Chapter 10

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"Where are we even going?" I asked noone in particular as Jesse started up the van. I was sitting shotgun, so my question was moreso aimed at Jess.

"Yeah, where are we going?" Zach asked, hearing me. Jesse looked at me from his seat, giving me a 'look what you did now' stare.

"You're not allowed to know," I called back. I wouldn't be surprised if he was pouting back there. But I didn't really care enough to turn around and see. Jesse suddenly leaned forward and pushed the on button for the radio He then proceeded to crank the volume higher than necessary. I stared at him, half annoyed, half curious. Okay, 70/30, mostly annoyed. He looked at me long enough to mouth the words "House party" and "Friend of ours"

I nodded, and sat back in my seat, happy to know our destination. But then he made no move to turn down the volume on the radio. Sensing my annoyance, or probably seeing the look on my face, he quickly turned the radio back off.

I sat back in my seat and thought about things. Which wasn't the best idea because I started thinking about Jesse. Which was really uncomfortable because he was sitting right next to me. I wanted to know where we stood. because if Quinn had been about to say what I think she was about to say, It would mean he wanted to be more than friends. Which is an idea I was not opposed to. But what if she'd been about to say something else? What about Niall? Did Jesse see him kiss me that night? Would he even care if he had? he seemed pretty upset when he came over to us. but that could've been about something else. I could've just been dreaming it. I let that last thought sink in before resting my head against the window. I decided to try and sleep a little since we would likely be up pretty late, I didn't know how long of a car ride it would be, and if i did stay up any more, it would only cause anxiety.

>>---------------> <---------------<<

"Nikki," Someone whispered softly. I was in that state of mind between deep sleep and wakefulness. "Nik." I felt the person's face against mine, talking directly into my ear. "It's time to wake up, we're here." I recognized the voice as Jesse's. I could wake up to this every morning. I opened my eyes slowly, wanting the moment to last. But if he could tell that like he somehow always can then I was probably going to either shoot myself or live a life of eternal embarrassment. Jesse seems to always be able to tell what I'm thinking. And with that, I stop myself from thinking altogether as I set my eyes on his cute happy face staring at me from the door of the passenger's side.

"Mornin'," I say, yawning, even though it's around 6pm.

"Come on," he laughs, helping me up and out of the front seat like a gentleman. Everyone else is waiting as a group for us to all go in together.

"It's kind of a surprise party," Jesse whispers in my ear, gesturing toward a blindfolded Zach. "We put that on him a while after you fell asleep." he informed me. We made our way up to the steps, and Bryan opened the door, which was probably left unlocked for us. Inside was really dark. we could barely see anything, besides the little light coming from the doorway. In that light, I saw Jeremy un-blindfold Zach. And then we just stared. Suddenly, the lights turned on, and everyone jumped out of their hiding places, successfully scaring us all. And my heart froze as i saw someone I'd hoped I wouldn't have to meet. She ran up and hugged the life out of Jesse as he yelled

"Devon!" She hung onto him for what seemed like a really long time before congratulating the birthday boy, but going right back to Jesse. Everyone else was there, too. Kendall, Sydney, Nicole, Lauren, Hunter, and a few others. But none of them intimidated me like Devon. Why?

She's Jesse's ex.

Trust Me: A Jesse Rutherford Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now