheated on me ( slapped roman )
Roman: that is not true
Jacinta: So you're telling me that your cousin made this whole thing up
Roman: yes cause she told me herself she hates you
Jacinta: I'm leaving goodbye
Scene: Seth grabbed jacinta by the arm
Seth: you're not going anywhere
Jacinta: Seth let me go I don't want to hurt you
Seth: roman can you knock her out
Scene: jacinta managed to knock out Seth
Roman: jacinta calm down, I want to prove to you that I am not lying
Jacinta: well how are you going to do that
Roman: just stay with us and give us time
Jacinta: fine I will give you 1 week
Seth: what the hell jacinta
Jacinta: sorry
Scene: Naomi and the usos came
Naomi: hey jacinta, I found out that nia Jax was paid to make that video
Jacinta: what why
Naomi: well she said she hates you
Jacinta: I'm sorry roman for not believing you
Roman: well I don't forgive you for not believing me
Jacinta: fine we are over, I'm leaving
Seth: woah woah woah, where are you going to
Jacinta: well if I and roman aren't together well I will have to go back to the authority
Cause now I am no longer family to you guys
Naomi: come on roman, she made a mistake
Roman: I don't care
Jacinta: don't worry Naomi me and you can still be friends I hope
Naomi: yeah of course
Seth: don't do this
Jacinta: well if roman doesn't forgive me how can he stand being in the same room as me, plus I have to go and get my stuff from Romans locker
Scene: jacinta left

In shield's locker room

Naomi: I can't believe you roman you let her go back to the authority, do you realise they are going to torture her for leaving them, I thought you were a good guy but I was wrong, she made one mistake plus if I was her I would have accused you too, I'm leaving here, I can't stand being here talking to you roman until you sort this out roman, I am never talking to you
Scene: the usos and Naomi left
Roman: I know I stuffed up but I was just really angry and I could not talk to her without raising my voice that's why I never talked much
Seth: how are you going to fix this
Roman: I don't know

At roman locker

Scene: jacinta was just getting her stuff when she bumped into roman
Jacinta: goodbye
Roman: hey you don't need to go
Jacinta: but if you can't forgive me I'm leaving, goodbye
Scene: jacinta just walked out of roman's locker and she bumped straight into the dean
Dean: your mother wants to see you
Jacinta: tell her I'm leaving
Dean: no you not
Scene: dean grabbed Jacinta's arm and made her come to the office
Stephanie: hello jacinta
Jacinta: hello mother
Stephanie: I see you and roman have broken up
Jacinta: Yeah that's fine, it's his choice, but I know you paid nia to make that fake video
Stephanie: Well now you are not with roman anymore well you have to marry randy if you don't well we are going after aj and brie
Randy: hello princess
Jacinta: So you're going to punish aj and brie if I don't Marry randy
Stephanie: yup
Jacinta: fine I will but don't hurt my friends not even the shield
Triple h: you still care about the shield
Jacinta: yeah I'm not you guys that hold grudges
Triple: well you will be getting married tomorrow
Jacinta: what
Stephanie: I already have a dress for you, plus the dean has dropped all the invitation cards at all of your friend's locker rooms including the shield

Back at the shield's locker room

Scene: dean knocked at the shield's door
Dean: Hey Seth I just wanted to drop off an invitation for jacinta and Randy's wedding tomorrow
Seth: ok bye
Scene: Dean left
Roman: what did the dean come for
Seth: well since you let jacinta go she is getting married to that slithering snake and I bet Stephanie will be laughing at us
Roman: well she probably
Seth: well we can't mess up the wedding just in case they might hurt jacinta
Roman: so what do you think we should do
Seth: well you will understand when it happens just meet me at you remember that motel when jacinta just about got away
Roman: yeah
Seth: meet me there when I call you

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