Chapter 15

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I stood in the shadows of the bonfire, staring at the paper that had just caused a schism in the only relationship i had truly wanted. I knew I should have ripped it into a million pieces then and there and thrown it into the ocean. But I hesitated. And that brief hesitation turned into a thought. That maybe the person on the other end of this number might help me through what I was feeling. Maybe He'd just be a friend. I had made my decision. The numbers were blurry from my fallen tears, and the tears yet to fall, but it didn't take me long to dial. I breathed in and pressed the green button at the bottom of the screen. I breathed out as it rang.

"Hello?" Came the familiar irish accent.

"Hi, Danny? It's Nikki."

>>---------------> <---------------<<

"Where are you going?" Dylan asked me, sitting with Niall on the couch of the hotel room. Jesse was silently preparing cereal in the kitchenette, Mikey beside him. I didn't know how to answer. Jesse was right there.

"M-meeting up with a friend," I stuttered. Jesse looked up from what he was doing with an expression i couldn't quite read. He wasn't angry. It was more like he was thinking 'Oh.'

"Okay. Have fun," Dylan half smiled, exchanging a glance with Mikey and Niall. I swiveled on my heels and walked out of the door. I stood for a moment to take a deep breath, then continued out of the hotel to where I'd meet Danny. Was I making a mistake? I expelled the question from my brain almost as soon as it entered.

>>---------------> <---------------<<

I walked to the coffee shop Danny would be at, not at the liberty of being able to take the van. Bry had the keys. I didn't mind though, it was just down the block from the hotel we were staying at. I stopped at the head of the street it shouldve been on, searching the signs above the stores for the name of the small town shop. I spotted it in the middle of the three shops before the intersection, across the street. I crossed the street, anticipating my meeting with the oh-so famous Danny O'Donoghue. I pushed open the door of the quaint brewery, spotting Danny in the very left corner table. I smiled and started over to him.

"Sorry I'm late," I apologized.

"Don't worry, You're on time," He told me. "I was early."

"So what's up?" I sat down across from him.

"Well, we had a show here last night. It was on the beach pretty far down on this outdoor stage, so it was cool." He said.

"I've always wanted to have a show on the beach. It just seems like it would set such a good vibe to the whole atmosphere, you know?"

"Yeah," He agreed, understanding. "Why don't we walk to the beach?" he proposed the idea. "It's not too far away."

"What about coffee?" I asked as he got up.

"It comes in a portable cup you know," Danny laughed, heading to the front. There wasn't a line, which I was grateful for.

"What can I get for you?" The barista asked, brushing her bangs from her eyes.

"I'll have an iced mocha please," I said, putting a five dollar bill on the counter.

"I'll have a hot mocha," Danny told her, doing the same. We talked to eachother about how our summers were going as we waited for our coffees to be ready. My summer contained a lot more of Jesse Rutherford than I realized. But i banished him from my mind, still angry and hurt at what he'd done, and not wanting to have an unintentional frown at what Danny was saying, or worse, shed a tear.

"Here you go," The barista handed us our respective beverages. We thanked her for them, then exited the coffee shop.

"Which way is the beach?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee through the clear straw.

Trust Me: A Jesse Rutherford Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now