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A/n: OHMYGERARD thanks for all the comments! I really do enjoy seeing feedback from the story it feels like I'm actually writing to a crowd, and not a bunch of ghosts XD + this chapter and the one after is going to be a cute chapter with little to no drama, enjoy (:


It was my final day at the hospital. They ran all the tests, checked all my ribs and lower areas of my body, they did whatever they could and as much as I'd despised; I was pregnant. It was such an odd feeling and I couldn't believe that it was real. There was a human living inside of me, growing. I laughed to myself, as I sat in the wheelchair and waited for Justin to pick me up.

The lobby was empty and I took the time to speak to whoever was growing inside of me, "hey...buddy. It's your dad, Kellin," I started, not sure on whether I should continue my thoughts, but I decided against it, "and I'm l...I didn't really plan on having you so young...shit I'm only in my twenties, I mean fuck I shouldn't be cussing, shit- okay let me start over." I laughed to myself, before continuing my sentence with a sigh,  "nothing's funny, I don't know why I'm laughing. But I wanted to let you know that, even though I've never seen you before, or've even heard your breathe your first breath, I love you. You're going to be so perfect no matter what...I was so in shock when I found out that I was pregnant with you, you know? It's terrifying, finding out that you're suddenly growing something in your stomach. I'm trying to fixture out whether I regret sleeping with your dad or not, too." I cut myself off right there, as I peered down at my stomach. I wasn't fat but I'd defiantly gained a few pounds, being here in the hospital. I got my first ultrasound yesterday and I saw the fetus. It was real, it was moving, and so small.

I sensed someone walk in the lobby, and I almost shivered when I saw that it was Vic. He wore casual clothing, a grey sweater and fake jeans. He looked tired, and his hair was messy, but why was he the one picking me up? Vic sighed, "hi," he spoke. "Hi" ? That's all he had to say??

I rolled my eyes, "are you picking me up from the hospital? Where's Justin?" I asked him, as I wheeled myself over to him, as he took a seat.

He put a hand to his forehead, "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't plan on all of this happening to us," he faltered, "but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave you in this all alone. I'm not going to stay with you through this because it's the right thing do, I'm doing it because I'm your boyfriend and I care about you, a lot, Kellin. I want to be here for that kid growing inside of you," he  smiled, looking down at my stomach, "can I feel?"

I nodded, not being able to process anything, "okay," I said softly, when I grabbed his hand and put it over mine that was on top of my stomach. His hands were so big...bigger than mine, and they were so rough and hard, while mine where pale and small. I saw his face light up when he felt a slight movement. It wasn't a huge contraction, but it was something.

Vic then looked up at me and laced our fingers, "I want take you out tonight, anywhere...just; you and me," he said, "we can talk about whatever and I just- I want to get to know you better, Kellin."

He was being so sweet and I couldn't contain myself, it was a mix of emotions. The last time a guy had ever been like that to go out with me was when I dated Josh, in highschool. Memories of him kept coming back all of a sudden. Josh was the one who dated me as a joke and then embarrassed me for all my four years of high school, he caused everything for me...he destroyed me. It could happen again.

I then quickly left my hand from his, "we can't, I can't do this."

He had a torn expression, "what, why not?"

I bit my lip, "Vic...what if you break my heart, huh? What am I going to do if we're so strong and then all of a sudden you don't want me anymore? What am I going to do if I fuck up and you start to age me? Then all of that time would be a waste-"

"I won't do those things," Vic mumbled to me, as he stroked the side of my face, "trust me."

I shook my head, "But-"

He cut me off with a soft, light, but tense, kiss. I felt my muscles relax as his lips were in sync with mine and he tasted like he always did. He was a great kisser, and he always made me melt inside when he Initiated them. Vic then pulled away from me slowly, "calm down, alright?" He said slowly, "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered to me with a slight smirk.

I looked into his dark brown eyes full of emotion. I poured out my soul in these words as I asked him, "d-do you promise?" I asked hesitantly, "cause I can't take the on and off bullshit and the fighting- it's too much, and-"

"Kellin, I won't hurt you, I promise."

I nodded silently, "fine, I trust you."


Riding in Vics car was nice, but it want as nice as riding him. I laughed to myself, I shouldn't be thinking like that...not after what happened to me. I peered out of the glass window and gazed at the city going by. I still wasn't used to California yet, I hadn't gone back to New York yet and I'm excited, but then again my life was going to be really boring considering that I'm going to be having a child in seven months.

"What if I'm in a dream, and when I wake up...ill be back in Michigan again, with my mom waking me up at six, telling me to go to school and...what if this is all fake?" I asked Vic solemnly.

"What brought this on?"

"I don't know," I sat up straighter, "I just can't believe everything, you know?"

"Well I think you should make the best out of it, you know? I was really fucking surprised when that doctor said that you were pregnant, but I thought about it, and I figured that you're still the same person, and I'm not going to be a dick and abandon you."  Vic said. I didn't respond to him, I couldn't. I just couldn't thank him enough or put into words how much I was really starting to be attracted to him. He was slowly easing his was into my heart and that's what I was afraid of.

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