Chapter 5: The Aftermath in Balbadd and the Return to Sindria

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Everyone's eyes were still on me and I honestly didn't know what to say. "You're such an idiot you know. Maybe you and the idiot king should get married and raise a farm of idiots!" it was Ryu again. "Stop calling me an idiot you stupid djinn!" oh shoot! Did I just say that out loud?!

Sinbad put a hand on my shoulder and said, "T are you okay? Why did you just say something like that?" "I... I um...." Judar was getting impatient and said, "Idiot king get your hands off her, I have to take her back to the Kou!" Judar aimed his want like thing at Sinbad and Sinbad glared. Just then Aladdin came near me and Judar seemed to notice the rukh that surrounded him. He looked towards Sinbad and said, "Who's this Chibi? Why's the rukh all weird around him?" Sinbad looked towards Aladdin and I held Aladdin's hands to stop him from going towards Judar. Sinbad sighed and said, "He's the same as you, he's a Magi." Judar widened his eyes in surprise and said, "This Chibi? Are you trying to say he's like me? A Magi is supposed to be someone that's all powerful, do you honestly want me to believe this Chibi is one?"

Judar turned around and started to laugh. I turned to Aladdin and said, "Don't go near that perverted guy, okay? He's bad news-" I heard a whooshing sound near me and turned to find that it was Judar. He grabbed my arm and said, "Hey, didn't I tell you to stop calling me perverted." Still holding arm he turned to Aladdin and extended his arm towards him and said, "I'm Judar, it's nice to meet you". I tried to free myself from Judar and said, "Aladdin, don't trust him!" but it was too late and no sooner had Aladdin extended his arm, that he was sent flying across the room. I tried to yank my arm free again so that I could run up to Aladdin, but Judar just tightened his grip and said, "Don't think that you can escape from me this time. You were only able to get away last time because that idiot king came with his metal vessels and household vessel. He doesn't have any with him so he can't stop me." Before I could protest Judar flung me over his shoulder and floated in air. "Hey! Let me go you stupid pervert!" Judar looked at Aladdin and said, "since you are a Magi, you should have a king vessel right. Where is he? No matter I'll just find him. Oh... found you!" he aimed his wand and attacked Alibaba.

Just then I saw that Aladdin got up and aimed his staff at Judar, which seemed to peek his interest, "you look like you want to fight Chibi." Aladdin glared at Judar and said, "I won't let you hurt my friends." Judar started to laugh, which made him loosen his grip on me. I took this chance and kicked him in the gut, which caused him to let me go.

As I was falling I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came because apparently Masrur had run up and caught me just in time, "Thanks Masu!" Masrur simply nodded his head and looked straight ahead. I followed his gaze and noticed that Aladdin and Judar were still fighting, but Judar had the upper hand. Just then Judar summoned a bunch of water and turned them to ice. He said some sort of spell and the ice turned into ice daggers. I turned towards the group and said, "Get out of there! He's going to attack everyone! Anything those daggers touch will freeze." As soon as I said that Judar smirked and said, "You're smart aren't you?" and aimed the daggers at the people and released them.

Everyone managed to get out in time, but Judar continued to smirk and gathered all the surrounding rukh and created lightning and aimed it at Aladdin. However, it didn't hit him, because Ugo materialized in time to stop the upcoming ice dagger and lightning strike.

The battle raged on, but Ugo had the upper hand. Judar seemed tired but still smirked and said, "I guess I just have to kill you both then!" just then Ugo seemed to have had enough and run up to Judar and squished his borg with both hands. He managed to gravely injure Judar in the process.

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