Chapter 4

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"Roadtrip, Documentary: Day Two." I heard Jesse's voice as i woke up. I didn't want to wake up yet, so i just kept my eyes shut. Jesse's voice sounded like he was the narrarator from Grave Encounters. Ew. "And here we see the Nicole Ryder, sleeping in it's natural habitat. But we must be quiet, animals of the Prodigy phylum are vicious when threatened of sleep deprivision."

"Also when insulted by amphibians of the Neighbourhood species," i heard Katie responded, yawning. "Why are you even up? it's-" she paused, probably checking the time. "Eight O' clock." she shuddered. wait. did i just let Jesse film me sleeping? Crap. i probably look terrible. i opened my eyes-or tried to. you know when you've just been sleeping for so long your eyes literally feel glued shut? yep.

"I have my reasons. Did you just call us amphibians?" Jesse asked in a weird tone. i finally managed to get my eyes open, and i sat up in my seat and stretched. well, as well as i could crammed between Liam and Jesse. these boys need to lose some muscle so i can breathe. but not really because theyre perfect the way they are.

"Good morning," i say to everyone who's awake which so far is Me, Jesse, Katie, Zayn who's now driving, Callie, and now Liam since i may or may not have accidentally slapped him in the face when i stretched.

"Say hello to my leetle friend," Jesse held his camera up to my face. i strategically fake sneezed into the lens.

"I am allergic to cameras, get that thing away from my epidermus!"

"Did you really just refer to your face as your 'epidermus'?" Liam asked, making air quotes around epidermus. before i could answer, Jesse interrupted with more of his documentary business.

"Ah, and the first mammal classified in the One Direction kingdom has awoken,"

"Hey, I'm awake!" Zayn pretended to be offended.

"I'm really glad, mate, you are the one driving. Now shut up, some of us are trying not to be awake." Louis said, sounding genuinely annoyed.

"Jess, can you actually stop with all the science?" Katie complained.

"And can you not keep shoving your phone in my face?" i said. He stifled a laugh, and looked at Liam, who just grinned back. "Why don't you just focus on a more interesting topic, like..." i looked up front for something for him to document. nothing interesting. i looked behind me to the back seats. Bingo. I smirked and motioned to the seat behind me. "Them."

"Dude that's perfect, look at them!" he said excitedly. Quinn had her head on Zach's shoulder, and Zach's head was on hers.

"Well aren't you guys cute," i said in a baby voice. i may have said it a little loud, because Quinn's eyelashes fluttered a little. Zach sleeps like a rock though.

"Cute like your face." Jesse said to me.

"I know," i smile and do the cupcake thing. Jesse cracks up and turns the camera toward himself for a second. he wiggles his eyebrows and turns it back towards me. I'm starting to actually get really suspicious. all this camera attention, comments about my face. the eyebrows. "Jesse James Rutherford, what is wrong with my face, tell me this instant." i say, death dripping from my voice.

"I didn't-It wasn't-It was Bryan and Liam, I swear!" he chokes out, barely being able to get a word out he's laughing so hard.

"What?!" Liam yells. sighing i take out my phone and look at my reflection in the black screen. seeing the damage, i close my eyes and take a deep breath before looking at Jesse the devil Rutherford. i put on the straightest face i can muster up and confront his mischeviousness.

"It's on, Rutherford!" i yell, looking into his phone's camera. "Did you hear that?" I ask the possible viewers. "Jesse's gonna die!" and then i pretend to straighten my nicely drawn french mustache start tickling Jesse. My plan goes fine until he speaks up.

"Dude, I'm not ticklish," he says boredly, making me stop.

"Well fuck," i say, knowing what was coming next.

"Hold this," he hands his phone to Liam and starts tickling me so much that i cannot breathe. this is a problem because i begin making unattractive seal noises and i have athsma. but luckily he stops really soon because Zach.

"What are you doing Jess?" Zach asks from behind, sounding exceptionally weirded out.

"The question should be, what were you doing, Z man?"

"I'll tell you what I was doing," Katie pipes in, pretending to shoot herself in the side of the brain. "You two need to chill with the PDA." Zach looks extremely confused, and Quinn isn't even listening, she's poking Niall in the face, and he's just woken up.

"Anyway," i say, turning the right way in my seat again.

"Where are we going?" Bryan asks groggily from the other side of Jesse.

"Wonderland," Callie tells him from up front.

"Neverland is better." Louis says in a disapproving tone.

"I'm hungry," Quinn says loudly. Trust those to always be the first two words out of Quinn Palmer's mouth in the morning.

"Yeah, can we eat?" Mikey agrees.

"I third that motion," Niall nods.

"I fourth fifth and sixth it for me, Jeremy and Harry." Bryan says, accounting for the sleeping.

"I'm awake!" Dylan suddenly yells. she has a tendency to do that when she wakes up. she just yells things. it's an annoying habit, and Katie has spoken rudely for all of us more than once. it wakes us up at 12:00 on saturdays, why wouldn't we hate it?

"Food," i repeat in case Zayn didn't get the message.

Trust Me: A Jesse Rutherford Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now