Chapter 51: The Battle To End All Battles

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No matter how long and painful it may be...

No matter the distance or time...

To you I offer this, the undying love that spans through time and space...

T jolted up from her sleep clutching the fabric above her hear. I guess it'll be time soon, she thought to herself as she gently got off her bed and headed to the the window. In a few hours Judar will arrive and they will break into the Sacred Palace to save Sinbad and the world from David and Arba's cunning plan. 

"It's odd... I fell like I won't be seeing this sky again..." She mumbled to herself as she continued to gaze as the lonely moon. "It's like me isn't it... Shining brightly all alone amongst the countless stars that are together... We're not too different now aren't we?" She said as she extended her arm towards the moon.

"I guess this is the only thing I can do to save him, my family, my friends, and the entire world... Gilgamesh... Or Homura, whatever you would like to be called. Promise me you will never tell them what I am about to do. I don't want them to try and stop me... I want them to survive... I want him to have a second chance!"

T fell to the ground in tears as a gentle, yet cold breeze ruffled her hair. I will never see you again, but know that I will always be watching over you... Goodbye, my loves... She thought to herself as buried her face in her knees...



"T are you sure you want to do this?" Aladdin asked as he saw that T was deep in thought. In annoyance Judar pointed at T and exclaimed, "T sing a song! You're really dampening the mood! Your making this carpet ride even more annoying than it was!"

T blinked a couple of times before she asked, "Will any song be okay? Well here it goes...

"Love that is bound by distance
Is like a strong wind (The fire of love)
It will stop the fire but
Also make it burn stronger than before

Miss you
Our love is becoming more and more genuine
as it keeps being tested by distance
Miss you
I'm sure it's destiny
I'm by your side, baby, always

Oh Oh Oh Oh Wherever you are (The heart is always)
Oh Oh Oh Oh I can always feel your presence

The time in which we're apart from each other
Is testing our love
Even if we're apart
I can feel your presence"

T finished her song and the atmosphere around her worsened. Hakuryuu walked up to T and placed his palm on her shoulder, "We will defeat Sinbad, there is nothing to be worried about." Alibaba nodded his head, "You two will go back to the old days when you were king and queen of Sindria! You guys will get to grow old together and watch your kids get married! I guarantee it!"

T smiled at her freinds' efforts on making her feel better, but she couldn't shake off the ominous feeling... The feeling that everything will end soon... Taking a deep breath, T mentally prepared herself for what is to come. She knew the only way she would save him would be by using the demon living inside of her... to make the trade...

Judar turned to the group annoyed and stated, " Nerva is already down there! Let's hurry it up!" T wiped the tears off her eyes and nodded her head. 


Once the group had arrived Aladdin created a magic circle and instructed Nerva to stay behind. T and the rest followed Aladdin into the magic circle and found themselves transported to an altered Sacred Palace. It seemed to be more of a jumbled world with multiple dungeons than the previous Sacred Palace. 

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