chapter 6

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The wedding day

Scene: Jacinta put her dress on and makeup on
Stephanie: you look so beautiful
Jacinta: thanks mother, I still hate you
Stephanie: I know but I still love you no matter what
Scene: jacinta and Randy got married
Naomi: Hello Jacinta
Jacinta: hello Naomi
AJ: can I and Naomi speak to you privately
Jacinta: yeah sure
Naomi: well roman did forgive you but he didn't want to speak to you cause he knew he would yell at you, plus he still loves you
Jacinta: it's too late now cause if I break out of this marriage you and Naomi will be hurt and I mean hospital hurt
Naomi: This is all Romans fault, but I heard that Seth has a plan it doesn't involve roman but involves Seth and the usos
Jacinta: who told you this
Naomi: Seth did but he didn't say everything plus roman cannot know about this ok
Jacinta: yeah ok
Scene: Randy came over
Randy: Hello Naomi, hello aj
Aj: hello Randy, what made you come over and interrupt our conversation
Randy: I came to come to get my wife, lets go home
Jacinta: I'm not ready yet I'm still talking to all of my friends
Randy: well you better hurry up
Naomi: chill out Randy we aren't going to steal her
Randy: I know, how are the usos and hows your crazy husband cm punk
Naomi: they are fine
Aj: what did you say
Randy: how is your crazy husband cm punk
Scene: aj attacked randy and jacinta had to pull aj away from randy
Jacinta: Randy get the hell away from aj
Randy: no
Jacinta: fine then I will let aj attack you again
Randy: fine I will leave but Stephanie will drop you off at your place, plus I will be waiting at your house
Scene: Randy left
Jacinta: aj calm down, randy left
Aj: I just want to rip his head off
AJ: fine
Naomi: so yeah I hope Seth plan is going to happen soon
Jacinta: but what could he and the usos possibly do
Naomi: I have no idea but remember tomorrow night is raw
Jacinta: yeah I know, see you tomorrow since we are all on Monday night raw
Naomi: yeah
Scene: jacinta arrived home
Jacinta: hello Randy, have you got a match on Monday night raw
Randy: yes and you have to come out with me
Jacinta: who are you up against
Randy: um I think it's Big Cass
Jacinta: you're so going to lose
Randy: no I will beat the crap out of him
Jacinta: I don't think so, if you can't beat roman by yourself then how the hell are you going to beat big Cass
Randy: you're going to help me beat him
Jacinta: hell no, I don't care what you say or what you do I am not helping you win
Randy: fine I will bring Dean out then plus then he can keep an eye on you
Jacinta: I'm not going near that lunatic, I hate him for what he did to the shield
Randy: I don't care
Jacinta: goodnight
Randy: goodnight

Monday night raw

Michael Cole: just moments ago we found out that Jacinta and Randy are married and jacinta has to now come out with Randy
Lawler: I think she was forced cause she loved roman and everybody could see that
Michael Cole: I don't think so
Lawler: anyway let's get to the match
Scene: randy and jacinta were coming out
Randy: don't run away otherwise dean will come after you
Jacinta: I know sh*face
Randy: what did you call me
Jacinta: nothing
Randy: yeah I thought so
Scene: Randy was holding Jacinta's arm tight
Lawler: you can see jacinta isn't happy to be out here plus you can see randy is holding her arm tight
Scene: big cass came out with Enzo, the match started, jacinta grabbed the microphone
Jacinta: go big cass I hope you kick the vipers a**
Randy: shut up
Jacinta: you what roman is way better than you will ever be
Scene: just when the dean was coming out, the lights went out, then the lights came back on
Randy: where the heck is jacinta
Dean: I don't know
Scene: big cass sneaked a win and ran out of the ring with Enzo

Scene: the shield came on the jumbotron

Seth: Hello Randy look who we got back
Randy: give her back we already warned jacinta of the consequences, and look who triple h and dean are bringing out
Aj, Naomi: help help
Jacinta: Seth, you need to let me go I do not want them to get hurt
Seth: no
Jacinta: I don't want my best friend and my closest friend to be in the hospital
Roman: you heard Seth and the answers are no
Jacinta: let me go godammit
Scene: jacinta managed to get away from the shield but she bumped into the rock
Rock: what are you doing here
Jacinta: I'm trying to help my friend's aj and Naomi but roman and Seth are trying to stop me
Roman: rock don't let her go
Jacinta: please just let me go
Rock: sorry but I fully respect my cousin's decision
Jacinta: I hate you all
Scene: jacinta kicked roman, Seth and the rock in the groin and managed to come out

Randy: Naomi all you have to do is convince the shield to give jacinta back and we won't hurt you
Naomi: hell no
Jacinta: randy let aj and Naomi go and I will get in the ring
Randy: not until you get in the ring
Jacinta: I will stand on the outside of the ring and when you let them go I will get in the ring
scene: jacinta was standing on the outside of the ring
Randy: ok Naomi you're free to go
Jacinta: what about aj
Randy: fine aj your free to go
Scene: jacinta got in the ring, Randy grabbed Jacinta's arm tight, they all left
Stephanie: So you tried to do a runner
Jacinta: no mother I did not
Scene: Stephanie slapped jacinta
Jacinta: you slap like a little girl
Stephanie: fine I will slap you again
Triple h: that's enough, both of you

Back at the shields locker room

Seth: what the hell Naomi and Aj, you two were meant to stay with roman and now you stuffed up my plan to get jacinta back, now I have to figure out another way of getting her back similar to the one now but slightly changed
Roman: tell us the plan
Seth: ok and stick to the plan, here is the plan for tomorrow nights smackdown...

Back at the authority's office

Randy: any way they won't try and take jacinta for a while
Stephanie: well tomorrow night you getting your rematch against big Cass, and Dean will be coming out with you
Jacinta: no way I'm not coming out with Dean ringside
Stephanie: fine I will get Samantha to come out with you and Randy
Jacinta: yup I'm fine with that just tell your pitbull sam to don't go crazy near ringside, cause you don't want her costing Randy's match
Scene: Samantha walked in on what jacinta said
Samantha: what did you call me
Jacinta: you heard me, I called you a pitbull
Scene: jacinta and Samantha got into a full-on brawl
Stephanie: we won't let jacinta come out with Samantha cause they will both distract randy from his match, let's just stick to dean coming out with jacinta and Randy
Randy: yup sounds good
Jacinta: well I'm going home
Randy: yeah me too, see you tomorrow Steph
Scene: they both got home
Jacinta: goodnight
Randy: goodnight princess
Jacinta: don't call me that
Randy: I can call you whatever I want to
Jacinta: a**hole
Randy: what did you call me
Jacinta: nothing
Randy: don't ever say that again

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