Chapter 48: Kouen

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Her sighs, those of regrets and grief, echoed through the silent night. The darkened clouds above cloaked the moon like a viel hiding the charms of a beautiful yet cunning woman.

T sat by a pillar made of cold brick. She has brought he or knees to her chest as the fire cast eeriy shadows in the dimly lit room. Those shadows seemed to dance around T as if they were chanting a calamitous spell.

In fact, T did believe they were doing just that. As the shadows grew and the room seemed to darken, T grew even more frightened. She clutched her knees tightly to her chest and slowly closed her eyes.

David's atrocious voice seemed to get louder and louder. His voice seemed to have overpowered her as she shook in agony clutching her head.

She wanted to go home, she wanted to leave this desolate room. She was afraid.... She was hurt... But above all she was alone...

It has been a week since Kira and Saito (Emiya) had vanished. There was no sight of the two. It was as if they had been spirited away. Not even Hakuyuu or Hakuren had heard news of the two.

This seemed to have taken a toll on T as she slowly began to lose her mind. To her it was David's doing, to her he was winning, and to her he had her in chains.

She felt suffocated... She wanted to scream, but no one seemed to hear her cries for help...

They had changed... something about them had changed....

They're warmth seemed to have dissipated. All that was left was the uncomfortable chill of a cold winter's night.

The rukh.... their rukh... it's not the same... something must have happened... no... NO!!!! Don't tell me Arba and Sinbad broke into the Sacred Palace?! That-thag can't happen! He couldn't have done that! Why... just why did he do that? Does this mean he's on David's side again? T thought to herself as she stared down at the lights below.

The moonless night was ominous, but T knew something for certain. Just as the clouds has veiled the moon, Sinbad must have rewritten the rukh.

I have to find Aladdin! I need to stop Sinbad! I can't lose the family I worked so hard to get back!

With determination clear on her tear stained face she stood up and grabbed her coat.

She washed her face and stared at her reflection in the mirror. What stated back shocked her. In front of her was a woman that seemed to have suffered so much, but was still brave enough to confront the man that had caused her to suffer.

Sinbad... I love you and I promised to always be there for you, but there is no way that I will let you destroy the family we had created or the friends that we had made... Your goal is just, but your means of achieving it is faulty. You will kill others for a better future? You will sacrifice them? Sinbad, you have gone mad! Do you not care for those that have walked along the same path as you? Those that have triumphed over many obstacles yo reach the happiness they have now, does their hardwork and joy mean nothing to you?

I agree a future with no war is a great one, but if the people do not remember their past they are bound to make the same mistakes. You may control their rukh, but you will never control their hearts, just as you cannot control mine's.

I... I will stop you Sinbad... I will bring you back to the child I met when I first arrived to this world! I will erase the suffering you have felt... just... just please come back to me!

T clutched the fabric above her heart as her tears flowed down freely on her pinkish cheeks.


As the the skies above darkened even more T grabbed her staff and walked towards the window. Raising her staff towards the sky she created a transportation magic circle and disappeared into it.

She reaches the Kou Empire in no time and walked through the empty hallways until she reached where she assumed Aladdin was.

Without knocking she went in and woke Aladdin who jolted up in surprise once he saw her.

"T? What are you doing here?" He asked as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

T did not bother to sit down and replied, "Are you Aladdin or are you just another puppet controlled by Sinbad?"

Aladdin seemed shocked and shook his head, "I'm myself, but what do you mean by a puppet? You felt it too didn't you? That something had changed?"

T nodded her head and replied, "I think Sinbad and Arba have broken into the Sacred Palace. Sinbad seemed different too... he didn't feel human! I have to stop this! I have to save him! Aladdin what should I do? I don't want to lose him or the family we've created!"

Aladdin nodded his head, but just then the door flew open and Alibaba walked in. He seemed shocked and wet from the rain. He looked like he had seen a ghost as he said, "Mor... Morgiana broke up with me!"

T face palmed and Aladdin looked dumbfounded.


T decided to visit the island where Kouen and Kouha were locked up in. Aladdin had told her that Kouemi was able to get off of the island.

T wanted to see if Kouen would be able to help them. He was powerful enough and she knew he would be the only one other than Alibaba who would stand against Sinbad and bring the world back to where it should be.

As soon as she arrived she walks toward where she felt his rukh. Once she arrived at the old cabin she was shocked when Kouen opened it. He seemed to have aged which brought tears to her eyes.

Kouen seemed irritated at said in a hostile voice, " I'm not dead you know and there is a good chance I can kill you if I want!"

T chuckled and walked unas Kouen opened the door for her. She sat down on the table and Kouen asked, "you seem like you need sake? Do you?"

T shook her head, "I'm pregnant with twins, I don't think I should be drinking sake. Do you have water and some fruit?"

Kouen seemed shocked, but nodded his head and handed her some water and fruit.

Once she ate some fruit and drank the water she turned to Kouen and asked, "Will you be able to help us? Sinbad has broken into the Sacred Palace and rewritten everyone's rukh... I can't let him die Kouen! I can't let my family, friends, and everyone else die! He's planning to erase the world Nd build it anew! Something David had tried to do! I don't want him to go down that path! I-"

Tears started to flow down her cheeks as she tried to remain calm. She couldn't take it anymore. She was scared and didn't know who her allies would be.

Kouen walked up to her and pulled her toward his chest. T widened her eyes in shock but for some reason his warmth made her feel calm. She quietly sobbed into his chest as he held her close... he had loved her, but he knew he shouldn't... He knew that she would never be his, but he didn't care... at that moment he knew he would never forgive Sinbad for making her cry!


Deep in the mountain of a seemingly unknown land a child and man stood before the darkened rift.

The young child turned to the man, "Will she know where he is?"

Magi: A Twist in Time and Space 《Sinbad X Reader》 Where stories live. Discover now