Unidentified Mini Chapter 3: The Undertaker

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This chapter might feel a little choppy, but that is because it is supposed to be a bunch of thoughts and memories. I had to make it complicated to understand because the later chapters will explain everything. I've hidden some hints though :p

Also, this chapter is very short!

Sinbad stared down at the spot where the undertaker had once stood. He sighed as he glanced back at T who was fast asleep. David's voice sounded in the back of his head, but he choose to ignore it. He thought to himself, 'when the first time he found out about T's secret was?"




(Sinbad's Point of View)

Hmm... I guess the first time I found out was when we were children, but I never gave it much thought. She- well at that time I thought she was a he... but he said odd things like computer and phone... I thought it was just a child making up words, but it all makes sense now that Aladdin showed us the past of Alma Toran. If he and Al Thamen were from another world, why couldn't even T follow suit?

But the Undertaker coming back complicates things... Only he knew the truth.




(Memories of the First Time Sinbad Met the Undertaker)

In the midst of the burning debris and ash stood a young man. Pure horror was plastered on his face as he held a bloodied dagger in his hands. His clothes were soaked with the same blood. Time was passing this young man in slow motion, he could not fathom what had just happened... In in a manner of minutes he did not just loose his country, he also lost part of his second family. The deafening screams were merely background noise as the young man stood covered in his best friend's blood. His (her) smile was all that he could remember, the calmness before he (she) died would haunt him for all of eternity.

"To think she would eventually die" The young man jolted up when he heard the ice cold voice. He turned towards the figure and saw a man with long grey flowing hair, eyes that glowed like beams, and wearing black clothes that were as black as death itself. He was holding a scythe that seemed to glow as it reflected the light of the burning country.

The young man took a step back and raised the dagger, "Wh-who are you?" The man seemed to ignore him as he walked up to the diseased girl's body. He raised his scythe up and stabbed her in the chest. The red blood covered the young Sinbad once again as he stared in horror. T's body began to vanish...

Once the body was completely gone the man carrying a scythe stared to walk away. Sinbad finally seemed rid himself of this cowardliness and ran in front of the man. The man stopped and faced Sinbad in annoyance. Sinbad glared at him and said, "What did you do to him?!" With an unamused face the Undertaker said, "What do you mean 'I did to him'? I'm the Undertaker, I just take those that have died back to their original world. And aren't you the one that did 'that' to him?" Sinbad widened his eyes and bit his lip. The Undertaker started to walk away again, but before he to vanished he turned to Sinbad and said, "I wasn't able to save this one, but don't involve those from another world in this world's problems. Filth like you in this world only cause problems for them and sometimes they end up having to pay the ultimate price for your mistakes. Isn't that right Sinbad?"




(Back to the Present- Sinbad's Point of View)

That's right he shouldn't be here. T died a long time ago and he took her back... There is no reason for him to be back because she had already been dead for many years... And I should know because I killed her...




[To Be Continued...]

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