chapter 3

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The Shield

As the theme song played they got in the ring

Seth: as you can see we have a new member of the shield
Jacinta: that's right I have decided to join the shield and me and WWE superstar roman reigns are dating, and no they did not force it was my choice
Stephanie: jacinta what the hell is going on here
Jacinta: you heard me mum I'm dating roman reigns and I decided to join the shield
Stephanie: no you are not
Jacinta: yes I am and you can't tell me what to do cause I am old enough to make my own choices
Triple h: come on sweety don't do this just come back with us we can talk
Jacinta: no I'm with the shield now, I'm sick of you picking on only the shield
Stephanie: oh you are going to pay for this Jacinta
Jacinta: I don't care
Triple h: there is always a plan b
Scene: dean grabs a chair and wacks, Roman and Seth, with it
Jacinta: what the hell dean,
Dean: I'm doing what's best for business
Jacinta: you traitor I hate you
Dean: come on jacinta you're coming with us
Jacinta: no I am not
Scene: the Usos and Naomi came out
Naomi: jacinta are you alright I am but can you guys help me with roman and Seth
Usos: yeah of course that's what family is for
Stephanie girls get her
Jacinta: ohh look Samantha and Emma are coming out you ready
Naomi: ready as I can be
Scene: Naomi rear viewed Emma, jacinta and Samantha were in a full-on brawl, Emma pulled Samantha out of the ring when Naomi was about to put the rearview on her, Jacinta grabbed the microphone
Jacinta: Samantha, so your Stephanie's bi*ch
Samantha: this is only the beginning watch your back jacinta
Emma: you 2 Naomi you just won't expect it
Jacinta: look at you, no wonder dean dumped you, you are 2 faced backstabber
Stephanie: there is going to be a divas tag team match it will be an 8 woman tag team match, by the way, if you can find 2 more partners then it will be even or you 2 will be fighting in a handicap match, good luck finding 2 partners
Jacinta: shut up mother I am glad to be with roman plus I am no longer living with you
Stephanie: you can't do that, I own you you're my daughter
Jacinta: well not anymore, goodbye mother
Triple h: I know you you will be back in a year I just know
Jacinta: shut up dad
Triple h: just to let you know you Roman and the usos are in a handicap unless you can find one more partner cause this is going to be a fatal 4 gauntlet match
Scene: the rock turned up
Jacinta: oh my god the rock turned up
Rock: of course to back up family, hello Jacinta I am glad to meet you
Jacinta: yes me toooooooogood luck mum trying to beat me and Romans family
Stephanie: I hate you all especially you Jacinta
Jacinta: same to you
Naomi: ok well I and Jacinta will take Seth to the hospital
Roman: you 2 can't go by yourselves cause remember Samantha and Emma are going to attack when they get the chance and it looks look they have a good opportunity to do that

Naomi: so how else are we going to get sent to the hospital
Jacinta: we can get rikishi and remember your brother Rosie
Roman: he won't talk to me
Jacinta: just let me talk to him
Naomi: let's all just get back to the locker room
Roman: yup Naomi is right then we can discuss strategies
Scene: they got to the locker room,
Roman: here is his number dial it on your phone otherwise he won't pick it up
Jacinta: shush its ringing now
Rosie: hello
Jacinta: hello Rosie in roman reign's girlfriend can you come help Naomi and me to take Seth Rollins to the hospital cause roman, the rock and the usos have to stay behind plus they don't want us to get attacked by these 2 divas that will take any opportunity to attack me and Naomi
Rosie: sure I will be their soon
Jacinta: thanks Rosie I appreciate it see you soon (hanged up)
Roman: how did it go
Jacinta: he is going to be here soon
Roman: wow was it that easy
Jacinta; I was honest I told him the reason that I and Naomi needed him and he understood
Roman: cool
Rosie: OK I'm here now
Jacinta: OK we better hurry up before they know we are going
Roman: Can I talk to you tomorrow
Rosie: yeah sure
Roman: OK cool
Jacinta: bye honey
Roman: you 2 stay at our family's place until
jacinta: ok sure bye honey
roman: bye jay
Naomi: bye my sweet Samoan
jimmy: bye babe
jacinta: thank you so much Rosie this means a lot you are helping me and Naomi
Rosie: yeah I would do anything for family
jacinta: I hope roman and you will be good together after you talk tomorrow
Rosie: yeah you can come if you want to just to keep both of us calm while we talk it through
jacinta: yeah sure if you don't mind
scene: they arrived at the hospital
jacinta: nurse we got Seth Rollins that got hit in the ribs and back
nurse: ok we will keep him overnight
Naomi: Can you make sure no other friends go into his room cause don't let Samantha brooks, dean ambrose, Emma, and the rest of the authority in WWE
jacinta: if I find out he gets attacked I will be using this whole hospital
nurse: don't worry we will have the police to guard him
they just arrived at the family house
rock's mum: hello my dears and hello Rosie
Rosie: Hi I just come to drop off Naomi and jacinta cause roman, the usos and the had to stay back to compete in a match
rock's mum: ok
jacinta: I am so worried about them
rock's mum: oh they will be fine remember they have crazy Samoan blood in them
jacinta: I know but the authority has always hated them and you know how vindictive they are, that's why I'm glad I am not living with them otherwise I will be in on it
rock's mum: so what made you change your mind
jacinta: well I got sick of the authority only picking on the shield plus after they kidnapped me they made me realise they are not the bad guys the authority is the bad guys
rock's mum: I am glad you are not with them and we will be a real family not like your parents
jacinta: I am sorry for what your family had to go through
rock's mum: it's not your fault if you ever need to talk I will always be here to talk
jacinta: roman and Rosie are going to talk tomorrow
rock's mum: that's good
jacinta: Rosie asked me to be there just to keep both of them calm
rock's mum: yeah you don't want them to have another fight
jacinta: has it happened before
rock's mum: once before they were talking and then next thing you know they started brawling
jacinta: I will make sure none of that happens

4 hours later
scene: roman, the rock and the usos turned up
jacinta: hello my empire, the rock and the usos
usos, rock, roman:  hello
jacinta: I'm going to bed now
roman: yeah me too
usos, the rock: yeah we better get home now
rock's mum: ok see you guys another time
jacinta: yeah we better get going
rock's mum: oh rubbish you 2 can stay here the night I have a spear room for the 2 of you
roman: oh thanks I appreciate it
jacinta: goodnight
rock's mum: oh good night dear and goodnight roman
roman: goodnight
scene: they went to bed
jacinta: roman
roman: yes baby girl
jacinta: I was talking to Rosie on the way home and well he said he wants me to be there to keep both of you guys calm
roman: oh that's fine
jacinta: so you don't mind if I'm there
roman: honestly I will not mind
jacinta: good night empire
roman: goodnight babygirl

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