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"Now give me a more dramatic expression! Yes, like that, you I want you to move aside and just think of something sad- a forlorn expression, yes, yes! Like that- just beautiful!" the light-haired photographer had exclaimed to me.

We were all at the beach, it was a hot day and surprisingly it was very relaxing. We were by the ocean and the tidal waves kept on coming in, making it a slippery process, but all in all, California wasn't that bad. The people here were nicer and really laid back, compared to New York. Although the modeling business seemed super fun, the makeup sure wasn't. For my last shoot with the Calvin Klein company, we didn't need makeup. But apparently I needed two layers of foundation, and eyeliner. They'd spritz water on my skin from time to time to give me a more dramatic look, I guess.

"Great, great- I'm loving the sad expressions, here," the guy told me, before putting down his camera, "you're free to go, send in the next model," he finished. As soon as he'd told me that, I walked away from the scene and bright lights and back to where we were all waiting around at. It was a large white tent that had stylists doing hair and makeup artists doing their thing. It was all very loud and I could hear the loud blaring sound of catwalk music coming from all over. Walking over to where I was before the scene I'd just come from. There, I saw familiar faces, Justin was elsewhere but I was starting to trust a few people that I was traveling with. There was Tony, who introduced me to Jaime, who was friends with Alex and Jack, who hung out with Brendon and Matty. Approaching the large group, they all greeted me silently.

"Uh, the photographer for the beach scene needs a new model," I said to them.

"Shit, we're next..." Alex muttered, which earned a laugh from the whole entire group. I watched as he nudged Jack and they soon walked off. I then sat on the white couch and groaned.

"Yo, what's up Kells, why the whale noises?" Asked Tony.

I laughed, sitting up, "nothing, nothing, just tired, you know?"

I saw Jaime nod, "trust me, we've all been there," he told me, before drinking out of his water bottle, but then he spit it out, "Tony, I told you to get me Fiji water, the hell is this?"

Tony chuckled at him, "Uh, the sparkles water or whatever the hell this even is sponsoring..."

Jaime rolled his eyes, "freaking turtle," he spoke. And then suddenly there was this huge issue about water and what water was and how it could be used in different ways.

Ignoring whatever situation was going on between Tony and Jaime fighting, I switched my position towards Matty, he looked off to the distance. I don't know why this question popped into my head, but I decided to ask, "do you know Vic?" I asked him. He then looked over to me and crossed his arms.

"Fuentes?" he asked, I nodded, his last name was Fuentes? I guess you really do learn something new everyday. Matty looked as if he was thinking about it.

"Popular in the industry, I guess," he said.

I crossed my arms, "what's he like personally?"

"Well...he's hella quiet," he started, "all about business...I've never seen him laugh, ever...and when we wanna' go out drinking or to a strip club or some shit like that he's always 'busy' or calling his girlfriend...he's got a lot of excuses. Come to think of it...I've never seen him smile, ever- only when he's talking to his girlfriend or...you, to be honest." Matty told me, and the end of what he said made me happy, a bit...I guess. But why? Shaking the feeling off, I sighed.

"He's like a brick wall, then?"

"Pretty much."


"Shit, i'm so done with this trip and it's only the first day!" Justin shouted, I chuckled lowly.

"Awh, whys' that?" I asked him. I was sharing a hotel room with Justin, Jaime, and Tony. Justin collapsed onto the bed.

"So many interviews, meetings...being a model is easy, you just stand there."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms, "I object."

"So do I," chimed in Jaime, then Tony, "and I," they both said, Tony walking into the bathroom and Jaime turning on the television.

It was really quiet in the room until Jaime spoke, "Hey, we should go to the carnival down at the beach, it'll be fun as hell, man..." he said. Justin disagreed with him, but Tony and I didn't.

"Alright," mumbled Justin, he ruffled a hand through his blond hair and gave me a lazy glare, "but no drinking, Kellin. I'm serious, remember last time?"

I sighed, "okay, Dad. Anymore rules?" I asked him playfully, earning a laugh from both Tony and Jaime.

Now it was Justin's turn to roll his eyes, "whatever, just don't die."


It was Jaime's idea to Invite Vic and Matty, and it was about to be my idea to mentally shoot myself. We'd all gathered and walked down to the beach, to where the carnival was being held at. Immediately we were met with the neon lights, and two Ferris wheels. The placed looked so inviting, there was so many tents that I lost count. When we bought the tickets for the rides and games- Matty went off on his own, I think he saw some girl and left. Jaime and Tony we're like two p's in and basically told us to meet them on at the funnel cake line after, because they wanted to go on the teacups and I didn't think that'd sit too well with my stomach, anyway.

But peering out from the corner of my eye, I noticed that Vic was off. He seemed upset and he wasn't talking like he usually was. I cursed myself for asking, but I wanted to know, "are you okay?" I blurted out. At first, I thought he didn't hear me but he spoke almost two minutes later, as we walked through the crowds of people, the night-like air hitting my skin.

"No," he spoke, "I' m not, what about you?"

I shrugged, "we could all be better..."

"I guess."

I exhaled, this was getting annoying, "Vic, seriously...I don't know you well enough but I'm not stupid, I know when something isn't right," I finished, as I stopped walking. But Vic kept on going, and that's when I knew something was definitely on his mind. I ran up to him and tapped his shoulder, "Vic?" I spoke, as he stopped walking, too, and finally met my eyes.

"What?" he asked me, his tone of voice emotionless, his eyes were red and he kept on blinking, to hold back...tears?

"Tell me what's up with you," I told him directly, pulling him over to a sitting area. It was in the middle of the food court and he pulled out a chair and sat next to me.

He closed his eyes, then sighed, before opening them again, "my girlfriend, that I was committed to, for months, was cheating on me the entire time with Justin Bieber. When I called her earlier today, he answered and I asked who it was, and he said it was her Boyfriend. Then I got confused for a second, and then I realized...she didn't love me, ever," he paused, and I watched as a small tear strolled down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away, "when I told her about it she wasn't even upset, 'I knew this was going to happen' was her exact words, and when I told her that I still loved her, she laughed. But you know, it's whatever."

I gazed into his tortured eyes, "I'm so sorry..." I whispered, "that's hard," I said to him.

He nodded, "I guess."

I shook my head, reaching my hand out to hold his, I knew it was wrong in so many perspectives and eyes but I had to tell him this, "you don't deserve this, okay? Life is just so short and you shouldn't have to waste your time thinking about some girl who cheated on you for money and publicity, Vic. Out there, is some loving, perfect, and understanding person who's going to like everything about you. I'm not that good at pep talks, because I receive them so much...but, that girl was horrible and...mean...and dumb, and stupid-"

I was about to go on, but I was cut off by him kissing me.

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