Chapter 31: Bonds

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The two that called themselves Ja'far and Yamuraiha left me alone to my thoughts. Where they telling me the truth? I mean, that King Sinbad guy seems shady, but I don't get the vibe that he'd hurt me. Just what is going on here? Should I try to sneak out? But then again, how was I possibly supposed to do that with nothing to defend myself with. You can use your staff you know? Huh? Who said that? It's me Ryu! Honestly did you forget about me too? That Undertaker guy is fu**** up!

Undertaker? Ahh! I clutched my head in pain. Blackened flashes of memory seemed to form in my head. A man holding a scythe was saying something that was inaudible to me. He rose his scythe and I was blinded by a light.

"T are you alright?!" I felt someone place their hands on my shoulders. I turned and saw King Sinbad. My head began to throb once more. The room was spinning and starting to blur...




(Memories from Long Ago)

"Ja'far! Where are you?!" I ran around deck looking for Ja'far. I was literally bored of not doing anything. Just then I caught a glimpse of Sinbad staring off into space. I ran up to him and gave him a back hug causing both of us to fall into the ocean. I gasped for air as I tried to swim, but nothing worked. For one, I really didn't know how to swim.

I closed my eyes not knowing what to do. I felt someone pull me up and soon I was met with fresh air once again. "What were you thinking?! You could have died!" I tried to laugh it off as Sinbad held me close. Sighing Sinbad hit me in the head and said, "Seriously! Take life seriously for once! We just left Artemyra without any casualties and now this!" "Sin! Hurry up and grab the rope." Sinbad sighed in annoyance and threw the rope at me, "Since you can't swim get up first". I nodded my head and quickly grabbed the rope.

Hinahoho covered me with a blanket and handed me some towels to dry myself. Sinbad didn't say anything and walked away. I sighed, I was just trying to play around. The trip back to the Trading Company was going to take a while and I was really bored. "T what were you thinking?" Ja'far sat by me and handed me some food. I sighed and looked down at my hands, "I didn't know we were going to fall over. I was just going to scare him because he seemed to be thinking too much about something."


(Sinbad's Point of View)

That stupid kid! What was he thinking? Well... I guess he's a she right? There has to be a reason why T was spared and not thrown into to that snake pit with us. Unlike Hinahoho, there's nothing T has to offer those girls. But why was T pretending to be a boy? Don't tell me she's into women?! Wait it makes sense now! She's a bit tomboyish and she doesn't like brothels! Wait, that doesn't really make sense, if she was into women she would go with me to brothels... But then what?


(Back to T's Point of View)

Just then the ship shook. I ran with Ja'far to see what was going on. Ja'far shielded me with his arm and whispered, "T stay behind me, these guys look dangerous" I did as he said. Turning to the men in pirate outfits, Ja'far said, "Who are you?" The man leaned against the pillar of his ship and said, "Lookie what we hav 'ere?!" Just then there was a huge explosion and I found myself being pushed against the wall. I didn't even have chance to see what was going on. There was chaos everywhere. I saw Sinbad Djinn Equip, but everything became black soon afterwards.

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