Chapter 7

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Do i go up to him? What's Callie doing? She can't have feelings for Jesse, i know that much. She has a boyfriend. And his name is Peter. They're pretty in love. And I'm sure he wouldn't be too happy if he saw this.. I took a deep breath and squeezed through the thick crowd over to them. I stood a few feet away at first, thinking over what i wanted to say to him. I have to tell him. Louis was right. I took another deep breath and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around quickly, as if he'd been anticipating it. Our gazes met. I was the first to break eye contact, though i could feel his stare penetrating my mind, seeing into me.

"I need to talk to you," I said nervously, knowing what i was about to do. The reaction could go either way. It could be complete rejection or acception.

"Okay," Jesse said, his eyes still watching me carefully, especially for someone who just drank. I guess he hadn't had as much as I'd thought. I walked away from the intensifying dancing, Jesse following. I turned around when we were far enough away and faced him. I didn't want to have to repeat myself.

"I have to tell you something," I started, twisting my fingers together. I bit my lip and looked at him quickly before continuing. "Jesse," I sighed. "I really, really.." Jesse lifted my chin with his hand to meet his eyes. I couldn't. And that's when I knew that i couldn't say it. No matter how much i felt it, the words wouldn't come out. "Have to go," I rushed the last part of my sentence, thinking of somethig different to say. I turned my head suddenly from his grasp and swiftly walked towards the door to the club. I didn't bother looking behind me because I knew what I'd see. An irresistable boy with a confused face that i could do nothing but spill everything to. And that's exactly what i didn't want to do. Louis only said i had to know what my heart wanted. He never said i had to say it. It was dark outside, and cold for July. Paparazzi were still crowded outside the entrance, waiting for a story. They all looked up as soon as i stepped outside the doors. I tried my best to hide my face, but it was too late. they were on their feet in a heartbeat.

"Nicole, Are you seeing anyone?"

"Nikki, over here!"

"Where is everyone else?"

"Nicole, where are you going?"

"Have you and your bandmates been sleeping around with the members of The Neighbourhood and One Direction?" There was a moment of silence after the comment, and i gritted my teeth but kept walking. The silence quickly ended as other reporters asked more questions.

"Nicole, are you in a relationship with Jesse Rutherford from The Neighbourhood?" And that was when i started running. I kept running until i knew I'd lost them. I had no idea where i was going. I stopped when i got to an small alleyway and stepped inside it. I shivered from the cold, wishing I'd brought a jacket. I rubbed my arms, trying to keep warm when I heard a gunshot. I screamed, the shot was so close i could hear it echoing in my ears. And then someone grabbed my arm...

Trust Me: A Jesse Rutherford Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now