Chapter 30- Halloween Friday, October 31, 2014

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After of another week of being bedridden, Derek is finally back at school. Thankfully, people have ignored me more, but unfortunately the freshmen are getting the burns more. Of course, we get sneers and a comment or two, but they're not as frequent as they were in the beginning of the year. I helped Derek catch up in all of his schoolwork, so that he may receive at least a C plus or above in his classes.

As for our relationship, it couldn't be stronger than ever. I'm sleeping in the same bed again, though we haven't had sex in a long time, we make it work, by hanging out like old times. We would talk to resolve any conflict we have with each other(not that there were a lot) as we love each other more than whatever problems we have. We're still close to each other 24/7, but we give each other some space and privacy. It feels nice.

Now we're getting ready to go trick or treating with Derek's younger sibling and step-sibling for the entire night. I don't care how ridiculous I look in this pumpkin costume. It's Halloween and it is one of the only few less embarrassing maternity outfit that I can fit in.

I rubbed my grown stomach as I think about how much close I am to meet my baby. I'm super excited yet I'm still nervous at the same time. I don't want to fail this person's young life and I want to be there for him or her all the time. It all takes nine weeks left. I can't believe how fast time has passed. It feels like it was yesterday that I bought my pregnancy test at CVS and dealt with the judgemental stares from the people at the pharmacy store. It was worth it though.

I smirked as I noticed Derek staring at me, probably thinking the same thing.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"Look at you. You look so adorable in your costume." My sweetheart said, coming over to wrap his arms around my waist from behind. He kissed my cheek as he stared at our reflection.

"As do you. That pirate costume kinda turns me on." She commented, turning her head at me to look me up and down. "Oh really? Say that one more time and this whole thing will turn arrrg-rated very soon." He joked.

"Ha ha, very funny." I said, sarcastically at the terrible pun. "What are you going to do? Finger me with that fake hook of yours? Or should I say, hooker me?"

Ow, okay. That was worse.

"Ha ha. That's actually a good term for it, but no. I'm not going to 'hooker' you or anything for a long time. Not until I see the baby's face. Even after that I'll wait for you." He said.

Awww, he's so sweet.

"Good." I said with a smile as I kissed his lips. I broke the kiss and looked back in the mirror as I covered my plump lips with dark pink lip gloss. "Are you ready?"

"Are you sure about this? You're due in nine weeks, shouldn't you be taking it easy?" Derek asked, rubbing my shoulder. He's been doing that a lot whenever I am going through something. It works. It eases some of the stress away. "We can always stay home and watch a movie."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I rather go out when I can. It's not like I'm bedridden or anything." I stated the obvious.

"Don't jinx it." He warned.

"I'm not. I promise you, Derek, everything will be fine." I assured him.

After all, it's Melly, bitch.

He smiled at my words. "Fine. Let's go then."

He grabbed his my Halloween bag and keys.

"Let's!" I exclaimed in excitement as I grabbed my boyfriend's pale hand and rushed us out the door.


"Trick or treat!" We all chanted to the old lady who opened the door for us. We smiled as we opened our Halloween bags towards her to receive our candies.

"Oohh! How adorable you guys are!" The lady commented on our costumes.

While I was dressed as a pumpkin and Derek was a pirate, John is dressed like Waldo from Where's Waldo and Mia is dressed as Elsa from Frozen.

"Here you go." She said as we watched with eager eyes as she filled us up with various of sweets that will give us cavities before the night ends.

"Thank you!" We chanted before left the house for the next one.

"It's kind of hot tonight." John commented.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you go out in long sleeves while you go trick or treating in California. You know one of the warmest states in the country?" I pointed at the obvious.

"You didn't have to be rude about it." He muttered under his breath.

"That wasn't even rude. She was just stating the obvious." My boyfriend defended me.

John mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, when I said, "Look it's nice night. We're with a toddler. Let's not fight about something irrelevant right now. Okay?"

We all agreed as we knocked on someone else's homes for treats. We continued until we reach to end of the neighborhood, until I checked the time and realize it is passed Mia's bedtime.


"So how's Debbie? I haven't seen her in a long time." I asked John as I passed the popcorn bowl around as we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas in our parent's' living room.

We were watching John Sparrow singing to his town about holiday in Christmas town.

"Kidnap the Sandy Claws

Tie him in a bag

Throw him in the ocean

Then see if he is sad." Lock, Shock, and Barrel sang on the screen.

"She's good, she's good. We're having a bit of a problem right now, but we're good." John answered.

"Why? What's wrong?" Derek asked.

Neither of us likes that girl, but we know what she means to John. He hangs out a lot with her and his friends as Derek and I do the same with the Black Pliers. I have a strong tolerance for love, so as long as no one gets hurt.

"Eh, she likes attention and doesn't like it when I hang out with you guys as you know there's the tension that you guys have since freshman year. Not a big deal. I think it could be resolved, or at least I hope it does." John explained.

"That sucks, man." His older brother commented.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I hope things work out." I said.

"It's fine. It's fine. Nothing for you guys to worry about. Let's just watch the movie." John said, shaking his head as he brushed his relationship problems under the rug.

Derek nodded his head, before he turned it back to screen. I laid my head on his shoulder as he laid his on top of mine, feeling a bit bad for making my brother-in-law the third wheel. We watched the movie with little to no conversation for the rest of the night as we binged on popcorn.  

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