chapter 8

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The next day

Scene: jacinta walked into Romans locker and just after she went in roman locked the door behind her
Jacinta: roman what are you doing
Roman: you and Seth need to talk, I hate what is going on with you and Seth
Jacinta: I am not talking to him
Roman: you have no choice
Seth: hello jacinta
Jacinta: I don't want to talk to you cant you guys respect that
Seth: jacinta I am sorry for getting angry at you like that, I am
Jacinta: it's too late, you can't take that back
Seth: you're right I can't that back, but can you forgive me
Jacinta: for me to forgive you it's going to take time ok
Scene: roman was getting attacked outside of the locker room by randy and Dolph
Jacinta: roman
Seth: jacinta go hide
Jacinta: no I want to fight too especially if he has hurt roman
Scene: randy and Dolph got inside of the locker room, just after they got in dean surprisingly comes in, randy and Dolph was hurting Seth's other leg, while dean was holding jacinta back
Jacinta: leave them alone, leave them alone Dolph, Randy, let me go dean you lunatic
Scene: jacinta was kicking Dean so hard he let go of jacinta, then they all attacked jacinta
Jacinta: ow ow, just leave us alone
Scene: randy kissed jacinta
Randy: *whispered* ( I am far from over, there is lots more to come )
Scene: dean kicked jacinta in the gut
Dolph: see you later
Scene: the usos and Naomi came
Naomi: jacinta are you alright
Jacinta: yeah im fine just get these guys to the hospital
Usos: it sucks you have to keep going back to the hospital
Jacinta: I think I have to go back to the authority cause randy whispered to me and said he is far from over and there is lots more to come, cause I don't want them in the hospital every week, this is crazy
Roman: no way you're staying with us
Jacinta: let you go to the hospital every week, no I'm not letting that happen
Roman: don't go back to the authority, I beg you, who knows they might do worse if you go back to them
Jacinta: well we need to think of something
Roman: hasn't Stephanie got another daughter
Jacinta: yeah she never talks about her much but she means the world to her
Naomi: why don't we kidnap her daughter and we will keep her as a hostage
Jacinta: I will calm her down cause I am her sister so she will feel safe with me
Naomi: what is her name
Jacinta: her name is Carla
Naomi: pretty name, how old is she
Jacinta: 21 years old, so when should we kidnap her
Naomi: how about tonight

At night

Scene: Naomi and jacinta got in Carla's bedroom window, just when they pulled the cover they saw that Carla wasn't in the bed it was Dolph, then randy came out from the closet
Randy oh looky
Jacinta: Naomi get the hell out of here
Scene: Naomi managed to get away while jacinta distracted randy and Dolph
Jacinta: how did you know
Dolph: well I planted a bug on roman so I could hear your plan
Scene: jacinta punched randy out and Dolph just when she was trying to get out through the window dean pulled me back
Dean: you're not going anywhere
Scene: triple h walks in
Triple h: welcome home beautiful
Jacinta: shut up, just let me go
Triple h: no we are not letting you go
Jacinta: where is the mother
Triple h: I told her and Carla to stay at a friends house once I found out that you were planning something
Scene: jacinta got the signal that Carla was kidnapped by John Cena and Daniel Bryan
Jacinta: guess what dad, there is always a plan B
Triple h: what are you talking about
Jacinta: I figured you might have your goons listening to what we were saying so this is just planned A and now plan B has worked
Dean: we are going to torture you for this
Jacinta: whatever you do to me will happen to Carla, so if I was you I would be careful, how does it feel dad when it backfires on you, the last time I remember you said that to me and now it is my turn payback is a bitch
Randy: you're staying at my house
Jacinta: if I stay at your house, that means I can sleep anywhere in the house without you next to me
Randy: fine but Dean is staying at my place too so he can keep an eye on you
Jacinta: great now im gonna have dumb and dumber watching me
Dean: you shout the hell up before I shut it for you
Randy: ok cut it out both of you


Naomi: Hello, bad news
Usos: what
Naomi: they got jacinta back
Usos: yeah guess what
Naomi: what
Usos: well instead of having one plan we made a plan b without you 2 knowing, and well now we have Carla
Naomi: how are we going to get jacinta back
Usos: we will figure something out

Back at Randy's house

Jacinta: im taking the couch
Dean: no I am, you take the spare room and randy can stay in his room
Jacinta: ok sounds good
1 hour later
Scene: jacinta chloroform on a cloth and uses it on Randy and puts him to sleep then she tried to sneak out the back door she got as far as the gate before dean was standing behind her
Dean: where do you think you're going
Jacinta: crap
Dean: you can't sneak past me
Scene: dean pulled jacinta back into the house, randy was standing there
Randy: you b*tch knocked me out and still you never got away, thanks to Dean for watching her like a hawk
Dean: you're very welcome
Jacinta: So now your kissing Randy's a**, how pathetic
Dean: shut up
Randy: your sleeping in my bed
Jacinta: fine a**hole
Randy: we are going to be in your father's office

The next day

Randy: hurry up we have to go to your dad's office
Jacinta: shut up Randy
Scene: jacinta and randy, dean left and arrived at triple h's
Triple h: hello princess
Jacinta: don't you ever call me that, Hunter
Triple h: don't call me by my name you have to call me dad
Jacinta: there is no way im calling you, dad
Triple h: you can talk to roman if you like but no saying

Back at the shields house

Carla: where am I
Roman: you with the shield
Carla: why am I here
Roman: well your sister got taken by your parents so we kidnapped you
Carla: if my parents hate the shield then I hate you all
Roman: listen your sister is in love with me and now your parents kidnapped jacinta so they can force her to marry Randy, so who do you think is the bad guys?
scene: Carla tried to run and the dean came out of nowhere and carried Carla back to where she was
Dean: please precious listen to what we are saying, all we want is jacinta back then you can choose to stay with us or go back to the authority

Back to the authority

Triple h: well jacinta you can call roman if you like but if you say anything about any of us there will be consequences
Jacinta: ok
Scene: jacinta called roman
Roman: hello
Jacinta: hello roman, how is she
Roman: she is not believing us
Jacinta: let me talk to her
Roman: ok
Carla: hello
Jacinta: listen they are the good people so please believe them, cause I didn't at first and then later on I started realizing that they aren't the bad guys
Scene: triple h hung up the phone
Triple h: times up
Jacinta: I hate all of you
Randy: oh shut up, you will realise one day that we were protecting you

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